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Blog Entries posted by Senjo

  1. Senjo
    I'm going to wear my pink lace vintage dress to church for Easter! With the ribbon-tie heels and the vintage hat I just bought.
    *swooshes around* I feel pretty... oh-so-pretty! So pretty and witty and briiiiiiiiight...
  2. Senjo
    It was as good an excuse as any.

    My retainer had fallen into the trash; there was no way on this God-given earth I was going to stick it back in my mouth unless I could have it cleaned on the molecular level. But, having no patented molecule-cleaner, I decided soap followed by boiling water would prolly cure anything.

    So I took our smallest pot and put an inch of water in it. I set it on the burner, turned the knob to 'hi', and waited.

    And watched.

    And waited.

    And continue watching that pot.

    Lo and behold, physics prevailed; It DID boil.
  3. Senjo
    I have printed out my Federal tax return and sealed it in an envelope; I have *gasp* hand-filled out my state tax return and sealed that in its respective envelope as well. Both are ready to be stamped and mailed - right after I buy stamps tomorrow. Seems that I used the last two yesterday. XD

    My then, Spring Break is winding down (grrrrrr!) and I still have a few things to do. Among them: gotta fill out that wonderful FAFSA so I may receive financial aid and continue attending college; gotta pay the mechanic for fixing my car (which decided to konk out on the highway - thank goodness my dad was the one driving at the time.) I owe an old friend a decent letter; and I promised my brother I would critique these papers for him, before he got back from his missions trip. I think I'll do that right now.

    I have found a new favorite song - Palladio. I suggest you go look it up right now, it's gorgeous. :3 I must learn to dance.

    *whips out a red pen and her brother's papers* Ah, this shall be fun.
  4. Senjo
    "But, officer..."
    "Can you imagine this guy going 90 mph on his way to Dallas with these
    balloons trailing a few yards behind him?
    Instructions for a fun time on the interstate:
    Step 1. Tie balloons to car.
    Step 2. Drive like crazy.
    Step 3.. Watch people freak out."

    I don't care who you are....that's funny.
  5. Senjo
    What a gorgeous day. I have both windows open and the breezes mix so wonderfully with the sunshine.
    I'm thrilled to see that the profiles and Blogs are untouched! I was really panicked for a second. I only lost a few posts and two topics - one of which I was able to retrieve thanks to a Google-search cache. I might post that in S&T again later. I'll have to get my comic (there is a dead thumbnail link below) re-posted up in Artwork III laterz, too.
    BTW, How to Recover Topics, by Lewa0111. Macku: Toa of Bubbles also noted a way to improve the search on Google for your lost topics in there, just a few posts down. It won't work for ALL topics, but you can probably find something you've lost.
    Now go out there and get busy rebuilding! Have fun, peeps, be good, thank the staff, appreciate them, and save everything you like onto your hard drive. Every page of everything. All you have to do is go to the top-right corner, click 'file', and click 'save page as...' Then you can save it in a folder or on your desktop. Dooo. Iiiit. Remember, if the topic has more than one page, you'll have to save those pages individually!
  6. Senjo
    So I got one of those icky PMs this morning. Blargh. But over here, Kex gives suggestions as how to avoid these PMs at all! It's common sense, really.
    Another thing: After I opened the PM and freaked, I clicked on the member's name to get to his profile page. He was listed as 'banned'. If I had seen his profile first, before opening the PM, his banned status would have tipped me off and I never would have opened the PM in the first place. He had been found out before I even saw the message, and I could have avoided seeing it altogether.
    Now kids, protect your Personal Message boxes, avoid icky stuff, and go see that little picture I put below to see something completely different. I edited Bionicle comic #1. It's silly. It will make you smile.

  7. Senjo
    All I've been doing is school and chores. School and homework. Been at home, or at college. Or at work. And work again.

    So this morning slept in! And it was awesome. And I decided that I would go out today!

    And this, dear reader, was TERRIBLY exciting.

    But I have no money (Read: I've paid my school bills and have to fill up my car), so I went to the St. Vincent De Paul thrift shop in town. I looked aaaaall over the place, didn't find anything to buy. Rather disappointing trip!

