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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Senjo

  1. Hmm. I have not yet acquired any of the sets, so I didn't know their animations were very set accurate. This is good news! And a good idea, I think.

  2. I'll have to agree. MoL was amaxing at the time, I was SO happy to have it and see it - though nowadays I cringe. :P And I loved the LoMN Toa-focus. Maybe that's why I like TLR so much - it didn't have much plot, but it was about the Glatorian (substitute Toa) and Mata Nui, not just Matoran/Agori. I do so love Toa.

  3. ... stacks up to TLR. Opinion?

  4. No way, you haven't done anything wrong! I'm just too swamped with homework too answer. I'm having a hard time deciding what to say, it's taking some thought; I can immediately rule out MoL and WoS, I wasn't overly fond of either of them... though WoS had its moments. But I liked LoMN. However, I haven't seen LoMN in a while. I'm not sure I quite remember how it sta

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. "IDK, my BFF Ackar?"

  7. Same here! (I shouldn't type this in public - a lot of my friends hated it XD) But it had good things going for it. And I luuuv Ackar. Cummings is WIN.

  8. Ohh, good times. I remember Senior year. But my favorite was the year after - I took the it off from school. Best yr ever. Hey, you seen TLR yet?

  9. BioRaptor! I'm doing OK. Kinda swamped and nutsy from college and homework, but after some advice from my dad I'm taking it a lot better. ^_^ And I have my health! How are you? :P

  10. What a horrid fate to suffer! I am sorry to hear of it. I am well, but my studies at the University take all my time and are poking holes in my sanity.

  11. Hail, Sir Dalyk! How goes it?

  12. One of the best movies. You get the Win award.

  13. Hey Argetlam, are you the guy with the camera that has a pic of me jumping in front of everyone else during the Staff Set Review at Brickfair?

  14. Hey LevahkLah, do you have the camera that has the pic of me jumping in front ov everyone else at the Set Review at Brickfair?

  15. Hey DV, are you the one who took the pic during the Brickfair Set Review, the one where I jumped in front of everybody else?

  16. You the guy who has the camera with the picture of me jumping in front of the others during the Brickfair set review?

  17. Oh darn. I guess I'll keep asking around till I find that pic! ^^

  18. Hey CF, are you the one with the pic of me jumping in front of the camera during the staff photo shoot, before the set review? do you have it? I want that... and those pics, where can I find them?

  19. LOVE your personal picture! It's as funny as the Gaston pic, only Jafar's actually speaking. xd

  20. Do you answer to 'Bruce' or 'Howl'?

  21. *reads that twice* That can still be misread/misconstrued. You want Ray-juh!

  22. Yes! It is, in fact, Daniel Jackson in my avatar.

  23. *laughs out loud* Oh that's terrible.

  24. Rayg, I guarantee I will pronounce your name right from now on.

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