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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. I am kidnapping ToM's header-bar idear and holding it for ransom. 8D So I took advantage of the Target-Kongu sale and bought him! Then I saw that Lewa Phantoka was there, and still only $9.99. I was mildly worried that they might 'phase out' Lewa after stocking Gali, Tahu, and Onua, so I got him, too. ^^ Then I built him yesterday... ... and he looks like an insect. I stood him up next to Kopaka Phantoka and Pohatu Phantoka. I'm surprised (but pleased at) how every one of them has different pieces mixed in with similar pieces - I mean, they all have different legs! And feet. And Pohatu's arms are different that Kopaka and Lewa's. (Pohatu is so short!! Or is Lewa so tall??) I'm still irked by how skinny (wimpy) Pohatu's torso/midsection seems, especially in comparison with the rest of his bod. (Hefty legs and arms! Beefy!) I like his pincer thingies, even though they're a bit loose. But Kopaka is still win - even though his triangular torso is every so slightly odd, it's a good chest armor piece and his wings are win. Lewa's sword-thingy is awesome, and the shoulder-packs make sense, I guess, but those scythes on his shoulders, combined with his big-eyed mask, make him look like an insect. And there's too much grey. Everywhere. On ALL of them. And so of course I built Kongu Mahri as well! I still shake my head at the Mahri - the breathing tubes and brain-jars make me laugh. And I'm irritated by how on the two Mahri's I have - Matoro and Kongu - well, both of their heads are down on their necks, really low, like Onua Mata! I gives them a hunched-over appearance, and IMO does not suit their underwater-swimming-selves. BUT he dual-wields the.... weapon thingies, and has a bunch of green coloring. On top of all the grey. And he's awfully beefy, too. (Hunky, HH! Hunky!) I gotta bring Matoro Mahri back out and compare these two. I just don't know where he is right now (probably at the mercy of my little brother...) So even though I have a massive crush on the character Kongu (Not only because he's JUST THAT AWESOME, but also thanks to a FANTASTIC human-version pic someone drew on another site), I'm not terribly fond of the Mahri version.
  2. *looks at his avatar*

    *is repeatedly shot by the MC*

  3. 'skzill' is not a spelling error, it is an intentional word of its own. ^^

  4. You needn't worry about MY spelling - I'm actually very good. It's my typing skzill that's lacking (on occasion).

  5. *posts up a reminder* Sprite sword! Make another sprite sword!


  6. ... oh my gooness, I DID say a leet word! That's... dude, weird. 0.o


  7. Thank you! :D

    - I am borrowing my pic from the artist who made it (on another site) b/c I

    - one barbeques in saunas just like the 3-2-1 Penguins

    - OPTIMUS oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me! ALL

  8. Hooray someone with a pink person has been in my profile! :P

  9. Senjo

    Prime Is Pretty

    To both of you, I LOL! (Though I think a shade more purple would suit him better. Pink is NOT his color. 8D)
  10. Bless you for bothering to skim this monster of a confusing entry!! ^^ Room, and Faves/BkMrks, hmmm... true, both very good points.
  11. Senjo

    Prime Is Pretty

    HH - I KNOW, he's just so DEMURE...! (No wait, that would include eyelashes.) X/Dr. Z/R - this explains why he's usually got that face shield. Most definitely. ((Primus)) - Oh, yes. (Nothin's prettier than a mech fresh out of battle!)
  12. Senjo

    Prime Is Pretty

    Prime is pretty! *giggles* ISN'T he?? (It's the lips!)
  13. I just looked through my comics, all the way up to No. 8, when they turn Nuva. What Cholie says is true - there really, really aren't any decent full-body images of Onua. There are one or two of him in an action pose from the back side, but most are cut-off or face-only. (This page has a near-full-body of him, but it's tiny and not so detailed.)
  14. DC comiiiiiiic..... I always did prefer DC over Marvel. BIONICLE Comic #3: Triumph of the Toa October 2001 Printing $2.25 (But I got mine free with my LEGO mag haw!) Part 3 of 3 Writer, Greg Farshtey Penciller, Carlos D'Anda Inker, Randy Elliot Colorist, Peter Pantazis Remember kids, these files are.png. Give 'em a minute or three to load themselves. And put down those scissors, for brick's sake!!
  15. Whoops HAHA too many windows open. Nukora is Mirage! D'oh.

  16. *struggles agains the recording tape* :D Oh thank goodness, for a short while I mistook the names and I thought YOU were the One-Eyed Monstrosity (Shockwave), but apparently that's Nukora?

    Oh yes, I feel SO much safer. (Not a bad fit of TF personas, I must say!!)

  17. Senjo


    Y'know it's funny, for all the time I spent listening to it, I hardly ever WATCHED the background image.... so I never noticed those things. Huh. Mad Swedish Skzill FTW! (Go talk to Tuan, she'll tell you if you're doing something wrong. )
  18. Senjo

    Oooh, Username!

    OMGOSH Lookit their usernames we have the coolest staffs evar!! *ceases fangirling* Thanks for those few clarifications. I don't even kno who the rest of the peeps are... I'm rather bad with names. I'm going to be sooo confused by the time this is over.
  19. Bfahome: Ack, I did miss the pizza crust! XD X/Dr. Z/Ridley: Why, 'cuz of the score, or my commentary? *Sees her screen name and squeals* Apparently I DON'T know any HH's! Alter-Ego Nukora: Yeah! I've been meaning to go memorize the swedish lyrics for the same reason. It's a great idea. Then we can laugh at the other peoples. Yes addictive. Haaaalp.
  20. I've been asked by another friend just what that smoke was about... as of today, I still have no idea. XP And actually, no, mom doesn't have to. Eh? Oh! It's more fun to guess on words like that, and let other people point out that it's wrong. It's really pretty funny to get, say, a handful of spelling freaks in here pointing their fingers at me. "You added atn 'E'!! Sacrilege!" "That 'A' is in the wrong spot! HANG HER!"
  21. Brian Drummond? Voice of Onewa and Blurr! Here?? And I'm gonna miss it. I'm not going to hear him talk candidly while he answers questions or signs his autograph whilst surrounded by interested peoples and adoring fans. *dramatically collapses onto the fainting couch* SUCH the disappointment!!
  22. Senjo

    Is 50 Too Much?

    IMO, 50 is great for a story. I like long stories. But generally, it's probably waaay too long for a normal voting member to want to read. They might see its length, and skip it altogether, if the judges even spent their time reading enough of it to decide to push it into the voting rounds. (And this does depend on the judges. Some absorb large amounts of story information better than others.) On the other hand, quite a few members might start reading it, decide that 'you're talented' or 'this is good writing', then skim to the end to see the outcome, and vote on it that way. Or they could read all of it. All of them. Or, again like you said, the 'voting because of reputation' thing. I'd say it's a tossup. If you're happy enough with your story, and you can present to us something 'finished' (even though you may intend to edit it later) then goshdarnit, enter! But if you have reservations about the story itself, or you're vehemently against 'voting by popularity' and you're afraid it'll be a problem, then don't enter. Easy decision now, right?
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