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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. Yeah man, that kind of stuff would be nice. Not too many red herrings(though a few would be nice), a bit more fleshed out world building when it comes up, that kind of thing.
  2. It turns out I was actually hiding inside the mask, somehow. I pick myself up and run away, Zoidberg style. My mask
  3. I suspect that the Toa all have some access to their elemental powers without the use of the masks but use them as power amplifiers, granting them better efficiency and control of their abilities, sort of like how the original series did it.
  4. I turn you inside out while your mouth is still a portal. You are now stuck outside the universe and both universes have now combined in an explosive event. Very explosive, very big. i might even go so far as to call it a large pop! Anyways I now have the mask and I sit in an ivory tower, made with real space-narwhal ivory. My mask
  5. Some of the powers do seem like they would be possible with the abilities the Toa are stated to now have, the only ones really lost are Kopaka's X-ray vision and Gali's water-breathing, which she could probably find a workaround for if needed. Pohatu can use his boomerangs as rocket-boots or something(sandstorm-surfers?), granting him the usual speed for getting around the island. Onua is now really buff, so there's his strength. Kopaka can make ice shields as evidenced by some of the pictures. Lewa can more or less fly now, so glide powers seem less usefull. And Tahu, well, not much for Tahu, but he has lots of swords now so it seems to be a fair trade.
  6. I use my rift-mouth to portal cut you. My mask
  7. Welp, there is only three things that can be done about that, I choose the path of taking up an axe and going berserk on the angry dudes, and you while i'm at it, and some hapless tree. My mask
  8. Are actually giant alien birds that rely on humans for sustenance. When they have had their fill they will all destroy this world and move on to the next one. Cream Soda
  9. "Nuclear Launch Detected" You look up to see me riding a nuclear device like that guy at the end of Doctor Strangelove. As a result of the blast I become a shadow on the wall, a shadow holding the Mask! My mask!
  10. Haven't mentioned it to any friends who I don't already know are interested in LEGO. That said I don't keep it secret, I will admit to being a fan if it comes up, otherwise I probably won't even mention it. That is more due to it being really awkward when I bring something up with no relevance to what is being discussed.
  11. Anything with sharp edges/points Bohrok tusks, various weapons and masks, etc Also the pipe/rod connectors and the x2 length rods, those could be kind of unpleasant to deal with...
  12. "This is fire lord. Call off the others. The Toa aren't buying it... Yes, you may keep the costumes." That line right there, that was awesome. Also the way that Ahkmou tore Vestus' story apart. Still though, I did not expect Vestus' plans for the Toa to be brushed off so completely(though I feel I should have) nor did I expect the Turaga to be behind the Toa Novus' transformation. The other Turaga are trustworthy-ish at least. Plots and gambits are being revealed at a startling pace. Secrets everywhere, it is awesome.
  13. I do a subterfuge, breaking down the state more rapidly than it has any right to. I then hit you with a fire-hydrant. My mask
  14. Fair enough, too much work for little reward. I can get that kind of thinking. Still though, if one could get it to work... Anywho, I do wonder how they will characterize Ekimou. Is he a wise and just leader, is he just some guy who makes masks but is really good at it, is he like Hafu?
  15. I pull out a giant can of raid and kill all the spiders. I then hit you with the can, knocking you out. My mask
  16. Is actually a misspelling of the delicious Canadian dish: poutine. How fries covered in gravy and cheese got elected president of Russia is best left to the imagination. Bacon
  17. It looks to me as though it could go either way. I'm cool for whatever
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