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Blog Entries posted by Senjo

  1. Senjo
    I work in a camp kitchen. It's my summer job. At the beginning of this summer I joked to my mom, 'So how many admirers you think I'll get this summer? ' We had a laugh.

    It now appears that this one staffer, Mike, is crushing on me? Flirting, or something like that. (Not that -I'D- know anything about it, but that's what Kim, my almost-middle-aged co-worker, says. My brother, also a co-worker, agrees, and now Kate, my third co-worker, agrees.)

    I'm not interested in Mike, BTW, and I realized I was probably too nice (that happens with me) and he may have gotten the wrong idea.

    Kim teases me mercilessly about Mike. If he's around, Kim gives me 'a look' and asks me if I want to go work near where Mike is hanging out. She says I should give him a try. Pffft.

    Now flash forward to today; Kim, Kate, and I were in the kitchen doing pizza prep and salad bar prep. Women in the kitchen do a lot of talking, and we (and by 'we' I mean 'those two') were doing a LOT of talking, and we ended up on the discussion of Christmas. Kim talked about Santa Claus, and I told her that my family 'doesn't do Santa Claus'. We do Christmas, with decorations and thankfulness and gifts, but no Santa.

    She was disappointed, because her family always did. "Do you do the Easter Bunny?" No. We do Easter, but nooo silly bunnies or eggs. "At LEAST tell me that you do Halloween." No.

    Kim was sooo sad. Then she told me that I'll "someday meet a handsome young man" and make a lot of allowances and changes when I decide I want to marry him. I told her no, no, no. I made it clear that I wouldn't change for some guy - that I'll marry a guy who thinks and lives and believes like I do.

    Sooooo Mike ends up in the kitchen during supper. Kim and Kate were sitting at the table eating dinner, but I'd already had my break so I was putting food away. Remember, Kim wants to set me up with Mike.

    Kim flags Mike down and asks him if his family does Santa Claus and all that stuff. Mike said yes.

    I overheard this, stopped what I was doing, and looked at Kim.

    I LAUGHED in her general direction. Raucously.

    Of course the joke was lost on Mike, but at least Kate laughed with me.

    Sorry Kim, all your hopes of matchmaking are DASHED!
  2. Senjo
    ... it carries a terrible curse!
    : o That’s bad!
    But it comes with a free Diet Pepsi Max!
    : D That’s good!
    The Diet Pepsi Max is also cursed.
    : ( That’s bad.
    But it has no calories!
    : D That’s good!
    The Diet Pepsi Max contains potassium benzoate.
    ... that's bad.
    (You can go home now!)
  3. Senjo
    I am kidnapping ToM's header-bar idear and holding it for ransom. 8D

    So I took advantage of the Target-Kongu sale and bought him! Then I saw that Lewa Phantoka was there, and still only $9.99. I was mildly worried that they might 'phase out' Lewa after stocking Gali, Tahu, and Onua, so I got him, too. ^^ Then I built him yesterday...

    ... and he looks like an insect.

    I stood him up next to Kopaka Phantoka and Pohatu Phantoka. I'm surprised (but pleased at) how every one of them has different pieces mixed in with similar pieces - I mean, they all have different legs! And feet. And Pohatu's arms are different that Kopaka and Lewa's. (Pohatu is so short!! Or is Lewa so tall??)

    I'm still irked by how skinny (wimpy) Pohatu's torso/midsection seems, especially in comparison with the rest of his bod. (Hefty legs and arms! Beefy!) I like his pincer thingies, even though they're a bit loose.
    But Kopaka is still win - even though his triangular torso is every so slightly odd, it's a good chest armor piece and his wings are win.

    Lewa's sword-thingy is awesome, and the shoulder-packs make sense, I guess, but those scythes on his shoulders, combined with his big-eyed mask, make him look like an insect. And there's too much grey. Everywhere.

    On ALL of them.

    And so of course I built Kongu Mahri as well! I still shake my head at the Mahri - the breathing tubes and brain-jars make me laugh. And I'm irritated by how on the two Mahri's I have - Matoro and Kongu - well, both of their heads are down on their necks, really low, like Onua Mata! I gives them a hunched-over appearance, and IMO does not suit their underwater-swimming-selves. BUT he dual-wields the.... weapon thingies, and has a bunch of green coloring.

