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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. I figured you needed a little more female presence in your profile. :P I mean lookit all those guy visitors!! *hug*

    - Jo

  2. Keehee, I have a friend! *hugs ToMmy* Helluuuu. :D

  3. Egads! You are definitely an Interest-ed person. It's so long I keep losing my place! ^_^

    - Jo

  4. Just returning the comment. :D

  5. Hey there, Husakai! We gots us each a snazzy profile. (Like wow! Love this.) Except now you can see my very ancient - and embarrassing - topics. Like, stuff that I forgot even existed. XD

    I luv yur lokashun!!

  6. Senjo

    Aiya Aldar

    Wow. It's very... calming in here. You tree hugger you. Sorry not to come by sooner. I'm in love with your buttons.
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