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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Senjo

  1. Well I had an idea but I can't quite... quite make it fit the requirements. Like it has to do with 6 but... argh. xD

  2. Same here. Or just coming up with something to write at all. Ohh the thrill of challenge!

  3. Oh hay you joined Story Fit, too!!

    Yay us!!

  4. Golly, why thank you! ^__^

  5. Senjo

    I'm loving this playlist so far! And may I mention that your Tufi + Charicheula has me near speechless, it's so awesome

  6. *has a good laugh* "You'll even win at IRONY!!"

  7. Lol yes, I have a blog, silly! *laughs* Glad you've finally found it, though. (I usually sneak around. I'm on BZ often, but I don't say much. Unless it's in my Blog.)

  8. Thank you kindly! ^__^

  9. Senjo

    Oh good. I agree. They're overrated.

  10. :o You can deal with presentations? You are stronger and braver than I!
  11. Ohh, so like you got halfway, but Heck is yet to come. *wince*

  12. Oh my word, senior project. You HAVE bee to Heck and back. Congrats!!

  13. 3 more days of math class, and I will be done with math FOREVER!

    Well, the school type, anyway.

  14. Senjo

    You said you refuse to call Ackar a hunk because he's old. But wait, isn't everybody in Bionicle old? :P So... can none of them be called hunks?

  15. Smeeeeeeag. Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving, Janus!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving, Nikira!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving, Argetlam!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, BTW. :)

  20. Not that I haven't ever considered a name change - 'cuz I have - but it would just be confusing. Besides, I like my SN.

  21. But I have no list of previous display names. Are you saying I should make one?

  22. Ohmaigosh THANKS! I would have been so lost and terribly confused if you hadn't clarified that.

  23. I don't think you should worry too much about being picked apart. I mean, it *will* happen, there are wet blankets and those who generally didn't like the film - but also those of us who did. A review would be most useful!

  24. *laughs* Well thought out. I must concur. (Another note - when I saw pictures of the dark evening background, the 'space' backgrounds, I was worried the whole movie would be like that. I hated them. But when I saw island Mata Nui and other village scenery, I was thrilled. :) TLR is definitely a candidate for favorite-ness. :)

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