    On top of all the grey.

    And he's awfully beefy, too. (Hunky, HH! Hunky!)

    I gotta bring Matoro Mahri back out and compare these two. I just don't know where he is right now (probably at the mercy of my little brother...)

    So even though I have a massive crush on the character Kongu (Not only because he's JUST THAT AWESOME, but also thanks to a FANTASTIC human-version pic someone drew on another site), I'm not terribly fond of the Mahri version.
  4. Senjo
    It occurred to me that one's room or home may be much in resemblance to one's state of mind. This is just a little differenty than one's personality, characteristics, or personal likes or dislikes. If one is calm, content, at peace, or just plain happy, one's room is likely to be clean, organized, or arranged in such a fashion to match ('A place for everything, and everything it its place'), so that it could be classified as a 'calming' or 'contenting' room
    If one's current mindset is harsh, inattentive, or fleeting or frazzled, it is likely that their main room is also (or maybe it is the condition of the room that is causing the state of mind!)
    At least I can say that this logic is true of myself. If all my earthly possessions have found their way into an unceremonious deluge on the floor, my clothing is falling out of my closet and drawers, my collectible and displayable things have been placed haphazardly on their shelves, undusted, I find myself throughout the day a little more 'on edge', or acting ADD, or feeling dissatisfied. This, I think, may have everything to do with the fact that I see my room first thing in the morning, and at random intervals throughout the day, and last thing at night. It's there. It's unavoidable. The mess is blatant. But when it is cleaned and organized, my world is considerably lighter! I open the door to my bedroom and feel like trying to dance! There is room to move, there is light, there is no dust to breath, nothing to step on... you get the idea.
    This is why I have every intention of cleaning my room tomorrow.
    But back to the original thought: clean or not, my room does resemble the dorbish pah that is my mind. It is a random conglomerate of a multitude of varying, minute interests* (*Note: Beware of synonymic redundancy and a lot of nonsense). It is all at the same time squished together, and yet separated from other things, to gain full access to my interests; a variegated, spasmodic sort of organization in which everything is easily lost, and yet I know exactly where everything is (at least, until I 'clean' and 'organize'. I like to compare cleaning and organizing my room to 'overspecialization', as I learned it in HS Economics. It becomes almost TOO squeaky-clean, so very organized in a new way, that I no longer know where anything is!)
    Anyway. Some simple words (see *Note) for both my mind and my room are variegated, whimsical, random, chaotic and yet pulled together (five words FTW!), nearly unfathomable until you stop wondering and reeling and everything, so simply, comes together.
    Both are entertaining, to say the least. Don't get lost passing the Bionicle sets, files, and souvenirs as you go around the clothing and 20-gallon aquarium to reach my paperwork, projects, postcards, CD's, and wooden longbow. Make sure you take note of the glass Coca-Cola cups and bottles, old tins and liscence plates, dried roses, other aquariums, oriental fans, chattering teeth, bamboo plant and medieval Knight statuette. And don't forget the small jar of Tabasco sauce or plastic chili peppers, the fake signs, key rings or the giant sunglasses as you are staring at the cast iron plaque that reads:
  5. Senjo
    DC comiiiiiiic.....
    I always did prefer DC over Marvel.
    BIONICLE Comic #3: Triumph of the Toa
    October 2001 Printing
    $2.25 (But I got mine free with my LEGO mag haw!)
    Part 3 of 3
    Writer, Greg Farshtey
    Penciller, Carlos D'Anda
    Inker, Randy Elliot
    Colorist, Peter Pantazis
    Remember kids, these files are.png. Give 'em a minute or three to load themselves. And put down those scissors, for brick's sake!!

  6. Senjo

    This is the challenge issued; she had a score of 1802.8 seconds and invited people to go there to beat her. And I daresay, I have met her pain tolerance fourfold!
    (That's not an additional challenge to you folks, or even an incentive... I now have four times less working brain cells than she!)
    I heard that verse so many times that I began to hear English words in it. Little did we know that they're singing about oats, Jaffa, fences and crumbs!
  7. Senjo
    Just a few minutes ago I was sitting here at my desk, doing my own thing-thing like I do every so often. Well actually, I had just gotten off Xbox Live and was hoping some of my friends were on Instant Messenger, but that's besides the point. The point is, I was minding my own business up here in my room when I caught a wiff of smoke!

