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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Thank you! I'm rather fond of it, myself. :)

  2. Senjo

    Corn Maze

    Ravrahn - Nooooo I was beaten to the Maize joke!
  3. Senjo


    @Static Man - I can agree with you there! @Black Six - Yes, you DO need to beat Halo Wars. If *I* can defeat it, you totally can. @ Swert - You were *immersed in the story. And I'm pretty sure that's why you're only allowed to use one armor ability at a time.
  4. Senjo


    BEFORE all you hardcore Halo players attack me for not playing Reach sooner - I was busy with homework, work-work, chores, and Halo Wars. And before you RTS-haters attack me for playing Wars - I unashamedly like playing it and I'm totally on the road to getting all the achievements. and so BTW the reason for this entry is that I LOVE the way that my Halo: Reach personal character is the one showing up in the gameplay and cutscenes. REALLY LOVE IT. The rest is kinda boring, and I stink with either a shotty or a snipe, but I haven't gotten very far yet. GEORGE ROCKS
  5. I think there was some talk about dressing up for BrickFair 2011, so don't write that out just yet.
  6. Senjo

    Free Lunch

    I just realized that I don't have to pack a lunch tomorrow - they're holding a reception for honor students! So I'll go, pick up my certificate, shake some hands, and eat from their table. I would go and tell my Macroeconomics professor that I'm getting a free lunch, but the fact of the matter is, I worked really hard for it.
  7. Here's that 'tortellini' recipe I made at BrickFair! This way, it's easier to share. Prep time: 5 minutes (they lie) Cook time: 20 minutes (they still lie) Serves: 4 (yet another untruth) Ingredients: 8 oz. penne or ziti pasta, uncooked ----> You can substitute or mix in any noodle you like, including elbow (macaroni) noodles and Tortellini (I like the Buitoni brand 3-cheese tortellini.)cups (8.0z) spinach leaves (torn, baby, or large, all of them are fine) (frozen spinach works GREAT and is a lot cheaper than fresh, btw)1/4 cup olive oil2 cloves garlic, minced (more to taste)1/2 cup chicken broth1 large tomato, diced (more to taste)1 3/4 cups (7 oz) shredded Mozzarella cheese (or your favorite shredded cheese)Cook pasta according to package directions, adding spinach to water during last minute of cooking, stirring until wilted. (If you can't fit the spinach into the pot with the noodles, you can cook the spinach in another pot [small amount of water, cook until wilted], then add it to the strained noodles.) Meanwhile, heat oil in a large, deep skillet over medium heat. Add garlic; cook 2 minutes. Add broth and bring to a simmer; cook 4 minutes. *Drain pasta and spinach; add to skillet, tossing well. simmer 2 minutes, tossing frequently. Stir in tomato; heat through. Season with salt to taste. (Doesn't need any! : P) Transfer mixture to four shallow pasta bowls; top each serving with 1/4 cup cheese. Immediately toss pasta with two spoons until cheese melts. Top each serving with remaining cheese. Serve with freshly ground black pepper (optional). *That's not how I do it. I drain the pasta and spinach, and put them together in a large serving bowl. Then I add the olive oil/garlic/broth and mix. I add the diced tomatoes next, because they're refreshing when not cooked to death. I put the mozarella on last and stir it up; the people can serve themselves. Notice that if you want meat, you can easily chop chicken or use a meat-filled tortellini. Also notice that this can be a vegetarian meal, if you use a chicken broth substitute.
  8. Parsley, saaaaaave Rosemary in tiiiiiiiiiiime!

