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The Undertaken

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Status Updates posted by The Undertaken

  1. hmm, if the US is called the melting pot of the world, does that make us the salad bowl of the world? and if so, who does that make the cake pan?

  2. How in the Nine? $100! I lost effing $100! Not ten minutes after I got it no less!I'm going to need away of earning that back. Daria might be raking leaves for our neighbourhood, I'll see if I can o part of the work, get part of the pay...

  3. Happy Thanks Giving!

  4. Happy Thanks Giving!

  5. Happy Thanks Giving!

  6. Happy Thanks Giving!

  7. Erp, okay, I meant to post this here, but missed(don't ask how)Anywho, Dragon Age:Origins is free on Origin this month.That is to say that they are giving the game away, to anyone who has an account, which you can make at any time during the month before the giveaway ends, and get the game, free of charge.I just want to then point out that I love free things, and as a result I guess I also love Origin? Something like that, maybe. Eh, it's a game manager, but it works okay and they...

    1. Ghidora131


      Question: Do you have any actual game systems? I know this is kinda weird of me asking this...

    2. The Undertaken

      The Undertaken

      Yes I do. I have: Wii, Xbox360, PS3, Gamecube, PS2(not working) and a DS, in addition to a half decent PC.

  8. Is anyone else craving, like, leeks or green onions? Preferably in some sort of creamy soup, like potato soup or clam chowder? Man I'm hungry...

  9. It is not the beginning of the end, but rather the end of the beginning.

  10. So yeah, i've hooked this up to steam now, so stuff might actually happen here, or not.

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