    I pretty much dropped what I was doing and started sniffing around. It smelled a bit like something was burning/melting, so my first thought was that one of the many overused power outlets in my room had gone haywire. I sniffed around some more, all the way around my room but couldn't quite pinpoint the origin of the smell. And I didn't see anything smoking. Maybe it was a neighbor's campfire outside? It didn't quite smell like campfire, and when I sniffed out my window, all I smelt was fresh flowering trees. Nope, definitely not from outside.

    So I exited my room, door left, and sniffed down the hallway - oh yeah, the smell was definitely carrying from some other place in the house, down the hallway, and into my room. So it wasn't MY precious possessions that were smoldering. It was something else. Hooray! … Wait. Burning HOUSE is not good! D'oh.

    So I go to the staircase, and I see Mom standing at the bottom. She looks up at me - and she sees my raised eyebrows - and before I can inquire as to whether anyone ELSE smells this burning smell, she says firmly, "Don't ask."

    Since I value my life, I kept my mouth shut. Mom asked if I had a fan in my room - I have one of those dual-fan stick-in-your-window types - and she had me put it in my window to get the air flowing through the house to the outside. Then she sent me down to the basement to get a larger stand-up fan to put in the hallway. When I got to the first floor I saw every door and window open, and several of our stand-up fans blowing towards the outside. And it still smelled like smoke.

    I ran into my sister in the basement, as we were both getting fans. But the most surprising thing was the smoke in the air! The basement was smokey. I beg your pardon for my overuse of that word, but really, it was thick enough to see. And even stranger, the cellar door to the basement was wide open. (Apparently we were fumigating and I had missed the memo.)

    So I grabbed my fan and headed upstairs - now I could see that it was a bit hazy upstairs too - and my parents were both there. I asked if there was anything else I could do.

    "No… we've messed things up well enough on our own, thank you!" Was my mom's reply.

    She seemed calm, so after a moment of silence I decided to ask what had actually happened. She curtly replied again that I should not ask, then returned to what she was doing.

    So our house seems fine. Every fan we own is blowing to get the smell and smoke out. It smells a bit like a campfire now, which isn't bad.

    ...I just wanna know why our basement was filled with smoke!! It's just so WEIRD! (Personally, it seems to me that somebody did something stupid, and they're too embarassed to tell. )

    Listening to: Moonlight Shadow remix over and over and over....

    Hmm. I need a more creative way to sign off. Unless you guys thing that 'signoffs' can be irritating? Sometimes they can be. Do you find them irritating? Maybe I could find a cool one... or maybe I'll just always do something random? Spontenaiety is cool. (I'll be darned if I typed that word right the first time!)
  8. Senjo
    So I couldn't draw if my life depended on it. SRSLY. But I mess with modeling clay. And when I say 'mess with it', I mean 'mess with it', because even though I've 'used' modeling clay for a few years now, I haven't really actually PRODUCED anything 'finished' or 'worthwhile'. Therefore I am not an artist. Or something. *Wut!*

    BUUUT since I'm such a fangirl and all, and I see all these artist-people making Bionicle fanart and all, I, of course, find myself wishing I could make Bionicle fanart, and all that jazz.

    Soooo I have. Er, have tried. I'm still in the process of figuring out whether I can make full-body models at all!

    But I made some masks. Two of them turned out GREAT. Well, they turned out the way I wanted them to. So, ladies and gents, I will show you a 1oo% completely hand-made Akaku and Pakari! I used only my eight fingers, two thumbs, and a few hand tools. No molds or pressings or other things like that.

    Left, Akaku, Great Kanohi Mask of Vision, and on the right, Pakari, the Great Kanohi Mask of Strength.

