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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. *ahem* Look here, people... in Bionifight Ultimate, Pupwa didn't win an item called the Troll Scepter for nothing, now did he?
  2. In my humble opinion, that's too much of a sacrifice. Villagers are wimps; how about reviving one every other night or something? Or every four nights, perhaps, but zombies retain original roles? And then you could have, like, three necromancers, each one of neutral alignment. Add Village and the Mafia, and you've got a six-way undead butchery fest. That'd be pretty cool.
  3. Zombie. Someone should make a Mafia game with zombies XD BIONICLE + Mafia + Zombies = Village lose
  4. At least 4 people saw that Vox was innocent. If a role was leaked (as it was), there would be absolutely no reason to believe it was leaked incorrectly. In the interest of defending my position; isn't there a Mafia role in this game that shows up as a Villager when investigated? The 'Sneaky Bro' or something?
  5. Eh, why would Mafia, operating on a limited budget, buy weapons therewith? They can already kill people as it is; if I were a Mafian, I'd definitely choose armor over weaponry. Of course, if I had enough money, I'd buy both, but anyways-- Just sayin'. We'll kill you next time. Maybe Burnmad, too.
  6. You could do it with notepad. I personally prefer utilizing MS Word, but yeah, Notepad works too. Character stats are text documents, see, so anything that can open and edit such a document will work fine. In theory.
  7. Oh yes, that's what I'm talking about! Down, down with the interfering Umbralines! Down, down, down with peace and order and dusty antique relics on the throne! This is gonna be epic.
  8. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Kepler 1077d / forest / half-track Wulf worked the action on his assault rifle, triple-checking its operation. Smooth as a Slugperson's lie, and twice as quiet, the gleaming gunmetal slid and locked, slid and locked again. Behind the shadowed visor of the riot helmet, tawny eyes gleamed against the darker tan of the privateer's scarred facial structures, and the air hissing through the ventilation ducts of the half-track bore the sharp clean primal scent of an ageless forest. For aeons past and gone, the breath of the wild had stirred the cores of its sentient kin, and here, the man named Kharon felt whole once more. Tech would come and tech would go, and kingdoms rise and fall, but never while life lasted, would the barbarian heartbeat cease to throb in the veins of its own, and he, space pirate extraordinaire of an intergalactic underworld that cankered the very stars, nonetheless felt its fury and its beauty call and echo in his blood. He was the wolf in the shadows, the silent killer... not a warrior, but simply a predator. No more... no less. And here, gods willing, he would hunt.
  9. OOC: Just so y'all know, I'll be absent over the weekend. Hopefully nothing too imperative occurs during that time; if it does, feel free to do some minor bunnying of Wulf in any way necessary. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 1 / Hanger Wulf studied the holographic map carefully, meticulously, filing away the details but not yet offering any comment or reaction of his own; save that, the female Mantis's bloodthirsty little quip did amuse him slightly, to the extent of a faint sardonic smirk twisting the corner of his mouth. Somewhere back in the wary shadows of his mind, however, the privateer did suddenly wonder if the question had been quite so out-of-place, so entirely irrelevant, as it had seemed to be. But he didn't say anything.
  10. Something seems fishy here... the ice pick clue is pretty conclusive, I'd say, except... why did Burnmad seem unnerved by it? Still and all, though; voting Voxumo. I can always switch later.
  11. OOC: Wait times, subplot inactivity; intolerable. Must keep things alive, in some form or another. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ta-Wahi / Charred Forest The green-eyed Su-Toa continued to watch, amused but interested, as the-- The eddying wind, hot with the scent of far-off flame and volcanic ash, stirred abruptly against her, and from the burned and blackened trees above, a lithe and rugged shadow dropped. "Not our battle. Ga-Koro. Remember?" Half reluctantly, she nodded, and smiled briefly at the Toa of Air, and then the two faded once more into the charred and lonely thickets, vanishing as noiselessly, as easily, as they had come. Their journey had been long; e'er it ended, it would be longer still. OOC: Rhea and Nero to Ga-Wahi, by way of wilderness paths, trade routes, and the like.
  12. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / portside airlock "...as if any plan doesn't." muttered Wulf under his breath. But he went ahead and ducked quickly out from behind the metallic shelter of the overturned table, snapped a few quick assault rifle bursts towards the nearest hostile, ducked quickly back. A moment later, he deliberately repeated the risky maneuver, knowing that at least a few of the pirates would have locked in their focus on his location.