  10. Senjo


    It was indeed moar than worth everything we put into it. Greatest road trip x 5! AND THE WAY BACK WAS, TOO
  11. Senjo


    I have not yet made a blog entry about BrickFair '10 because there was too much awesome to physically fit into this blog. And also because I have not yet had enough sleep. But I would like to link to a few things relating to the awesomeness of BrickFair and attempt to break my own previous statement pertaining to physics (I'm not so good at science anyway): Hahli Husky's BrickFair Shoutouts The Awesome Steve Witt gets promoted to Forum Mentor post-BrickFair Nuju Metru's BrickFair thanks and stuffeths ToM's list of awesome people and notes to said peeps Bionicle Raptor has pictures to show and t-shirts to talk about Vezok's Friend recounts good times with the peeps he met ChocolateFrogs has a few blog entries on the subject Primus here captured some of the crown-jewel moments. Pun intended. And here, Deevs takes over Nukaya's blog entry... or something... but yes, the squeaking WAS adorable. Smeag lists his many thoughts and it is good Looks like I owe two or three people that tortellini recipe! I'm glad y'all like my cooking, guys. I LOVE cooking and can't wait to cook for y'all again. Srsly. Okay, tired now, moar later~
  12. Senjo

    Members I Met

    *giggles and lulz* Nice pics! And a very good synopsis of the situation, might I add. That's pretty much how it went. Only we kept switching roles all weekend.
  13. Senjo

    Alrght Seriously

    I *LOVE* MY SHIRT!! Thanks so much!!! <3 They're srsly some of the spiffiest! I got so excited when you were there, and then you had the T-shirts, too!
  14. During the original battle for Mata Nui, Pohatu roundhouse kicked Makuta in the face, and that kick created Chuck Norris.
  15. I totally forgot that since it's July, I got my seventh year spinny. I missed my own anniversary by 13 days! Shame on me. I'd tell you that it's because I'm busy with work and important things and even trying to be busy on BZ at the same time, except... er... well yeah, that's the truth, akshully. XD So here's to seven great years, and to BZPower's own upcoming anniversary, and so much sappy stuff you could mop it up off the floor and re-use it elsewhere. Maaaataaaaaa Nuuuuuuuiiiii spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins
  16. Senjo

    Missing You

    Two and a half weeks, dude. Two and a half exciting, terrible, wonderful, painful weeks.
  17. Senjo

    Snail Mail Fail

    There was something I really, really needed to pay. And it had to be paid via check, via snail mail. No problem. But for some reason, I kept slacking. And slacking. And slacking. So finally, I wrote the check. Hooray! Ready to mail it in the morning! The next day, on my way to work, I dropped the envelope in the mailbox, sealed, and went about my day. When I got home, my dad took something off the kitchen table and showed it to me. My check. Apparently my little brother had found it on the floor right outside my bedroom... it had fallen out of the envelope before I sealed it. *facepalm* And THEN, my dad had picked it up from the table, thinking it was HIS check, and he had tried to cash it that afternoon. Not that the teller let him get away with it, of course. Double facepalm. So the place that needed my check was going to get an blank envelope with a piece of paper that said I was sending them money. Only, there was no money for them in that envelope. How embarassing. Later that night, as I worked off my embarrassment with a friend, I realized that I'd never put a stamp on the envelope, either. Triple facepalm.

    I CAN HAS??

  19. Your story's getting pretty thin. You'd better DIVIDE BY ZERO

  20. But I barbeque in my sauna. And what are you going to do with an empty wallet?

  21. You might wanna watch that cough. Could get worse if you keep jumping out of comment boxes and glomping people.

  22. Oh sorry. I can't remember with whom I've already had these conversations. No, don't talk about cheese, we've got enough of it here. Snorkels.

  23. Thanks heavens! For a minute there, I thought I had me confused with someone else! *phew*

  24. Senjo


    Honestly, I got so bored a few episodes in that I stopped watching. Too much drama, and not enough good ol' Stargate stuff. But before anyone beats me to death, I do not get ScyFy at my house. I had to drive to someone else's house to watch it. (Yes, I was that excited about SG-U!) When I was gravely disappointed in SG-U, it wasn't worth driving out of my house every Friday night. If I got ScyFy at home, I probably would have turned the TV on and watched it regardless, and maybe then I would have seen this *amazing development* of a Stargate-like episode of which you speak. 'Cuz I found the first handful of episodes seriously lacking.
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