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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. You mean the size? It's actually not. It's itty bitty, A little less than half the size of the original comics - but when I scanned and resized it, I left it large enough to read. It's all an illusion! (To confuse the nerd!) =P
  2. And here are scans of.... that mini comic with the McToran. I honestly don't know where it came from. I don't know which promotion it came with, or even how I happen to own it now. Arpy says it came with the McTohunga from McDonald's! (Thanks Arpy!) So here are the scans! (They're in .JPEG. I'll get the slightly-better-quality, long-loading .PNG's up soon) .... Does Brickshelf have a limit on personal accounts? 'Cuz... well, by the time I'm through, it's going to be one crowded bunch of folders...
  3. A few days ago I introduced you to Mike, a staffer at a camp where I work. Go read the entry if you're curious. =p Mike and I ended up cutting towels in to washcloth-rags the other night, because the kitchen was totally out of them (and that's a Food Service Disaster!!) This process ended up making lots and lots of little fuzzies that landed all over our clothing. I brushed mine off, but Mike didn't, and he was covered in them. Weeeeelll a few minutes later I was back in the kitchen helping Kim put away more supper leftovers, when we overheard Mike, all alone in the Small Kitchen, saying out loud to no one in particular, "FuzzyWuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?..." Kim, who's been a real sport about her match-making gone awry, looked at me and said, "And to think he could have been yours!"
  4. Senjo

    Over A Year...

    The blog that never keeps giving... =P!
  5. Unfortunately, I have no Photoshop or Paintshop. But that is a WAY AWESOME feature! *is glomped* =D
  6. I'm afraid that's exactly why I -DID- read this entry. I agree with 55555, 1 is epic. It rocks. Completely. (Well, maybe just a LITTLE more green and a little less blue... but still. )
  7. Goodness, ain't he? Patience, Janus my man! Then what file type would you prefer? *runs around with a 'WHOOT PNG' flag*
  8. LOL Sure thing! Hey, I could upload my mini-comics too! The thought hadn't occurred to me until just now. ^^
  9. BIONICLE Comic #4: The Bohrok Awake Janurary 2002 Printing $2.25 for you poor saps who didn't get it free and don't see it here Part 1 of 6 Writer, Greg Farshtey Penciller, Carlos D'Anda Inker, Randy Elliot Leterer, Ken Lopez Colorist and Separator, Peter Pantazis All these pics are .png, so patience is required of thee. AAAAaaand here's front cover and back cover scans of the Mini-comic version of Comic 4 (which I think I picked up at Wal*Mart...) Even though I kept the scan large, it really is less than half the size of a regular Bionicle comic book (the regular size at the time).
  10. Senjo

    Kakama Model

    Actually, with the recent attention to Heir of the Chronicler's stuff... yeah. It's something I'm going to think about!
  11. Nah, but grandfather sundials would have been more expected!
  12. I was re-playing the MNOLG yesterday and with a little help from HH, I rescued all the Le-Matoran from the hive. Of course after they're free and Lewa gets his Golden Kanohi, there's that famous party! I noticed that the one musician on the far right (or, his own left) turns and does a 'headbang' every so often. I thought it pretty funny, and decided to get a screenshot. So I waited, my fingers poised on the Ctrl and PrtSc buttons, waiting. Then all of a sudden he pulled out a wristwatch. No, that is NOT an edit! It's real. If you too are a victim of boredom or are easily entertained and you already knew that, then bully for you! But I guffawed. I still guffaw. totally didn't see it coming. I was all and for five minutes. Naturally I didn't get the screenshot the first time, or even the second. It's a split-second shot! I waited six more minutes to get that screenshot and show off the watch-wearing Le-Matoran, just because I love y'all. *giggles s'more*
  13. Senjo

    My Would-be Suitor

    One: Why thank you! (I find that usually turns out best when I'm not trying...) Two: OMGOSH I was sooo deprived!! XP But honestly, we had plenty to do and celebrate without those things. Christmas and Easter have other meanings to our family. ^^ (And don't worry, we've had PLENTY of candy!) Three: Thanks for saying so - there are days when I feel like there's no one in the world who agrees! Four: Oh grayshuss, you deserve it! :3
  14. I work in a camp kitchen. It's my summer job. At the beginning of this summer I joked to my mom, 'So how many admirers you think I'll get this summer? ' We had a laugh. It now appears that this one staffer, Mike, is crushing on me? Flirting, or something like that. (Not that -I'D- know anything about it, but that's what Kim, my almost-middle-aged co-worker, says. My brother, also a co-worker, agrees, and now Kate, my third co-worker, agrees.) I'm not interested in Mike, BTW, and I realized I was probably too nice (that happens with me) and he may have gotten the wrong idea. Kim teases me mercilessly about Mike. If he's around, Kim gives me 'a look' and asks me if I want to go work near where Mike is hanging out. She says I should give him a try. Pffft. Now flash forward to today; Kim, Kate, and I were in the kitchen doing pizza prep and salad bar prep. Women in the kitchen do a lot of talking, and we (and by 'we' I mean 'those two') were doing a LOT of talking, and we ended up on the discussion of Christmas. Kim talked about Santa Claus, and I told her that my family 'doesn't do Santa Claus'. We do Christmas, with decorations and thankfulness and gifts, but no Santa. She was disappointed, because her family always did. "Do you do the Easter Bunny?" No. We do Easter, but nooo silly bunnies or eggs. "At LEAST tell me that you do Halloween." No. Kim was sooo sad. Then she told me that I'll "someday meet a handsome young man" and make a lot of allowances and changes when I decide I want to marry him. I told her no, no, no. I made it clear that I wouldn't change for some guy - that I'll marry a guy who thinks and lives and believes like I do. Sooooo Mike ends up in the kitchen during supper. Kim and Kate were sitting at the table eating dinner, but I'd already had my break so I was putting food away. Remember, Kim wants to set me up with Mike. Kim flags Mike down and asks him if his family does Santa Claus and all that stuff. Mike said yes. I overheard this, stopped what I was doing, and looked at Kim. I LAUGHED in her general direction. Raucously. Of course the joke was lost on Mike, but at least Kate laughed with me. Sorry Kim, all your hopes of matchmaking are DASHED!
  15. Senjo

    Formula 409

    .99, why don't they!! Older friends of my parents tell me of the days when gas was .25 a gallon or LESS, and I'm like "WAS there such a day??"
  16. Senjo

    Formula 409

    Because the world isn't ready for $4.10.
  17. I'm sorry I can't help you, but... ... that was win. 8D
  18. Today's announcement. I've been a member for five great years! I am so happie. :3 *watches her new spinny turn around and around and around...*
  19. *gasp* I think I'll live.. this MJNOLIR armor is tough stuff! *raps chestplate*

  20. OMGosh it's been 5 years? Oh, so it has! Amazing!! ... why thank you for the reminder! :D

  21. Ahh, this I know. But aspertame's not in the quote!
  22. ... it carries a terrible curse! : o That’s bad! But it comes with a free Diet Pepsi Max! : D That’s good! The Diet Pepsi Max is also cursed. : ( That’s bad. But it has no calories! : D That’s good! The Diet Pepsi Max contains potassium benzoate. ... that's bad. (You can go home now!)
  23. Uhh... uhh... ... I dare to imply that your mind is IN A SIMILAR STATE as all that cardboard, paper, plastic, metal, raphite, wood, and plaster!! Right now mine is as the algebra books, strewn clothing, comic books, and grown-up paperwork. And dust bunnies. I swear that they go on holiday when I vaccuum, then return the next day.
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