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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Senjo

  1. Senjo
    Play that country song backwards and the poor guy'll get his dog back, his woman back, his car back, probably even his house and land back.

    Meanwhile, here's a list of strangely-titled country songs, some of which are comedy and a couple of which may not even exist:

    Am I Double Parked by the Curbstone of Your Heart?
    Billy Broke My Heart at Walgreens and I Cried All the Way to Sears
    Bubba's Inconvenience Store
    Hand me the Pool Cue and Call Yourself an Ambulance
    Here's A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)
    How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?
    How Did You Get so Ugly Overnight?
    I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling
    I Flushed You From The Toilets Of My Heart
    I Gave Her My Heart And A Diamond And She Clubbed Me With A Spade
    I Sent Her Artifical Flowers For Her Artificial Love
    I Still Miss You Baby... But My Aim is Getting Better
    I Was Looking Back to See If You Were Looking Back to See If I Was Looking Back to See if You Were Looking Back at Me
    I Went Back to My Fourth Wife for the Third Time and Gave Her a Second Chance to Make a First Class Fool Out of Me
    I Went Out On A Limb and Fell Off the Family Tree
    If My Nose Was Running Money, Honey, I'd Blow It Al On You
    If The Phone Doesn't Ring, It's Me
    My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend, And I Sure Do Miss Him
  2. Senjo
    I'm sure you're all familiar with the type.

    The one who goes by in his or her car - his or her old car which is making a ton of grating or obnoxious noise. Squeaky tire, dragging exhaust port or random shrapnel. The type that makes you say, "Get your ride fixed, you vexatious hippie!"

    Today I was that person.

    Hooray for costly replacements. This vexatious hippie's getting hers fixed.
  3. Senjo
    Did you know the German word equivalent to baloney! is quatsch? It is. Quatsch can mean nonsense and other such synonymous things, but baloney is so much better, because I was doing some German practice-reading with my dad (who knows German), when the word quatsch came up. And somehow my dad and I started singing the Oscar Mayer song, but with quatsch instead of Oscar and Mayer. But it didn't fit, so I had to hum it... or... something. I'm not really sure what was said then, because I was laughing too hard. It was a massive failure at the time, but the Oscar Mayer song has never been so funny. It was a lot of quatsch.

    (But now I've discovered it fits, oh yes it dooooes)

    My bologna has a first name - it's O-S-C-A-R
    My bologna has a second name, it's M-A-Y-E-R
    I like to eat it every day
    and if you ask me why, I'll saaaay...

    ... 'cuuuuz Oscar Mayer has a way with Q-U-A-T-S-C-H!
  4. Senjo
    Okay, just so we're clear, we should know the cardinal rules. (This is a preliminary list and is subject to change as new information and situations arise.)
    Cardinal sin No. 2: Messing up the laundry system. You do NOT putt a color in the whites, or a light in the darks or bolds, etc.
    Cardinal sin No. 1: Eating drippy food over a book.
    ... *carefully wipes her book off*
    ADDENDUM: Cardinal Sin No. 1b: Or over a computer.
  5. Senjo
    So I was totally there. And I met and hanged out with lots of cool BZP staff. And met others. You've seen the lists in other blogs, but they're at least three days old, so let's do it again!

    (list shamelessly taken from Black Six's blog because it was the first one I saw with the list)
    Black Six
    Darth Vader
    Levahk Lah
    Chocolate Frogs
    Friar Tuck
    Hahli Husky

    So I hope I didn't forget any of you guys??

    I'll resize and upload my pictures as I have time. Here is my flickr gallery, to be updated tomorrow! Enjoy.


    That's okay. Either go all the way to the 'end' and view 'backwards', or enjoy them from the end to the beginning!
  6. Senjo
    I've been a busy girl. I had a full time + a part time job over Winter break (egads, but the money was good) and had time for almost nothing else (including Beast Wars beyond the point of my last entry, sorry guys). And now there's this awesome pile of mail and paperwork to be done.
    Spring semester starts on Monday. Guess I should start on this paperwork now, eh? Bills, ick. Although I like the looks of these W-2 forms. Tax return! Oh look, here's the new sticker to put on my car's liscence plate. Means I'm legal for another year, whoot. And a paycheck! Yay! And here's some junk from another college - no thank you, I like mine just fine and you don't have anything in my area of studies. *tosses it into the trash* I do so love throwing junk in the trash. And it's paper junk. I should buuurrn it. It doesn't actually decompose in a landfill, after all.
    Let's not wait. Burn it now.

  7. Senjo
    I had been avoiding Transformers: Beast Wars all my life, but recently I ended up promising some friends I would give BW a try. I promised what, 6 episodes, guys? So I got a copy of disc 1 and started watching.

    And I couldn't really stand it.

    In fact it was SO hard to watch I had to alternate it with Ben 10 Alien Force, which was also in the house. I sure enjoyed the Ben 10 (<3) but BW was just like aaauuuuuugh maaaaake iiiiiit stooooooop. My mom and my older brother helped me through it, but I think mom is going to hurt something if I ever play another BW episode within her hearing range again. I'll probably help her. My brother and I kept company by cringing and groaning simultaneously. But I DID finish watching all first 6 episodes.