  13. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / portside airlock The privateer's helmet hummed warningly, onboard ventilation fans kicking into high gear, as dense billows of smoke roiled outwards through the corridor, accompanied by a hasty spattering return volley of pirate gunfire. Stun energy, by the look and sound of it. At almost the same instant, his own weapon's firing pin clacked home on an empty chamber; the thirty-two round mag was empty, leaving him with but a single viable option for the moment. Draw back, recalibrate... retaliate. Ducking for full cover behind the combined bulk of the two battling titans, Wulf reloaded the rifle in exactly one point seven five two seconds, swapping magazines with the deft, instinctive surety only experience can grant, then swung it back up and sent a brutal, scything burst into the crippled Engi's skull and neck area.
  14. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / portside airlock Taking a calculated step sideways, Wulf Kharon shifted his centre of mass into the relative cover presented by Ovechkin's granite-skinned bulk. In case of return fire, heavily-armored Rockmen worked wonderfully as meat-shields; he knew from experience. Use your comrades' skin to save your own? Pirate Life Lesson #3. Assault rifle cradled firmly in vise-like hands, Wulf began systematically squeezing off quick, chattering bursts into the clustered band of hostiles, focusing in particular on the two or three nearest him.
  15. OOC: I dunno; as long as it's realistically feasible, I suppose you could assume that yes, you've been issued basic Federation melee weapons. We've got a very well-stocked Armory, after all. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / portside airlock "Attack now. I've hacked external airlocks myself; if you know what you're doing, you can get it done fast, real fast. Too fast for either of us to chance an Armory run..." Sliding open the airlock's internal-side control panel, Wulf briskly punched in the appropriate commands, preparing to unseal the heavy metallic barrier. "If it's a firebomb you want, though, you could do as the pirates do. Go in swinging, then improvise. Ever seen what happens when you rupture the plasma storage tank on a portable boarding torch?"
  16. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / portside airlock "Me? no." A faint sardonic grin. "But that's neither here nor there, I reckon. What's important now is, how the are we going to block this corridor? They'll shoot us down like ducks in a barrel, unless..." The heavy scars on his jaw twitched suddenly as a thought, sheer genius in its breathtaking lunacy, struck him; beneath the helmet's shadowed visor, eyes gleamed starkly, abruptly cold. "Unless... we hit them first. They won't be expecting it, not at all... we can open that door from our side in milliseconds; we'd have the split-second advantage of surprise; we could take out the hackers like ninepins, blow out of the dropship's insides at point-blank range, and then reseal the door and leave the dropship docked as an... improvised obstacle to further breaching attempts. What say, Old Man Granite? Best defense, a good smashing offense?"
  17. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / portside airlock "!" And then Wulf was moving, lithe and enormous under the stark white glare of the interior lighting systems, running with his weight balanced easily forward on the balls of his feet, bootsteps beating a loping predator's gait into the eerie silence. Sliding the heavy 9mm revolver back into its holster as he ran, the privateer brusquely switched armament, unlimbering instead the standard Federation issue assault rifle that he had worn slung across his back ever since the Mantis incident back at Galaxy's End. In the rifle's magazine nestled thirty-two brass-jacketed armor-piercing rounds; enough, at this range, to take down practically anything that moved and breathed. Wulf's tawny eyes glittered, hawk-like beneath the visor of his riot helmet. Let them come.
  18. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / aft section "Roger that, computer." grunted Wulf Kharon absently, already stalking off down the empty corridor along his assigned beat.
  19. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / Storage Exactly what a six foot nine inch ex-pirate was doing in the Deck 2 storage room, was uncertain. Although the half-consumed wedge of freeze-dried pizza in his fist just might have had something or other to do with it. You can take a thief out of water, but you cannot make him drink. Or something like that. Whatever. ... "Computer!" barked the grey-clad Senior Spaceman, hastily gulping down the last tasty morsel of super supreme Italian and scrambling for his 9mm revolver. The heavy sidearm was loaded, ready, lethal... as always. "What's my assigned battle station for this incident?" OOC: I'm baaaaack!
  20. Perfectly understandable. I think this expression is almost a cliche by now, but... Real Life > BZPower. No worries, man.
  21. Yes. So much agreement. I've always been exceedingly picky concerning fan artwork concerning the BZPRPG, and in all due honesty, your style is squarely at the head of my list, with Vezok's Friend scoring a close second. I've always preferred a somewhat more mechanical design; something very distinctly BIONICLE, even with the bio/mech ratio shifted heavily in favor of organics. But I begin to digress. Splendid work, as always.
  22. For what it's worth, just a quick heads-up here; I'll be gone this coming Wednesday through Sunday, exact times of departure/return unclear. So I haven't forgotten y'all, just don't expect anything from Wulf for a while. (his next post is gonna involve wringing the neck of a stupid interfering ferret, ah ha ha haaa)
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