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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. Granted, enjoy your life as a chunk of plastic I wish I could fly
  2. I use Rider's foot-face to kick you. I then kick Rider. Mask is mine
  3. Maybe, maybe, but on the other hand all the other masks have been named for what they are/do: Mask of Control and Mask of Creation, though their details are fuzzy at the moment, can be determined to be masks that grant the wearer great control over something and great creative potential respectively. To my knowledge the elemental masks are named for their respective elements. As the Mask of Ultimate Power holds all the elemental powers that Makuta or Ekimou could put into a mask, it holds that it would grant the wearer ultimate, final, total and complete control over the elements. But yeah, a cooler name would be nice, just not sure how it would fit into a "naming scheme"(if it can yet be called such) wherein the name of the mask reflects what it does in relatively straightforward terms.
  4. To be fair, the original sets all(with the exception of Lewa) had circles or similar shapes on the masks.
  5. It's all part of the conspiracy I tells yah! I bet Vestus actually seething with indignation but is keeping it bottled up so as not to let these new Toa on to the secret of the Turaga's secret masters. Secretly. Wonder what Vestus is going to talk to Calor about, maybe it's some challenge(a secret challenge!) to test his skill/loyalty(Secretly!) and to keep suspicion off of him and his stance against change.(SECRETS!)
  6. Granted, but in the process you made wealth meaningless, ruining the economy and forcing us into another global depression, one far greater than the one that happened in the 30s I wish I was omnipotent
  7. Well, at least one Mordorish place and/or a villain vs villain conflict somewhere in the mix would be cool. The MOUP is of course a valuable mcguffin, the sort that anyone with a bad name wanting respect, to take over/destroy the world, or just wanting to mess with folks would want, while the heroes would naturally try to prevent any group from taking it.
  8. that actually seems really neat, sort of an Avatar(the TV series, not the James Cameron movie) feel to it.
  9. I am the slime! I take the mask while we are playing catch(or whatever one plays with slimes). My mask
  10. Flying car, but only if it was one of the only ones. Just think about regular driving habits and you'll see why... I can still obtain a licence in other ways. WYR have super-strength or super-speed?
  11. Granted, but to facilitate that wish the atmosphere now has large quantities of chlorine gas. You're welcome! I wish that I could grow a beard and a mustache.
  12. I hack Onaku, turning his cyborg self into my robot butler. My mask
  13. I flood the world. I grab the mask from your flailing, drowning self and ride away on my battle ship. My mask and battle ship
  14. I revoke your apostrophe rights. I then attack you with apostrophes. My mask
  15. I stop you to explain how decimating your army means that they will fight harder, distracting you while my robot switches out the mask for a live grenade. I then bid you adieu. My mask
  16. I reveal my mask! I was ShadowVezon this time. My mask
  17. I have highish hopes for the new story. I think that I will be entertained at the very least, and it looks like it will be an interesting story.
  18. Hmm, actually I don't think it was... Okay, so Antidermis is probably unrelated to protodermis. Thanks for pointing that out.
  19. I beat you to death with your own skull! My mask
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