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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Piiiiins! My library contest threads have piiiiins! Thank you for the topic piiiiins!

  2. Senjo

    Anarchy Reigns

    I'm applauding you, Nukora. That was the most randomly entertaining thing I'd seen all day!

    Fixed 'em. :D

  4. Hey-Ho, thanks for your input in the Epics Contest History. I added the links and fixed 'Paradise Lost' (OMGosh it's so funny... it looked like 'Parodies Lost'. OOH! I © that!

  5. OH MAI GOSH I IZ GOOD! I seez you in de forumz! Hau is yoo? Oh noes, yoo is gone nau.

  6. *looks at his number of posts*

    1954. That was a good year. :D

  7. Wow. I have a chocolate chip muffin for a friend. :P

    - Jo

  8. *gaspez*

    *tries it out*


    *changes it back*

    Why thank you! :D

  9. *glances at personal statement*

    Blonde, yeah. So you must be a yellow muffin, then?

  10. We can.... switch skins?


    I had no clue.


  11. OMGosh was it YOUR maj? I couldn't remember! Now I can thank you!! Thanks. :D

    Oh yes. Funny sign = total ownage. Love it!

  12. Senjo

    It's That Time (almost)

    Given what small familiarization I have with Invader Zim, I still can't believe I'd never heard of the Santa Song before! You gave me a smile today. Thank you.
  13. A short while ago I alluded that your interests list was huge. I have since seen Krahka!!!'s list and wish to retract that idea.

  14. Oh you're so cool, you have a birthday and everything :P

  15. Sorry to double-comment, but RLY. It's yo birthdai!! Hoorai! Lots of cake and icey-cream sent metaphorically to you ^^

  16. Oh, yeah? Well I hadn't made a topic in over 3 years! HA! OWNED! XD

  17. *Nods towards him* Ah, hello, Toa of Honor! Far too long. I am doing well - VERY well - for my summer job ends in a week, and I am taking off from school this year!

    (There is much rejoicing)

    Oh, if you have 5 minutes, read my SS? Please?

  18. And thou hast continued it!

  19. KK! I've left you a comment! And I've befriended you!!

    Now I'm signing off!!

    - Jo

  20. *tsk* Scalawags.

    (Hi, !!)

    - Jo

  21. I has a flishy comment for yuu!

    "the flish"


    - Jo

  22. Im in ur profile, startin ur commentz!

    - Jo

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