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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. Thank you. It's never too late to shed some blood, my friend. If you're on the list of current Bionifighters, you may certainly join us. I'll probably kill your inactive character if you don't, anyways, so... Well, alright then. I'm relieved we can work this out peaceably. In future, I'll make sure to try and keep an ever closer eye on things with regard to all-around 'cool' factor, and do my very best to make sure everyone's having just as fine a time as I am. Incidentally, what color do you generally portray Chaos energy as being? I forgot; I think it's a sort of lime green?
  2. OOC: Please note that, for the duration of this round, the Shadowhawk is not technically a 'Bionifighter'. He is a 'boss'. Which is something entirely different. Ergo, please also note that, for the duration of this round, I am not exactly a player, per say; I am merely the person who is running the boss. If the boss was, for instance, the titan lord Khronos, instead of the Shadowhawk, would you be just as disgruntled as you seem to be now? What's in a name, I ask you? Are you inclined against me because of past memories you have of the Shadowhawk as a character, or truly because you think I'm not playing 'fair'? Additionally, I'd just like to point out that your Bionifighter isn't the only one who looks rather 'weak and pathetic' when stacked up against a Bioniboss. Everyone does; in all actuality, your character is probably the second most formidable, after Blade's, in terms of damage dealt and IC annoyance caused. So please, don't take offense when none is intended. Just because the Shadowhawk doesn't cry and grovel and take five damage every time your character throws a Chaos Spear at him, doesn't mean your character's attacks are being ignored. That said, if you want to be disgruntled, I'm not going to try and stop you. But neither am I going to react, respond, or alter my actions in any way. My job is not to make your character look cool, or to pander to everyone's feelings; my job is to accurately roleplay the part of a sickeningly overpowered boss villain, which, judging by your comments and the comments of others, I seem to be doing a rather decent job of. Such a boss is designed to make you hate it, is it not? If there's anything else you'd like to say about the way I'm running the Shadowhawk, take it up with one of the two hosts. They're the ultimate authority in all such matters, and well capable of making wise and just decisions. IC post later.
  3. IC: [ Zakaro ZMB ] - [ 4/5 HP ] The zombie staggered momentarily (-1 HP), then gave a rattling roar of fury through Zakaro's splintered windpipe and, wrenching free of the vines that clutched at it, stomped heavily towards Blade with the sudden mindless purpose of smashing the latter's brains to pulp and then drinking them. Out of a purple cup, with a purple drink umbrella and a purple straw. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 203/280 HP ] - Grim reaper The Shadowhawk didn't bother responding vocally; quite plainly, the defiant duo were too far below his own intellectual capacity to understand his threats. What a great pity; he did so enjoy an intelligent conversation. Slogging grimly forwards, slashing and hacking and kicking his way through ice constructs, lingering magnetism effects, and various clumps of irate vegetation (-1 HP), the necromancer drew nearer and nearer to Blade. Even a particularly potent blast of Chaos energy (-3 HP) didn't slow him down, though it certainly hurt.
  4. OOC: Yep. Ultimate Weapons can be terribly annoying, can't they? Don't feel too terribly bad, though; you forced me to use up two of them on you, if that's any consolation.
  5. IC: [ Zakaro ZMB ] - [ 5/5 HP ] Responding with unprecedented speed and coordination, the zombie lurched nimbly to one side, half-tripping as sturdy roots sprang from the dust and grappled its lower body. The energy shield carved a neat gouge straight into the undead shoulder flesh, hampering the strength of the right arm, but dealt no technical damage. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 207/280 HP ] - Evil unchained, shadow unleashed "Terrified silence would be more suited for the both of you," intoned the Shadowhawk coldly, "than this foolishly valiant rot you insist on venting." Left-hand talons flashing, he slashed Blade's icicle straight out of the air, but didn't try particularly hard to evade the lightning bolts and ranged Chaos Spears (-3 HP)... no, he had other things on his mind. And what a ruthless mind it was, indeed. Intelligent, and educated, and keen; but utterly evil. Ten feet behind him, lying abandoned on the earth, the Kanohi Ignika of Undeath suddenly flared to brilliant life, siphoning off every last trace of Pulse's life force and killing the hapless Bionifighter instantly.
