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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Daniel and his teddy bear are rivaled by Teal'C and a water gun. =P

  2. During the winter, I had this awesome idea for a short story. I had some dialogue planned out but it had to be preceded with narrative, so I sat down and pretty much drilled the narrative out. But I had to put my work down and do 'important things'. I recently re-found this lil' story, because I had forgotten about it. I really like the narrative part! I had no idea I'd written all that. So I read it and liked it and was exciting to keep reading and then - the words on the page stopped! I hadn't hardly even started the dialogue! And there were no notes for it! I don't remember all those good ideas I'd had a few months ago!! I'm mad. Now it's going to have to sit there for the LONGEST time while I try to think of some good words to put there. ><
  3. Your avatar is so great. XD

  4. Senjo

    Massive Vertigo

    YES. That's an amazing picture!! Please do tell, did you take it, or did you get it elsewhere? That's really awesome.
  5. Senjo

    I Feel Pretty

    Ja, Swert, viel Spaß! (And you should know that my mother insisted on taking pictures but none of you get to see them. XP You may kill me now.) Thanks. Now we're headed to Aunt's and Gramma's for dinner meal, so there's more fun ahead! ^^
  6. Senjo

    I Feel Pretty

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that - but at least you had a backup plan! Whoot! I'm glad you got to wear one anyway. We can be be pretty together. =P
  7. Senjo

    I Feel Pretty

    I'm going to wear my pink lace vintage dress to church for Easter! With the ribbon-tie heels and the vintage hat I just bought. *swooshes around* I feel pretty... oh-so-pretty! So pretty and witty and briiiiiiiiight...
  8. .... then pleeeeease. Allow it to go unsaid. Why even bother yourself? Is that not the whole point? It needn't to be said. That is how it is. So while everyone is thinking it, everyone else knows everyone else is thinking it, so nobody has to say it - because everyone's thinking it. And that, dear friends, is why it goes without saying. ... Until, of course, someone goes and says it. Then someone pulls and annoying, pointless adage out of their linty pocket. Yeah, that's it. A SPAM adage. Or, moreso, a Stupid Pointless Annoying Adage. ... SPAA? *giggle* Spaaaaaaaaaahhhhh... ... So let sleeping dogs lie. And yes, 'lie' is the grammatically correct form of the word. Unless someone put the dog there. Then they would have laid a dog to rest. And that's no lie.
  9. Senjo

    Cake Fiasco

    The Cake is a Lie Is a Spy Is a Pie Wears a Tie? Has no Eye Is a Guy Is Not Rye Cannot Sigh Was Refried Is Not Shy Is Not Dry Hits your Thighs Can Imply Not Deny Thereby Bansai Shanghai Chimi-Chimi-chungi Ali-ali-ungi toot toot!! ... I made a marble two-layer 9" round cake. Chocolate frosting betwixt, atop, and spread against the sides. Family-approved!
  10. It was as good an excuse as any. My retainer had fallen into the trash; there was no way on this God-given earth I was going to stick it back in my mouth unless I could have it cleaned on the molecular level. But, having no patented molecule-cleaner, I decided soap followed by boiling water would prolly cure anything. So I took our smallest pot and put an inch of water in it. I set it on the burner, turned the knob to 'hi', and waited. And watched. And waited. And continue watching that pot. Lo and behold, physics prevailed; It DID boil.
  11. AIYAH! *squeals* And a handsome llama he is, too. Is that your tax return he's chewing? XP
  12. I have printed out my Federal tax return and sealed it in an envelope; I have *gasp* hand-filled out my state tax return and sealed that in its respective envelope as well. Both are ready to be stamped and mailed - right after I buy stamps tomorrow. Seems that I used the last two yesterday. XD My then, Spring Break is winding down (grrrrrr!) and I still have a few things to do. Among them: gotta fill out that wonderful FAFSA so I may receive financial aid and continue attending college; gotta pay the mechanic for fixing my car (which decided to konk out on the highway - thank goodness my dad was the one driving at the time.) I owe an old friend a decent letter; and I promised my brother I would critique these papers for him, before he got back from his missions trip. I think I'll do that right now. I have found a new favorite song - Palladio. I suggest you go look it up right now, it's gorgeous. :3 I must learn to dance. *whips out a red pen and her brother's papers* Ah, this shall be fun.
  13. Haha, yeah, thought it was a typo. ^^

  14. Nah, nothing 'important'... just two topics I really really liked. =P I've got one and the other is easy enough to put back up. Hooray!

  15. What a gorgeous day. I have both windows open and the breezes mix so wonderfully with the sunshine. I'm thrilled to see that the profiles and Blogs are untouched! I was really panicked for a second. I only lost a few posts and two topics - one of which I was able to retrieve thanks to a Google-search cache. I might post that in S&T again later. I'll have to get my comic (there is a dead thumbnail link below) re-posted up in Artwork III laterz, too. BTW, How to Recover Topics, by Lewa0111. Macku: Toa of Bubbles also noted a way to improve the search on Google for your lost topics in there, just a few posts down. It won't work for ALL topics, but you can probably find something you've lost. Now go out there and get busy rebuilding! Have fun, peeps, be good, thank the staff, appreciate them, and save everything you like onto your hard drive. Every page of everything. All you have to do is go to the top-right corner, click 'file', and click 'save page as...' Then you can save it in a folder or on your desktop. Dooo. Iiiit. Remember, if the topic has more than one page, you'll have to save those pages individually!
  16. Crazy fingers of spazoodle my guitar! =P

  17. Helluuu. I hope you didn't lose too much when things crashed?

  18. The emote in your profile pic is excellent.

    I hope you didn't lose too much in the recent data purge?

  19. XD to your Miguel-guitar-gif pic!

  20. "But, officer..." "Can you imagine this guy going 90 mph on his way to Dallas with these balloons trailing a few yards behind him? Instructions for a fun time on the interstate: Step 1. Tie balloons to car. Step 2. Drive like crazy. Step 3.. Watch people freak out." I don't care who you are....that's funny.
  21. So I got one of those icky PMs this morning. Blargh. But over here, Kex gives suggestions as how to avoid these PMs at all! It's common sense, really. Another thing: After I opened the PM and freaked, I clicked on the member's name to get to his profile page. He was listed as 'banned'. If I had seen his profile first, before opening the PM, his banned status would have tipped me off and I never would have opened the PM in the first place. He had been found out before I even saw the message, and I could have avoided seeing it altogether. ---------------------------------- Now kids, protect your Personal Message boxes, avoid icky stuff, and go see that little picture I put below to see something completely different. I edited Bionicle comic #1. It's silly. It will make you smile.
  22. Thank you. After receiving one of these nasty PMs yself this morning, I was going to put something like this up. I will simply point people this way.
  23. Fruuuuuuuiityyyyyyyy... Oooooaatyyyyyyyyy... Dalek!

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