    So then I went to the store to buy flowers for my family for Valentine's. Well, the flowers they had left were icky. Dying, wilting, browning. Forget those. They're not worth half that price tag!

    So I went to the bakery. Behold!! 40% off day-old breads and pastries and cakes!!

    I bought sugared ring donuts and Monkey Bread. :3 Spent $5, and had fun. (Did I mention I tried on three pretty dresses at St. Vinnie's? I did! It was fun, even if they didn't fit.)

    OH, and we found my lost book at the Lost & Found at the YMCA!!! HOORAY I have my book back.

    Ohx2, the mechanic fixed my car. It hasn't shimmied or shaken uncontrollably all week - and my dad paid for it! He wouldn't even tell me what it cost. <3
  8. Senjo
    So I have a '94 Toyota Corolla. I've had it a year, I love it dearly. The MPG serves me most well. I use it to commute to college (which is a 50-minute drive), so I'm racking up the miles quickly.

    Lately it's started shaking really, really hard. Randomly. Like I'll be driving down the highway and everything's fine, then suddenly, the car is rattling and the steering wheel is shaking back and forth and it's not good at all. Then a few tense minutes later it stops.

    Of course, I don't like this at all! So my dad and I took it into the auto shop early this morning. The guy looks at me and says, "A Corolla? Those things are tough. They last forever." And he referred to the 'shake' as a 'shimmy'. He'll look at it today and see if there's something loose or a piece of rubber snapped or something that would make the something rub against or jiggle loose or something like that.

    Personally, I think 'shimmy' has a certain class, a term more worthy of my wonderful Corolla. <3
  9. Senjo
    I would like to point all you ladies and gents to the February Calendar on the lower left panel, added thirty seconds ago (and only three days late! =P). February is indicated with a box (sorry, a heart wouldn't fit... well maybe it would, but I'm not good enough to make it fit!) I did not mark my birthday.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the moderator Hahli Husky, who has so kindly awarded me a shot of PE. It was enough to fill up my proto bar *points at full proto bar* and B6 has recognized me as an OC.

    *rubs copper huna with her sleeve* Shiny. I like it. =D
  10. Senjo
    For your further education, the knowledge of these "Lesser Laws" is imperative.
    Murphy did not stop with just one law.
    Murphy's 10 Lesser-Known Laws
    1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
    2. He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    3. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
    4. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
    5. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
    6. The things that come to those who wait will be the things left by those who got there first.
    7. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat all day, drinking beer.
    8. The shin bone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
    9. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
    10. When you go into court, you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.
    Concentrate on those Lesser Laws during your quiet times.
  11. Senjo
    The kidnapping of children,
    military brainwashing,
    hyper-advanced schooling,
    fifteen years of grueling physical training,
    the adhering metal to growing bone,
    and billions of dollars cheated out of taxpayers and spent on Spartan-specific MJOLNR armor,
    cannot stand up to one techno-rich playboy kidnapped and put to work in a cave in the middle east.

    by Jameson9101322
  12. Senjo
    So I've noticed these last few years: once you reach a certain age, people stop getting you toys for Christmas.
    Of course there are many, many other things out there - useful things, practical things, amusing things, that are not toys. Cash and gift cards are among the very useful items, as they may procure toys. But it's not HALF as fun as opening up a toy.
    Srsly, I miss rippng open the wrapping paper and seeing a toy I can actually play with! (My parents and aunts and uncles all sit at the table and talk for HOURS, what am I supposed to do while they're reminiscing!?)
    So I would like to retract every other item I wished for this year - and remind certain peoples that getting an almost-20-year-old a TOY for Christmas is not unwelcome, because it can be so awesome.
    - I want a Skrall, and Gresh - no, I'll make this easy; ANY Lego set would do!
    - a Transformer!
    - A board game
    - or an I Spy or puzzle book
  13. Senjo
    What, pray tell, does 'UPS' stand for?? The possibilities are near endless.

