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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Family just got back from a trip to Kentucky - the Creation Museum, to be exact. Second time going there. We got to listen to some cool speakers, see the exhibits again, and I spent a hunk of money on three huge ancient history books. 8D It was a lot warmer in Kentucky than it is here at home. Nearly 20 degrees warmer. *pulls on blouse* Kentucky is beautiful; so many trees, you Kentuckians have a beautiful state with nice air. And here I thought Wisconsin had tons of trees. We observed an alarming lack of horses and white fences, though. Not nearly enough where we were visiting. Also, my grades are in! A A A A A GPA 4.0, raised my overall GPA to 3.9. *is too tired to squeal, so simply sighs and grins in extreme happiness* I hate college, but it's nice to know I can do it just fine anyway. Also #2: I start my new job tomorrow! Factory job, at a good company, full time second shift. It means I will have lots of money for school next year and absolutely no social life. Hmmm. But I am one of the lucky ones to have a job, so thank you God, and please help me to not go crazy in this new environment. Amen! *goes to unpack her duffel bag and give her books places on the bookshelf* One of them is by Isaac Newton.

    I wanted to play on it today but it's GONE *shoots daggers*

    Oh I'll garden-tip YOU all right!

  3. You must water your proto otherwise it won't groooooow

  4. By the way, I love your personal statement :)

  5. Wow, you have almost all the masks and krana! Or do you have them all by now?

  6. Oh man, I'm sorry! - Joke = *brick!* XP

  7. I still love that Miguel-guitar image!!

  8. You CHEATER! Adding song lyrics to lengthen your interests column!! *shun*

    Yeah I pretty much did speed-read all the way down.

  9. ... and what does A.M.A.C.T. mean?

  10. Oh no, no trick! I've been orange for... a couple months now. I can't tell you exactly, I lost the Congratulations PM from B6 in the data loss. x.x *shines Copper Huna*

  11. Apparently, I win the UK lottery about once a week. Which is really funny, because I've never played the UK lotto.
  12. It's really cool that you put this together! Did you buy any individual pieces or only full matoran?
  13. Senjo

    The Grid Is Done!

    And a beautiful grid it is Congrats!
  14. Senjo

    Got Babies?

    ... Give Shockolate to your babies and they’ll be good at SPORTS. Make your babies run ABNORMALLY FAST. They’ll run as fast as KENYANS People will watch them running and think they’re KENYANS They’ll race as fast as KENYANS, in a race with actual KENYANS and it’ll be a tie, and they’ll get deported back to KENYAAAAAAAAAAA I hope they're cute Kenyan-fast babies.
  15. Indeed it is! I would have been very sad to hear that I could never have gotten my refund at all because of my mistake.
  16. Senjo


    Remember, it's not homework unless it's due tomorrow!! ... or yesterday. I've been feeling the same way about school, really dragging... but I've still managed to complete all assignments, show up to class, and turn them in. I'm so glad it's only a week until finals. I'm losing the will to live. XP
  17. Aaauuugh, I just cured our PC of one. I hate trojans with a passion. Sometimes I hate computers like that, too, but it's always temporary.
  18. You are a brilliant man. We'll make millions. Or save millions, whichever comes first.l

  19. Don't forget your paperclips, rubber bands, modeling clay and Coca-Cola.

  20. Don't forget your paperclips, rubber bands, modeling clay and Coca-Cola.

  21. As a matter of fact, I would. *hands Dalek chocolate, duct tape, and a swiss army knife*

  22. Think harder. =P

  23. The banner in your sig is THE BEST EVAR

  24. I got my federal tax return back from the IRS. I had filled it out just fine. But then I forgot to sign it. No signature, no tax refund. My John Hancock is on it and it's back in the mail. XD
  25. Or the time Orlin giving Samantha a huge jewel, only to admit he made it from her compressed microwave.

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