  9. Senjo
    So last night went to spread some cheer to my friend Kay on the instant messaging thingy. Instead, we became mortal enemies:
    KKN_GN: It's Josie!
    Senjo: Why, it's Kay!
    Senjo: *runs up and hugs her firecely* ^^
    KKN_GN : *eeek, is hugged fiercely*
    Senjo : ^^
    KKN_GN: *hugs back fiercely and challenges Senjo to a HUG BATTLE*
    There was no way on Earth that I could turn down a challenge like that.

    Senjo : *GASP*
    Senjo : I accept!
    Senjo : *sumo hug*
    Kay was quick to retaliate:

    KKN_GN: *football quarterback hug*
    And so I decided to smother things with a low blow:

    Senjo: *Barney Hug*
    Senjo: Crowd: Gasp!
    But Kay knew how to fight fire with fire:

    KKN_GN: *Clifford Hug!*
    By the time we were through, we had created a most ingenius list of hugs. And we’ve never been better enemies. The final list looks something like this:

    KKN_GN: *Adoring father hug*
    Senjo: *I-want-some-of-your-fries hug*
    KKN_GN: *I-have-no-money-and-you're-holding-a-twenty hug*
    Senjo : *clingy little sister hug*
    KKN_GN :*snobby clique hug*
    Senjo : *let me test how far I can stretch my arms in this new shirt hug*
    KKN_GN: *sideways hug - for subtlety, and in the car*
    Senjo: *manly hug*
    Senjo: ... *the stiff 'I dislike everything about you but I'm going to kill you with politeness' hug*
    KKN_GN: The ... I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hug.
    KKN_GN: The. William. Shatner. Hug.
    Senjo: The 'it's Okay man, you can crash at my place' hug
    Senjo: the 'Man, I'm so glad it happened to you, not me' hug
    KKN_GN: The "I'm so glad you're here" hug.
    KKN_GN : The "You saved my life!" hug and the "I am indebted to you forever!" hug.
    Senjo: The 'You make me so happie' hug
    Senjo: The 'OMGosh I love you! OOH NO did I do that in front of everyone?' hug
    KKN_GN: The "I think I love you - so what am I so afraid of?" hug!
    Senjo: The "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!... DON'T you ever leave again!" hug
    KKN_GN : The ... Lederhosen hug!
    Senjo: ... putting a little leg into it, eh?
    KKN_GN: Oh yeah.
    KKN_GN: Ooh, the Moulin Rouge hug!
    KKN_GN: The bullet-time hug!
    Senjo: oo
    And soon after:
    Senjo: *the thank you for humoring me hug*
    Tolan: *The don't mention it hug.*
    Jo: *the I'm just so happy to be alive, and that you all are too, hug!*
    Which just goes to show that Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent Florist Friars.
  10. Senjo
    In response to my first blog post, I have scanned the first Bionicle comic. And now I am putting the scans here, available for all of youse! (BEFORE SUNDAY, HH!)
    'K folks, boring notes first. I have two copies of most of my older comics - including comic 1 - and these scans are from the better looking of the two! As you can tell, my comic has been abused well-loved. (I took it with me EVERYWHERE.) The cover is nearly falling off, there are more creases than you can count, and you can see the texture of the worn paper on every page. But they're decent scans, you should be able to see and read it all without much trouble. Not hi-res. (I have scanned EVERY single page, front cover to back cover! Even the page with the skateboarder dude on it!! So you're not missing ANYTHING. =P)
    They're a bit large, to ensure that you can see everything on each comic page. When you open the links up in your browser, it will probably shrink to fit the page, and then you can't read a cotton-picking word. Click on it to make it big enough to read! (You will have to scroll down to see the bottom, but so what?)
    Hope some people can enjoy these! I will be scanning more of the old comics, eventually.
    Ooohh thumbnails! (All images are PNG, so they'll take a few minutes to download) NEWSFLASH! Here's my brickshelf folder with all the pages in .jpg format! Now you don't have to wait for them to load or kick your slow com.

  11. Senjo
    I am now the proud owner of this blog!

    It's HH's fault, it really is. XD Every other thing out of her, "You need a blog!"
    "So I was doing this thing last night - "
    "Okay, I'll get one eventually, I - "
    "ARE YOU A PM?"
    "Yeah - "
    "But I wrote this up an - "
    "Put it in the blog you don't have yet!"