    If there is an overused word to describe Ben 10, it's "Nooooo!" And if there is an overused word to describe Beast Wars *coughthePredaconinPowercough*, that word is "Yeeeeesss."

    Now I'm sealing up the Beast Wars disc and sending it back to the rental place, and then I will never need to watch it again! It will be beyond my grasp! What a great plan. Yeeeeesss.
  8. Senjo
    I just got a splinter... while using my laptop's touchpad. o.O Then I dug it out with my own fingernails. I FEEL SO MANLY

    No no, wait - you want to see the best owneded "I feel manly" quote? I have it right here!

    Toromaga: I have hardened paint on my hands. I FEEL SO MANLY
    KKN_GN: Hardened paint? Manly? You sure that doesn't mean kindergarten?

    In other news, I mailed Janus' Christmas present yesterday! I can't wait until he gets it!
  9. Senjo
    Folks, living in an almost-small town is GREAT, I tell ye!
    My family's house is at the bottom of the town's Ski hill - well actually, it's a Snowboard hill now - and there's a bunny hill right next to it. The bunny hill goes straight into our backyard (and into our blackberry bushes). But the bunny hill has never been used as long as we've been living here.
    Just last week we got word that the town was gonna open up the bunny hill for sledders - and this means that we would have people cutting through our yard or sledding all the way through our yard, into our trees or our blackberry bushes. (Not to mention they'll shred their inflatable tubes when they do so!)
    My parents were not at all happy. Dad marched right into the City Hall and informed the people there that they HAD to put up a fence or tires or something at the bottom of the hill right before our property, because frankly we don't wanna deal with the riffraff.
    And it worked for several reasons:
    1. My dad gets things done. Always.
    2. My brother and sister worked at the Ski lodge last winter and are returning this year (City is pleased with their work)
    3. Lady who works in the City Hall is our next-door-neighbor. We get along great, and she knows what the hill looks like in relation to our back yard.
    4. The man they sent over to survey the property was Dennis - who is the husband of a woman my mother knows very well! So my mom introduced Dennis to my dad and they got along famously.
    The fence was put up this morning and everybody couldn't be happier. Small town WIN.
  10. Senjo
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    Oh yes he does.
  11. Senjo
    I walked past the vending machine today and saw a bag of chips kinda hanging out on the edge of the rack. Oh my, I thought, it must have made someone mad earlier in the day. Stuck food. Grr. But it looked good, and now that I'd seen them I kind of wanted them, so I decided to shake the machine.

    My mom, who was with me, watched. Nothing happened. I shook it just a little again, not feeling quite up to shaking a huge, heavy metal thingy that dispenses snacks to people with pocket change. Still nothing. I rapped on the glass/plastic window. "That's not going to do anything, honey," said my mom.

    So I took hold of the vender on either side, held tight with both hands, and shook and shook and shook...

    ... and now I have a bag of Baked cheddar and sour cream chips!

    I, of course, giggled in delight, because this was certainly the highlight of my day. Shaking a vending machine to get a free snack. My mom smiled a bit but shook her head (like good mothers should) and commented with sarcasm, "You'll make a horrible mother some day." Teaching my kids to check for lost change or even - gasp - shaking a vending machine.

    I suppose I won't have to teach them anything. I'll just stand there and watch them do it, smiling but shaking my head. Hey, I turned out OK. Besides a few coercive quirks.

    --------- EDIT: HAY LOOK apparently I got my six-year spinny in July! I remember July. I was too busy working two jobs to get on the internet and notice. Well now I'm noticing. It's so pretty. I feel old. And my rank image is still in the Nuva Ages. It's Old Hat, but a small number of posts would make me seem... new. So does this make me look young or old?
  12. Senjo
    I should update my calendar. September already. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

    A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre.

    After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van.

    However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.

    When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, 'Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings..'

    'I had no Monet
    to buy Degas
    to make the Van Gogh.'

    See if you have De Gaulle to
    share this with someone else.

    I shared it with you because I figured I had nothing Toulouse.
  13. Senjo
    Today is a monumental day!

    It is the first day since I changed my password that I have actually remembered to type the new one in the first time, correctly. And thus log in in one shot.
  14. Senjo
    I did take a lot of pictures at BrickFair, but I also took a few videos.

    And amongst all that boring footage are two jewels, priceless Kodak moments from two particular BZP staffers, forever immortalized in video.

    The first one is about 1/2 - 1 second long. Darth Vader is saying, "Just like last year!" But what you want to keep your eyes on Black Six on the far left. Then watch it again. And again. Double Arm Action HWA!

    And for your slightly longer viewing pleasure - well, you always knew Janus can fly. Oh yes you did.
  15. Senjo
    I totally just added you to the awesome-people-I-met-at-Brickfair '09 list!
    Dunno what happened that first time.
    * *
    Tonight I'm gonna try to get more pictures from Brickfair up on my flickr account. It's way more important that college homework, after all.
  16. Senjo
    M'kay, so I work in a cheese factory. There's a couple lines that I'm usually scheduled to work on - them being 42, 33, and 17. 42 is old and slow and has lots of problems, and that's the one I'm on the most. It kinda runs like this.

