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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. I send my robot pirates after them in revenge. I then challenge you to a showdown on the roof of a nearby tower. You lose. My mask
  2. Are actually just werebats, the batlike cousins of the werewolf. Justin Beiber
  3. As I already have a hat I had no need for your exploding ski masks, I then offer you some baklava. You enjoy it so much that you pass out from eating too much, and the sleeping drugs I put in the dessert. My mask
  4. Squid machine! Squid machine! I bet that squid machine is behind the secret events on the island!
  5. A mind control agent employed by the pumpkin armada. It causes people to argue about whether it is any good as a flavour. Aardvarks
  6. I am the gorge, I am also now named George. My mask
  7. Granted, but that was only possible by making everything monochrome so the grass is now a nicer shade of grey on the other side. I wish that I could graduate with honours and distinction without having to go through all the work.
  8. Agreed, Taipu is my favourite Turaga thus far
  9. I talk to Neo ShadowVezon and convince him to give me the mask. After that fails I "convince" him with a large stick. I then "convince" you to condemn the pizzeria. My mask, and the Freddy's pizza place is about to be demolished.
  10. I throw my neck at you, along with the rest of my physical form, knocking you down. My mask
  11. Fine, then I shall kick you with puppies! For EVIL! My mask!
  12. Perhaps, perhaps, but then again having more female characters throughout various media, to the point where "action girl" is no longer a trope worthy of note due to commonality, that would make a change for the better. That and with gender restrictions no longer confirmed one way or another it opens up more potential. Better group dynamics and such. And now to prevent this from becoming another discussion on gender and such: Yes definitely to 4, and for 5, have it get deep, totally! But keep it from locking new people from the continuity maybe? Perhaps some discussion as to how to prevent that, get a best of both worlds kind of deal?
  13. Granted, sadly the sight of it was so pants-browningly terrifying that it drove you mad at the mere sight of it! I wish I was less self-conscious
  14. I rise from the depths of the earth, or whatever planet it is we're on. I use my upward momentum to deliver an uppercut of justice! My mask
  15. I begin a protest against you having the mask. My mask
  16. I summon an ancient evil! One so evil that we dare not speak its name. My mask
  17. I challenge you to a children's card game! Four hours later and the mask is mine. My mask!
  18. Yes, by virtue of simply not having any costume TPBM is going trick-or-treating this year
  19. I trap you and your little farm in a wall of solid sound, having finally learned how to use sonic powers. My mask, and everything is loud now.
  20. I pull out some magnets, rope and a hot glue gun and lash together a temporary fix for my mask. I then summon a swarm of Nui-Kopen and send them after you. You succumb to the stings of countless giant wasps and I walk away with the mask. My mask
  21. I drown you with scented candles. Molten scented candles. I then dig out the mask My rose and mint smelling Mask
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