    Bless her heart! <3


    So last night I pulled out my special-edition copy of Bionicle Comic #1, with cover art by Ashley Wood, while looking for inspiration/design help for a project. I stared at the lovely cover art for a while, absorbing Ms Wood's fantastically awesomely chilling art. Then I decided to flip through the comic.

    And remembered.

    I saw Kopaka, just like I did the first time; he was piecing himself together on the beach, legs, then arms, and finally, his mask.

    *flips page* OMGOSH Sun setting/rising behind him and he's got a flippin' sword!1!1!!

    Then he starts his journey to find answers. He travels through the 'barren' icy wastes of Ko-wahi (which, for 'boring snowy backgrounds', are remarkably pretty. Kudos, D'anda (artist) and Sinclair (colorist)!) And look - it's little Matoro! He has seen the new Toa on the island! Kopaka's frozen the ground under him - it's amazing how much emotion and expression has been put into just these few panels on page 3, for 'robots' without 'faces'! And Kopaka keeps saying awesome things about himself. "Now I am whole. And the darkness cannot stand before me." "Interesting. The power is in me. The sword is but the focus." "I hate riddles."


    … Ever notice how, in some new comics, every talks like the old hollywood version of knights errant? I mean really, they talk so cool and formal and proper. Then as the story goes on, things.. just… eventually revert to plain English.

    (TF's did that, ya know!)

    Then Kopaka and Matoro are ambushed…. And Kopaka saves Matoro… and in the middle where the staples are is the Rahkshi bios/advertisment… and then they run into Turaga Nuju… HOLY MAHA he's not clicking and whirring! Remember that, ya'll. He CAN talk straight, silly newbies.

    Take a moment. Remember the first comic? It Do you remember when Pohatu slammed into Kopaka with his rockslide? When Kopaka and Pohatu traveled up the mountain to claim Kopaka's first mask? When Kopaka found the other four Toa warriors? The lovely colors and new art? The pages that were so alive with these new ideas and stories? ARE YOU REMEMBERING!?


    I thought I was all alone in this. ^^

    If you can't remember, then go pull out your comics! And if you didn't get the comics, find somebody to led them to you, or to scan pages for you. Because you're missing out, you poor, deluded soul.

    *gently, so as not to crease them, hugs her comics and revels in the happiness of days gone by*

    Karda Nui or no Karda Nui, the Toa's first days on the Island of Mata Nui are the coolest.

    EDIT: I have scanned the first comic!! Go thither, click, and remember!
  12. Senjo
    During the winter, I had this awesome idea for a short story. I had some dialogue planned out but it had to be preceded with narrative, so I sat down and pretty much drilled the narrative out. But I had to put my work down and do 'important things'.

    I recently re-found this lil' story, because I had forgotten about it. I really like the narrative part! I had no idea I'd written all that. So I read it and liked it and was exciting to keep reading and then - the words on the page stopped!

    I hadn't hardly even started the dialogue! And there were no notes for it! I don't remember all those good ideas I'd had a few months ago!!