    Undersized Personality Specialists
    Unsaturated Preshrunk Sardines
    Unpredictable Produce Samples
    Unused Personal Sideburns
    Unlimited Protective Saucers
    United Paranoid Servicemen
    Unusual Processed Spam
    Unfrozen Peanut Sputter
    Undiscribed Pneumonia Symptoms
    Unearthed Pizza Sauce
    Uncanny Problem Solvers

    But that all I have for now. Your assistance, please, people! GO!
  14. Senjo
    I move that Skidooing is the Ultimate Power.
    If Blue can skidoo, I can, too! I could skidoo an entire army from Mordor straight into Happyland, or get from Ta-Koro to Ta-Metru in two seconds flat. Only a picture is required. One can skidoo anything one wants to, so long as one has a picture of the destination on the wall! (Space and time are non-applicable.)
    Jo is not to be held responsible for any headaches, dizziness, vomiting, bad feelings, tripping, falling on your face, armies stuck in limbo, or loss in connection with unauthorized or authorized skidoo's.
    For more information, call 1-800-Jo's-Plot-Devices. Operaters are lounging by.
  15. Senjo
    DC Bionicle Comic 5
    April 2002
    2.25 American Dollars
    The Bohrok Saga, part 2 of 6
    'To Trap a Tahnok'
    Writer, Farshtey
    Penciller, D'Anda
    Inker, Elliot
    Letterer, Lopez
    Colorist & Separator, Pantazis
    These are the .png's, I'll have them up in .jpeg for soon!

    UPDATE 9/20: My History 103 class extra-credit paper is done, my Writing 104 class paper is done, I already know everything I'm supposed to have memorized for German class on Monday so here are the .JPEG's!
    Front Cover
    Intro Page
    Page 3
    Page 4
    Page 5
    Page 6
    Page 7
    Page 8
    Page 9
    Page 10
    Page 11
    Page 12
    Page 13
    Page 14
    Page 15
    Page 16
    Page 17
    Page 18
    Page 19
    Back cover
  16. Senjo
    Have you ever tried to take a power nap... which utterly failed?

    *makes a crazy zombie face* Now I'm tired AND loopy!

    Oh hey, I should scan some comics for you guys. A couple of you have been so patient an' all. Where was I? Is Comic 5 next?

    I DONATED BLOOD PLASMA TODAY AND DIDN'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS! <3 Relatively-pain-free twenty bucks, for the first time in like, ever. :3
  17. Senjo
    I learned something all by myself. Or at least I think so.
    If you watch Stargate Atlantis you'll notice that some characters say 'Zee PM' (when referring to a Zero Point Module) and some of them say 'Zed PM'. I would look at the letters 'zpm' and pronounce it 'Zee PM', and since there is no 'Zed' in 'Zero', I couldn't figure out what they meant.
    So after accidentally finding an online forum argument about who's better, America or Canada, I learned that apparently the rest of the English-speaking world (Britain, Australia, Canada, etc.) pronounces the letter 'Z' as 'Zed'. We blasted Americans, with our own dialect of English, pronounce it 'Zee'.
    Apparently it's 'zet' in Dutch, German, Romanian and Czech; 'zède' in French, 'zäta' in Swedish, 'zeta' in Italian and Spanish, and 'zê' in Portuguese. I don't know how the jell to prononce Portuguese.
    Opinions? Insights? Snide remarks?
    LAST NOTE: College starts tomorrow!! *so torn between excitement and fear that she's sure to suffer a brain aneurysm*
  18. Senjo
    Lookit lookit lookit it's Hapori Tohu for the new generation!!!

    Came in the mail today. It's kind of a dorky Brickmaster set, but the package says 'Bionicle' on it and it has a cool Bionicle head. =P The wings are spiffing!

