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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Senjo

    Epic Typo Is Epic

    That sounds rather counter-productive to being a fan. *shakes head* Adults are weird.
  2. Senjo

    Epic Typo Is Epic

    Oh the irony! Yeah, stick around. The show keeps getting better. :blush:
  3. I just read your sig with the "Also turn gravy" GregF typo-quote, and wanted you to know I got a HUGE kick out of it =D

  4. Senjo

    Epic Typo Is Epic

    But I gave you five whole points for it!! Mistyping is a nonsentient entity, so YOU get to redeem those points! BioRaptor: Lego < LEGO 2 typos fix'd
  5. We Bionicle fans get a lot of rap from Adult Fans Of LEGO, mostly for the reason that Bionicle pieces aren't really LEGO Bricks, they're... weird pieces with the occasional stud. Whatever. We love Bionicle. Not all AFOLS have to. In fact, now AFOLs don't even have to like LEGO, period! Hahli Husky - "Well yanno, most AFOLs hate Lego!" Score five points for mistyping!
  6. Senjo


    *round of applause*
  7. Senjo


  8. Senjo


    Toothpick clothed!
  9. Senjo


    ... curses
  10. Senjo


  11. Senjo


    Yaaaaaaay bandaid!
  12. Senjo


    I leet, you leet, we all leet for - *brick'd* Come back next time, when we go back in Senjo's post history to reveal the George Lucas post - 1138!
  13. Senjo

    Odd Man Out

    Don't worry about it. There's plenty of us who give Hero Factory a glance, notice the sets' similarities, and walk on. Sure, it's a neat theme. A factory that makes heroes. Hooray for LEGO! But no, there's no reason we HAVE to love it, or even like it, because we love/like Bionicle. Lol, denial. xD
  14. 8D! I will take the vibes with me to finals, whoot!

  15. Senjo

    Save Me

    Ziko: Interpersonal Communication, of all things. All my English department faculty are great! 'Tis unfortunate that yours are not. But all the Comm proffs here are... um, lacking. BioRaptor: Hahaha! The Master Reporter here is Black Six. He's some kind of amazing. *grovel, grovel*
  16. I changed my Firefox theme and desktop wallpaper to cherry blossoms! I admit the pink and flowers are making me extremely happy ^__^

  17. Senjo

    Save Me

    I am SO sorry. >.<
  18. Senjo

    Save Me

    Dear friends, some professors are not fit to lead the classes they teach. I have one such professor. Tomorrow is the final. Then I will never have to suffer the man's awkwardness or lack of ability in his own area again. (But I doubt I'll get out of there alive. I might die of a conniption first.) After Monday, I'm on to better things! ~ *And that, my friends, is a VERY happy thought!*
  19. Senjo

    Game Over

    I may have some afternoon time this summer! ... I'll get back to you!
  20. Senjo

    Game Over

    Why yes I do! Not necessarily well, but I do indeed play! My bro gets all the games so I get to play them on my 360.
  21. Not at all - it simply means it was 'very much so.' =D

  22. Hey there - I saw your name mentioned in Bionicle Raptor's blog. May I just say I think your SN is terribly clever?

  23. Senjo

    Game Over

    Halo Reach! Halo Reach!! I just watched Halo Legends with my brother this weekend - the Reach trailer was on it - and I'm totally pumped. Eeeee! :3 I gotta make more progress on ODST and Halo Wars, though. I was really enjoying Halo Wars. Hooray for summer!
  24. OH GOSH NO. asdf I was sitting here, happily typing up my news piece in the web browser for today, when my window suddenly disappeared and I was cheerily informed, "Firefox has crashed! Haha, sucker. We'll try to restore your window if you want. Might as well report the problem to us, while you're at it. Say good-bye to your article, though!" Having absolutely no choice in the matter, I told it to restart. Thank heavens it brought up my window with my text all in it, but egads, when was the last time I had such a heart attack? It was like three paragraphs long. I couldn't have re-written it. That'll learn me to type it in the web browser. (Every experienced RPG'er out there is shaking their head at me right now. Yeah, some times I've gotta learn the hard way.) 'Neway, my text is safe, so news will be up by six!
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