  6. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 210/280 HP ] - Evil unchained, shadow unleashed The Shadowhawk shrugged off the various energy attacks hurled against him (-3 HP), never shifting his smoldering gaze from Pulse. Inky shadows swirling about him like thunderclouds, he threw up his hands and drew the Kanohi Ignika of Undeath from the ash-hazy desolate skies, talons flashing cold silver as he spun it ominously on his fingertips. "This ends here, Pulse. This battle wearies me; the sooner you die, the sooner your friends shall join you." The mask spun once more; then his grip shifted and golden light exploded from the Ignika's metallic surface as he began to call upon its-- *kzzzzttt--- kraKKKK* The necromancer reeled as if struck by an axe, falling to his knees on the charred ground, the Ultimate Weapon spinning from his grasp. Sparks lashed at his ornate black armor, and the harsh scent of ozone and steam was hot and ugly on the eddying wind. As quickly as it had come, the lightning crackled out and was gone, leaving the staggered boss panting in its wake. (-10 HP) For an instant, he just huddled there, motionless. And then his green eyes lifted, flaming, and slowly, carefully, feral menace radiating from his every movement, he got to his feet and began walking straight towards Blade. There was murder in his gaze, raw and cold and unstoppable as the Reaper himself. Dust rose in tiny puffs from his boots... midnight shadow swirling at every step. Chill wind hissed across the barren wasteland, and the ground shuddered slightly beneath the assembled warriors. Zakaro's charred and battered corpse, still afire, rose up without a word and clambered smoothly to its feet, eyes glowing dark and empty as it stood grimly and waited for its master's word. And into the silence, the necromancer spoke. "You should not have done that, Blade. You will die for that, Blade."
  7. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 223/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / targeting Pulse The Shadowhawk partially (-1 HP) deflected Blade's lightning swirl attack with a quick-but-powerful defensive shield of Shadow energy, then gathered the darkness around his taloned left fist and threw it in black fire form at Daedalus and Luroka, dealing one damage to each of them as they carried out their respective attacks. Luroka's magnetism pin worked quite well; the Shadowhawk wasn't really intending to go anywhere anyway, though. Daedalus's melee strike sank home and drew blood (-1 HP), but then Pulse's stick of dynamite landed right between the two of them and violently detonated, dealing five more damage to Daedalus and knocking him flat on his back. The black-armored Bioniboss himself also took damage from the explosion (-5 HP), but it didn't seem slow him down a bit. Emerald eyes gleaming maniacally, he pulled out the Rocket Launcher of Exploding Heads of Undeath, took aim briefly, and fired at Pulse, dealing the standard ten damage. OOC: There, that'll learn you to be more careful with explosives. I warned you all about area attacks, didn't I?
  8. OOC: Okay, great. I'm going to edit that last post to reflect the information you've just given me.
  9. OOC: Uh... okay. Sounds like fun. What floor would the hotels and such be on? E: post edited to reflect answer to above question IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End And then, with the Mantis on their heels and hand-to-hand combat breaking out throughout the entire space station, Wulf Kharon realized he didn't have his rucksack. It was back in his hotel room... back being the operative, though not quite technically accurate, word. Room and board were on level four, and he could collect it on the way up to the hangers on level five, but still and all, it would a definite, possibly life-threatening nuisance. No doubt, the invaders would be prowling the hotels for loot and unfortunate civilians, and the hotels weren't exactly located right off the stairwells, either. Quite the opposite, in fact. This would mean a good fifteen minute delay, right when they couldn't afford it. In a rare burst of self-directed anger, he muttered a curse (or two) under his breath. Abruptly, fluently. "######! Bloody ######!"