  19. Senjo
    This first week of college has been... less than wonderful. It wasn't so much 'syllabus shock' as it was the homework shock - lots of reading and 2 papers from day one - and more every day after that. I totally freaked out. Thanks to help and encouragement from my parents and brother, I'm working through it, but I've still got tons to do. I can handle it now, but not with a smile on my face. (Well.... okay, I still have smiles left. They're just a bit harder to find under all these books.)
    I feel like this guy! v v v v

    And I, in my brilliance and desire NOT to be late to class, found the most expensive parking spot on campus.
    (I'm sure you've seen it before - the place one finds when the parking lot is totally full, at the end there, where there is no yellow paint? The illegal spot? Ya know the place.)
    Apprently I'm one of many who've received a ticket for the same reason... (then make more parking, goshdarnitall!!)
    ... OH WAIT. I see now! If they keep forcing students to park illegally by not providing enough parking spots, they'll eventually hand out enough Parking Violation tickets and earn themselves a handsome enough sum to add a new lot.
  20. Senjo
    And here are scans of.... that mini comic with the McToran. I honestly don't know where it came from. I don't know which promotion it came with, or even how I happen to own it now. Arpy says it came with the McTohunga from McDonald's! (Thanks Arpy!)
    So here are the scans! (They're in .JPEG. I'll get the slightly-better-quality, long-loading .PNG's up soon)

    .... Does Brickshelf have a limit on personal accounts? 'Cuz... well, by the time I'm through, it's going to be one crowded bunch of folders...
  21. Senjo
    BIONICLE Comic #4: The Bohrok Awake
    Janurary 2002 Printing
    $2.25 for you poor saps who didn't get it free and don't see it here
    Part 1 of 6
    Writer, Greg Farshtey
    Penciller, Carlos D'Anda
    Inker, Randy Elliot
    Leterer, Ken Lopez
    Colorist and Separator, Peter Pantazis
    All these pics are .png,
    so patience is required of thee.

    AAAAaaand here's front cover and back cover scans of the Mini-comic version of Comic 4 (which I think I picked up at Wal*Mart...) Even though I kept the scan large, it really is less than half the size of a regular Bionicle comic book (the regular size at the time).

  22. Senjo
    I was re-playing the MNOLG yesterday and with a little help from HH, I rescued all the Le-Matoran from the hive. Of course after they're free and Lewa gets his Golden Kanohi, there's that famous party!

    I noticed that the one musician on the far right (or, his own left) turns and does a 'headbang' every so often. I thought it pretty funny, and decided to get a screenshot. So I waited, my fingers poised on the Ctrl and PrtSc buttons, waiting.

    Then all of a sudden he pulled out a wristwatch.

    No, that is NOT an edit! It's real. If you too are a victim of boredom or are easily entertained and you already knew that, then bully for you! But I guffawed. I still guffaw. totally didn't see it coming. I was all and for five minutes. Naturally I didn't get the screenshot the first time, or even the second. It's a split-second shot! I waited six more minutes to get that screenshot and show off the watch-wearing Le-Matoran, just because I love y'all.

    *giggles s'more*
  23. Senjo
    Hey, I finally figured that blasted Kakama!! You'd think that it was an easy mask, you really would, because it looks deceptivly simple. Well, I did, anyway. But it's not... it's flat in front but at a curve, with the two incoming sides at an angle, curving in again, plus the whiskers. Hrmmm.

    Like before, 1oo% hand-made clay Kakama model. Whoot!

    So, here y'are, introducing: Kakama, Mask of Speed.

    Ooh, and I'm halfway through scanning comic 3! I would have had it done the other day, but then all the thunderstorms and tornado-watches hit us. Had to power down everything computer-related, then watch the weather. The torrential rain was amazing! No tornados did actually form in our little area, though, thank goodness. The mini-floods are doing enough damage to farmer's crops and people's homes, thankyouverymuch!

    I'm so very sorry to hear about those poor folks in the Dells - their homes being swept away, into the river. Oh, that and the lake being misplaced. Yep. The 'lake' is now dry land, and what was dry land is flooded over!
    (An e-mail from the Dells, however, cheerfully informes us that most of the riverside shops are still open, however!!)

    YOU HEAR THAT? SHOPPING! CDs, informational books, postcards, matted photos, funny t-shirts and knick-knacks galore! Ohh, there was this REALLY pretty skirt up in one shop there that I saw last summer, but it was too expensive... I'm cheap, I really am. (Though I have to say 'thrifty' sounds better than 'frugal'.)
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