    I'm mad. Now it's going to have to sit there for the LONGEST time while I try to think of some good words to put there. ><
  13. Senjo
    .... then pleeeeease. Allow it to go unsaid. Why even bother yourself? Is that not the whole point? It needn't to be said. That is how it is. So while everyone is thinking it, everyone else knows everyone else is thinking it, so nobody has to say it - because everyone's thinking it. And that, dear friends, is why it goes without saying.
    ... Until, of course, someone goes and says it. Then someone pulls and annoying, pointless adage out of their linty pocket. Yeah, that's it. A SPAM adage. Or, moreso, a Stupid Pointless Annoying Adage. ... SPAA?
    ... So let sleeping dogs lie. And yes, 'lie' is the grammatically correct form of the word. Unless someone put the dog there. Then they would have laid a dog to rest. And that's no lie.
  14. Senjo
    The Cake is a Lie
    Is a Spy
    Is a Pie
    Wears a Tie?
    Has no Eye
    Is a Guy
    Is Not Rye
    Cannot Sigh
    Was Refried
    Is Not Shy
    Is Not Dry
    Hits your Thighs
    Can Imply
    Not Deny
    toot toot!!
    ... I made a marble two-layer 9" round cake. Chocolate frosting betwixt, atop, and spread against the sides. Family-approved!
  15. Senjo
    My mom made us pancakes for supper... but she made them on an electric skillet, not a pan.
    Does that make them electricskilletcakes?
    (If it's made with flax and grains and wheat flour and protein, but nothing sweet, is it really a cake?
    No, no.
    [OH, but wait! There WAS plain old pancake mix in there, too.]
    It was one of the greatest suppers ever.)
  16. Senjo
    My small aquarium's heater went on the fritz! It heated the tank to over 88*F, and since my fishes aren't made to live in water warmer than 80*, they are FRIED DED.
    I will miss you. You were great catfishes.
  17. Senjo
    bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored booooooooooooooooooored!
    Someone entertain meeeeeeeeeeeee
    *does the banana dance* bananaanim.gif
    No, wait... the DANIEL JACKSON DANCE. *plays Leekspin and does the UAV*
    FIRST, you hold your arms out at your sides and run in circles. Next is the twirl 'n point, done most effectively at Colonel Jack O'Neill when you're mad at him for not understanding your important studying/diplomatic/peaceful methods. (Also known as the 'angry chicken' in some parts of the world...)
    Follow it up with a UAV Reprise! Hold arms out and stomp - STOMP ON THAT BIRD!! Drat, the naked villagers painted white don't quite get it yet. So Race Your Partner!
    Then twirl them, and gives them a nice push forward (particularly if your partner is Vala MalDoran).
    Then catch up!
    Ohh, next is the Foothold. My favorite! Daniel runs like a dork with one hand on a gun, and the other flinging back and forth for balance. CROSS YOUR LEGS IN FRONT OF EACH OTHER AS YOU RUN, stretch your arms out and shoot at everything that moves!!!
    Should look something like this.
    The UAV
    The Twist 'N' Point
    The UAV Reprise
    (JUMP BEHIND THE BED So Vala's husband doesn't see you!!)
    Race Your Partner (!!)
    Twirl and Push
    Now fall through the Stargate and do a corny imitation of Farscape!
    Catch Up
    And The Foothold (don't forget the arm-flailing and erratic shooting)
    Got it?
    Yeah, I think the painted white man's got it. Something like that. MOVING ON.
    NOW, do it backwards!!
    Hey, the white men will stare at you either way.
    oooh, now we add the Col. O'Neill-kissing-Samantha-Carter dip, or the sarcophagus-inebriated Daniel Jackson 'hopping' off his seat (with a spring to his step)
    Seven minutes well spent narrating a 3-min vid. YAY.
  18. Senjo
    Grades are in.


    3.77, oh happy day!

    (I thought for sure the B+ would be a C!! WUT??)

    Anyway, recap: I had been signed up for five classes at my University at the beginning of the semester, but one of them was awful. All but one of my classes were reading- and writing-intensive, and after two weeks of misery I finally dropped that one icky class.

    It's a good thing I did, too, because if I HAD kept it, all my grades would have suffered horrible fates. But now I have proof that if I work hard (but don't over-do the class load), I good grades can be had in college. =D

    I'm all signed up for the Spring semester. I suddenly found out there was a particularly awesome professor teaching the same class I'm signed up for, but at a different time. So I got on the waiting list for HIS class. Yesterday somebody dropped so I got into it. Now I have the class I want, but there's a time discrepancy: I'll have to drop my extra 1-credit Health class because of a 15-minute overlap.

    It's a bit annoying, because the 1-cred Health is a Core (Gen. Ed.) and I wanted to get it out of the way, but oh well, b/c I GOT THE PROFF I WANTED. (His class better be worth it!! XP) Anyway, I'll have more time to work at the new (second) job, this one on campus.
  19. Senjo
    I am perfectly calm about final exams this week. After all, I've been working hard, have great grades; they couldn't fall by much. And if I don't know the material by now, there's no use cramming, right?


    *runs around in panic-circles screaming*

    *reads textbooks, hard and frantic, until she needs a new eyeglasses prescription*
  20. Senjo
    “Guard your sigs, and watch your posts!
    Banning is what ‘fuss likes most!”
    (Meaning only respect to the Admin I was most scared of as a newbie.)
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