  10. OOC: Uh... this isn't exactly maybe the time to mention this, but Wulf forgot his rucksack. Can I retcon and say that he already got it safely aboard before the Mantis hit? IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End The privateer's eyes froze solid in an instant. Dead solid. Twin orbs of tawny ice, jumping in their sockets like billiard balls on the green, restless, alert, intense. He didn't say a word; there was nothing to say. He knew what was happening before it even really got started; knew the enemy, the possible odds, what needed done, and his every neuron focused down onto it with ruthless, pinprick clarity. This was combat. His world, his element. The screams of the dying, the rattle of gunfire in the steel-lined halls, the echoing click-click of hungry mandibles. Retreat to ship. Make sure all teammates get out alive. Kill anyone and anything that gets in the way. Falling into step alongside Daniels and Walker, moving with a relaxed feral ease more lethal than any tension, Wulf Kharon drew his heavy 9x19 mm revolver and clicked back the hammer. Eight armor-piercing rounds; he had spare magazines in his pockets, making thirty-two rounds total. Every shot counted, each shot was a potential kill, and though his group already had visual on the Mantis, he held his fire. His commando knife was sheathed, hidden, strapped snugly against his muscular left forearm under his sleeve. Carefully, not letting down his guard for an instant, he shifted the revolver to his left hand, drew the knife with his right, slid it into his belt where it could be more easily accessed, shifted the revolver back. If it came to close quarters, when every millisecond counted, he wouldn't have time to fumble. If he fumbled, he died. The Mantis gave no quarter, and they asked for none. Wulf Kharon knew; he was the same. He respected them for it, but when they crossed him, he showed no mercy. He was a warrior, and they were warriors, and today, they were blood enemies.
  11. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 230/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / terminating Zakaro The Shadowhawk took heavy damage (-7 HP) from a whole bunch of attacks too varied and complicated to mention in detail. He then activated the Usain Bolt of Undeath, hurtled over and through and around anything in his path, and sent the whole of his supercharged speed and momentum into a whirling roundhouse kick to Zakaro's jaw, killing the unfortunate Bionifighter instantly. Standing victoriously over the limp, broken corpse, the black-armored necromancer reached into his toolbelt and pulled out the infamous bone dice once more. "Well, that's that. May he rest in all due peace... until I need him as a minion, that is. Let's see now, the next one to go is--" He tossed the dice, caught them easily, and consulted the roll. "--number ten! Your friend with the dynamite, the great and presumably mighty Pulse! Let's see how long he lasts, shall we?"
  12. OOC: Whoops! Zakaro is simultaneously decapitated and cauterized by friendly fire! No pun intended! IC post later; that'll give Zakaro a chance at a few last words. Maybe.
  13. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 237/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / slowly eliminating Zakaro Too late, the Shadowhawk realized his error. He should have remembered from last round; hand-to-hand melee combat with Zakaro was the height of folly, to say the least. And with ice-encrusted legs slowing him down... bah. Next time, he wouldn't let a dice tell him who to attack. Although, he supposed he had enough raw life energy pulsing through his veins, to spare a bit. Wrenching one arm violently free of Dapper's grasp, the necromancer managed to parry a scant few of the devastating blows (including the 'face-to-the-knee' maneuver) with his right-hand talons (-2 HP), then sent a crackling bolt of pure Shadow energy straight into the purple-masked warrior's face, dealing two damage and blinding him until the end of his next post. "You have fought well, O mighty one," snarled the Shadowhawk, a trace of grudging respect twisting through his voice. "As I said, you will make a truly formidable servant... now, prepare to die!"
  14. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End Wulf Kharon stifled a smile. A true, real smile. Oh yes, this was definitely one to keep tabs on. Very dangerous. "Indeed. Most amicable. But, in all seriousness, is there anything I can assist any of you people with? Is there any sort of supplies in particular that you're looking to lay hands on? Having spent the last three weeks here at this filthy little backwater of a station, I'd hate to have my comprehensive knowledge of the place be entirely wasted."
  15. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End "Not at all, Miss Walker." responded Wulf deftly, the lie sparkling easily off his tongue like quicksilver. "It merely compliments your stunning green eyes to such an extent that I was, I must confess, somewhat startled at first." He flatly ignored William Daniels.