    But 17 is the newest line and runs pretty fast.

    I was on 17 tonight. The first two hours were unfortunate; something was wrong with the scale, so the whole line was down while the techs tried to fix it. Since we who were working on the line had no work, we had to do random things like check other lines for rejects to open, or take our trashes, or open up a whole pallet of boxes full of packages that had bad seals.

    Then the electrician guy came and fixed our problem! Hooray! There was much joy! So happie we tossed papers in the air! Joy papers!

    Well actually there were no joy papers. Because even though 17 is already capable of being the fastest-running line and it already has a huge record, I guess the Techs want to beat their own record because it was running fast. I mean really fast.

    No even faster than that! It was going so fast it's almost impossible to check the package to make sure it's OK before it keeps going down the line and into the box packing machine! I mean so fast that even if you DO see something wrong with the package you don't even have the reflexes to grab the bad package before it's out of reach and up the conveyor belt. This is no normal speed, folks.

    This is .
  17. Senjo
    You MUST read it ALL THE WAY through. SRSLY.

    One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, 'My dear child, why are you crying?' The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water and that she needed it to help her husband in making a living for their family. The Lord dipped His hand into the water and pulled up a golden thimble set with sapphires.

    'Is this your thimble?' the Lord asked The seamstress replied, 'No.'
    The Lord again dipped into the river. He held out a golden thimble studded with rubies.

    'Is this your thimble?' the Lord asked. Again, the seamstress replied, 'No.'
    The Lord reached down again and came up with a leather thimble.

    'Is this your thimble ?' the Lord asked. The seamstress replied, 'Yes.' The Lord was pleased with the woman's honesty and gave her all three thimbles to keep, and the seamstress went home happy.

    Some years later, the seamstress was walking with her husband along the riverbank, and her husband fell into the river and disappeared under the water. When she cried out, the Lord again appeared and asked her, 'Why are you crying?' 'Oh Lord, my husband has fallen into the river!'

    The Lord went down into the water and came up with George Clooney. 'Is this your husband?' the Lord asked.

    'Yes,' cried the seamstress. The Lord was furious. 'You lied! That is an untruth!' The seamstress replied, 'Oh, forgive me, my Lord. It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said 'no' to George Clooney, you would have come up with Brad Pitt.

    Then if I said 'no' to him, you would have come up with my husband. Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three. Lord, I'm not in the best of health and would not be able to take care of all three husbands, so THAT'S why I said 'yes' to George Clooney."

    And so the Lord let her keep him.

    The moral of this story is: Whenever a woman lies, it's for a good and honorable reason, and in the best interest of others. That's our story, and we're sticking to it.
  18. Senjo
    I am pleased to announce that my brother, Friar Tuck, has just been promoted to some BZP Staff position or other in the RPG forum, where he has been far too active for quite some time.
    Read all about it here!
  19. Senjo
    LOOKIT LOOKIT NEW EPICS CONTEST GO SEE GO SEE!! munkeymunkey is hosting it and it's really cool! I even posted in it! I had a QUESTION. But he said 'no'.

    I'm redecoratiiiiiiiing!
    I sure liked my other banners and blocks, with screenshots from the Voya Nui Online Game, but hey, I figured I should keep up with the times.

    - I updated my calendar, starting in June they have Bara Magna backgrounds
    - I even made July and put it up in case I get busy
    - New block on the left of the screen and new header-bar above this here text

    And I've begun compiling a list of posts that I like. Somebody posts something amusing, it's worth sharing, if I see it I'll put a link to it. They're hiding on the lower left of the page, so people who are curious enough to scroll down have something interesting to see! If I get into the habit of this, I'll probably put a banner up and link them all in an entry so it's easier to go through. And it won't clutter up the page.

    Now I'm going to get some sleep, but when I come back, I'm going to re-arrange my blog categories. I need a new picture to link to my categories, but frankly my arrangement is a mess and rather unsuitable.
  20. Senjo
    Family just got back from a trip to Kentucky - the Creation Museum, to be exact. Second time going there. We got to listen to some cool speakers, see the exhibits again, and I spent a hunk of money on three huge ancient history books. 8D
    It was a lot warmer in Kentucky than it is here at home. Nearly 20 degrees warmer. *pulls on blouse* Kentucky is beautiful; so many trees, you Kentuckians have a beautiful state with nice air. And here I thought Wisconsin had tons of trees. We observed an alarming lack of horses and white fences, though. Not nearly enough where we were visiting.
    Also, my grades are in!
    GPA 4.0, raised my overall GPA to 3.9.
    *is too tired to squeal, so simply sighs and grins in extreme happiness*
    I hate college, but it's nice to know I can do it just fine anyway.
    Also #2: I start my new job tomorrow! Factory job, at a good company, full time second shift. It means I will have lots of money for school next year and absolutely no social life. Hmmm. But I am one of the lucky ones to have a job, so thank you God, and please help me to not go crazy in this new environment. Amen!
    *goes to unpack her duffel bag and give her books places on the bookshelf* One of them is by Isaac Newton.
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