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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. Out comes a painting depicting a stained glass window In goes the Protector of Water
  2. Let's just all agree to disagree on this one, yah? Personally I'm seeing this Gali as the most feminine one yet, without in any way "dolling" her up or making her less effective at combat. Whether or not the build is in fact feminine is largely going to be subjective, at least until we can come to a consensus on what a feminine build would even look like.
  3. Out comes a time travelling three toed sloth In goes Al Gore
  4. Naturally I use this opportunity to respawn in my secret workshop. I build a giant robot to fight undead!Onaku, which will hopefully give me time to work out how to survive the radiation butterflies Pohatu made. I then walk up behind Pohatu, tap him on the shoulder and punch him in the face. My mask
  5. I agree 100% Fair enough, when looking at her overall build in respect to the other Toa, I an see what you mean(I knew I was missing something!). I forgot to check her build against the other Toa, and you are right! It seems to be that she has the same armour build as Pohatu and Lewa... You see what appears to be my foot in my mouth? Yeah, that's not you hallucinating, that's my foot in my mouth.(gotta remember to do the same level of comparison to all groups in a set)
  6. The Glatorian/agori builds were, well, some were kinda lithe looking(Gresh for instance) but for the most part were very much not feminine. . Well... http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090708074254/bionicle/images/0/07/Kiina.jpg Welp, you see my foot over there, in what appears to be my mouth? That's a hallucination caused by you not drinking enough. However I will admit that not having actually seen the set for Kiina I couldn't really make an accurate statement, as evidenced right there, see me not having made an accurate statement? That's not you hallucinating, that's me not having all the info and thus making an inaccurate statement. Kiina is one that does look kinda feminine without looking either horribly twisted up, possessing ridiculous non-mammalian mammaries, or looking overly anorexic in some way.
  7. I force you to watch a horrible movie I made. While you sit through three and a half hours of awkward, stilted dialogue, budgetless special effects, an incomprehensible storyline, self gratification for the writers and producers at every turn, and a public domain soundtrack, I escape with the mask on the first train out. My mask!
  8. I disagree, this Gali still looks more like a man plus her mask don't remind me of the Mata Kaukau but someone else mask (same go to Cyberman Lewa) and the man chest... man chest. I would agree that the mask that Gali, Master of Water wears is more reminiscent of the Kaukau Nuva(specifically as it was depicted in the first movie) as opposed to any other mask present the the Bionicle series(if you want to look through the wiki to find one better fitting, seriously be my guest, 'cause that would be pretty neat to see) As for Lewa, yeah, I'm going to have to agree with you on that one, don't have a possible turn or change of how to view his mask really... Yeah, if someone could line up all four variations of the different Toa's masks, that would be great to see. It would be nice to be able to properly compare them I think. As for looking more like a man, what other builds are you comparing this one to? It can't be the Mata or Nuva builds, as they were no more masculine/feminine than the other Toa of there respective years. Nokama's Metru and Hordika build were basically palette swaps of the other Toa as well, as was Hahli Inika(and she had a tube mustache!) I don't really see any of the Mahri builds being "feminine," shriveled in the case of Matoro, mayhaps, but not feminine. The Phantoka/Mistika year, well, bulky builds using Inika and Piraka torsos for the most part, again all bulky characters(with the exception of some Makuta, who looked kinda shriveled to me) The Glatorian/agori builds were, well, some were kinda lithe looking(Gresh for instance) but for the most part were very much not feminine. Lastly, I probably should mention Roodaka, but, well, can Titan builds be fairly compared to standard character builds? They get more room to work with, allowing for more decorative armour and such. Now, it is most likely that I am miss interpreting what you mean by feminine, in fact I'm almost certain of it, so if you could sort of give an example of a feminine character, well that would be most fantastic actually. I also should point out that while this probably will sound/look confrontational, I am actually interested in this, mean no offense, and would like to hear/read your opinion on this. Anywho, that's the largest post I've ever made...
  9. Granted, however you now require a full Masters degree in six different fields in order to understand your new smart homework I wish I was fluent in both Italian and English
  10. hmm, if the US is called the melting pot of the world, does that make us the salad bowl of the world? and if so, who does that make the cake pan?

  11. Are actually just Marvel movies filmed in Washington DC Nachos
  12. Saddened by the loss of our foe, Toa Onaku, I create a robot in his likeness. I then punch you, stealing the mask, and give it to the Onaku-bot. Onaku-bot's mask...
  13. Out comes a 72' plasma screen tv, with Netflix! in goes a fancy hat
  14. I go back in time, replace the original mask with an identical fake, return to the present, explode the fake and grab a pizza My mask
  15. Neat! Okay then, I am very much impressed by how much you're putting into this. Not that I wasn't before, just how much impressed I am has increased, or something. It's sounds cool is what I'm trying to say and I can't(though technically I can) wait to see the rahi in action!
  16. Out comes his skull, carved in the shape of a spider In goes my left arm
  17. Out comes everything that was pumpkin flavoured, now mint flavoured. In goes a large pumpkin
  18. The inevitable resistance fighters that formed up during your reign send someone back in time to assassinate you before you take control of the Bohrok. That assassin is me. My mask EDIT: Kapurad Er, I mean I fight you with robots or something? My mask
  19. Out comes Bill Gates' bank account In goes a maple cream donut
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