  16. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 239/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / slowly eliminating Zakaro The Shadowhawk was seared by plasma (-1 HP), zapped by magnetism (-1 HP), shot by energy-bullets (-1 HP), and knocked backwards into a cactus (-2 HP). Not bad for a few seconds' work; this motley gang of fools was starting to wise up. Relatively speaking. Slashing the cactus irritably in half, the necromancer renewed his attack on Zakaro, rolling nimbly under the leveled crossbow and raking his left-hand talons upwards and forwards, aiming to knock the improvised weapon free of the purple-masked warrior's grasp. There was also a potential one damage, depending on how Zakaro reacted. OOC: I.E., Zakaro, you're free to decide just how much damage you take and whether or not you're disarmed, in ordinary Bionifight style. Because 'autohit by boss' gets tedious after a while.
  17. OOC: IC post later, but keep in mind, Zakaro's only a foot or so away from the Shadowhawk. Not much difference, really, when it comes to area attacks and so forth. You might end up hurting your friend just as much as you hurt me.
  18. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End He almost smiled at that. Almost. At least, his eyes thawed a bit, momentarily. "Obey orders, respect my teammates? That won't be a problem, I can assure you. I wouldn't have been permitted to join this operation if it was." Yes, definitely a candidate for the 'potentially dangerous'. She had nerve; she didn't seem terribly intimidated by a man, a pirate, who was approximately twice her size, judging by weight, and almost certainly capable of breaking her spine with his bare hands. She was wary, but not uncomfortable. He liked that. In another place, another time, he might've gone so far as to ask for her phone number... if it hadn't been for the shocking pink hair.
  19. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 244/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / slowly eliminating Zakaro Everybody's ranged/elemental attacks (except those of Luroka, who was still blind and couldn't aim properly; JiMing's were successful because he volleyed rather than aimed) hit home (-5 HP), because the Shadowhawk was essentially ignoring them in favor of concentrating on close-quarters melee. Dropping into a defensive half-crouch at the last second, he narrowly avoided Zakaro's 'head slap' attack, countered with a one damage stomach slash, and, courtesy of a bunch of ice that was suddenly stuck to his legs, couldn't quite pull back in time to fully evade a crushing right hook (-1 HP). OOC: Boss battle = fighting a person with licensed OP. E: made note of Blade's ice attack specifically.
  20. OOC: Duly noted. I'll try to be more observant in future. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End "Such are my intentions, yes." responded the privateer, turning slightly away from Daniels so as to shake Miss Walker's hand as well. Subtly, he was making a second, more thorough visual analysis of the pink-haired woman, wondering if he ought to add her to the 'potentially dangerous' list. "Provided, of course, that no one aboard particularly objects to my presence."
  21. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 250/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / breaking free of tree Blade's attack connected (-2 HP); the Shadowhawk barely noticed it, so intense was his mind focused on the task at hand, driving raw tendrils of writhing Shadow deep into the organic plant tissues that bound him tight. Already, he could feel the cells breaking down, dank rot spreading, vines withering and curling at the touch of darkness concentrated. The shield slashed into the trunk, and he felt it sway, felt the blur of speed as a purple-masked figure loomed and struck (-2 HP), felt the tug and shift of gravity as the tree fell, and with it, the necromancer. His green eyes glittered, and he twisted in midair, feeling his upper body break free at last of the vines, and then the weakened tree hit and shattered to dust on impact, exploding in a violent eruption of mold and splinters and whirling blackness. The Shadowhawk bounced, rolled, and was on his feet before the fragments settled; wheeled and sprang and slammed home his unsheathed keen-edged talons in Zakaro's chest, dealing two damage. Blood spurted from the wound, speckling across the malicious lines of the black-armored spellcaster's Kanohi Avsa, and he snarled viciously, already coiling like a spring and preparing for a second stroke. OOC: And... ninja'd by Ehks. I'll respond to his attack next post.
  22. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 254/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / hampered by numerous fools The Shadowhawk's head violently exploded (-10 HP) as Chro's Ultimate Weapon was utilized, but reformed almost immediately... just in time to see JiMing's shield hiss through the air towards the base of the tree he was inconveniently bound to. In seconds, it would hit, and there was no way he could cut himself free in time to avoid the maneuver. Tricky. I never anticipated that. Very well, then... let's see you deal with this. Eyes gleaming coldly, the necromancer concentrated, summoning a surging tide of raw black Shadow energy and sending it crashing straight into JiMing, Luroka, and Chro, dealing one damage to each mentioned Bionifighter and effectively blinding all three of them until the end of their next respective post(s). OOC: Just for the record, 'Shadow' energy is more akin to the semi-necrotic energy wielded by the Makuta, than actual real-life 'shadow'. So, when it hits you, it hurts.
  23. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 264/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / preparing to exterminate Zakaro Caught in the open, with only his armor and agility to protect him, the Shadowhawk took immediate hits from a rapid crossfire volley of energy-bullets, Chaos Spears, plasma, and a trace of magnetism. (-6 HP) The ranged attacks, he could shrug off. As it was, despite having taken almost enough damage to kill an ordinary Bionifighter, the necromancer was barely even scratched. A few rips in his cloak, a few dents here and there... nothing serious yet. The magnetism pin effect was a definite nuisance, seeing as how it prevented him from immediately slashing his way free of JiMing's vine/tree gambit. But that was all right; he could afford to wait. He didn't need to move, to kill his foes. Even the onrushing Luroka didn't worry him; he, too, would be little more than a trivial nuisance once the Shadowhawk brought his ruthless fury to bear. Ignoring the hostiles arrayed against him, the black-clad Bioniboss called once more on the powers of his enhanced Cloak of Void, forming an Usain Bolt of Undeath from nothing but thin air and shadow. "Last call for taking out life insurance policies on Zakaro, you wretched fools. This'll break him down; my talons in his spine will do the rest. Or did one of you want to take the blow in his stead?" OOC: And, of course, please note that my arrogance and deliberate down-talking of you all is IC only. OOC, I think you're all great players and formidable opponents; IC, well, the Shadowhawk is the guy we all love to hate.
  24. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Galaxy's End The privateer nodded slightly in response to Estelle Walker's rather brusque confirmation of his suspicions, his golden-tawny eyes flicking briefly past her to the cat-girl, then to a fairly tall, rather nondescript brown-haired man who'd just emerged from seemingly nowhere. Of the three, and although Pink Hair had some smoldering attitude, the newcomer was the one to watch, to keep wary note of. He had the quiet, professional air about him, despite his rather casual appearance, and Wulf's quick gaze hadn't missed the holstered sidearm at his belt. He looked capable. Confident. Possibly dangerous. Engulfing Daniels' extended hand in his own, the privateer shook it briefly, firmly. "A pleasure. Yes, I'm one of your new teammates. Wulf Kharon, pirate by trade and Federation by choice." He smiled, strong white teeth flashing against his dark complexion in the dim lighting of the space station. Somehow, the smile didn't reach to his eyes; they remained as cool and intent as ever. Permafrost in organic form. Or maybe just unyielding steel.
  25. IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 270/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / spearing Pupwa with Troll Scepter Still (relatively) safe inside Ehks' splendid hardlight cocoon, which said warrior had conveniently neglected to remove, the Shadowhawk watched impassively as the Bionifighters' various attacks slammed and battered against the walls, cracking and scorching them in several places. He had only seconds left before the entire structure disintegrated, or until the Ring bearer actually wised up and removed it. The spikes were bad enough (-6 HP); he'd have to cut down on the incoming attacks somehow, and soon. Until then, though... Zakaro was his chosen target, but there was someone else he needed to deal with first. Calling on the powers of his enhanced Cloak of Void, the necromancer conjured up a gleaming Troll Scepter of Undeath. Quick and nimble, not waiting for his enemies to notice what was going on, he then kicked a jagged hole in the weakened hardlight cage and threw the scepter hard and fast like a javelin, spearing Pupwa straight through the liver, dealing one damage and preventing him from utilizing whatever things the Scepter prevented one from utilizing. "Voxumo, if you wish to betray your allies and side with me for the moment, it is none of my concern. Do not expect assistance, but I shall not target you until circumstances warrant. That is all I will offer; I am not desperate." OOC: Okayyy... I know I'm pushing it with this whole 'hardlight cage' thing, but note that Ehks didn't specifically say he removed it. Be that as it may, next IC post, no matter who posts it, you may consider the cage shattered and gone. Also, no, the Shadowhawk's physical size has not been altered. He probably looks more formidable, but he's not looming over you or anything.
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