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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Oh my, there's a twinkie sandwich of the Dalek style in my profile :o

  2. Reviewing is easier than writing, you see. xD

  3. Hey - if I wanted to help out the SSCritics Club for a bit, would you grant me permission to jump the requirement ropes and temporarily help 'em out right away?

  4. Okay, seriously. Every time I try to bring up a pre-existing story idea of mine, it doesn't fit the requirements for one reason or another. GRR.

  5. As for the 6-character limit - does generically mentioning a large group ("the villagers won't be happy about this," "the Makuta(s) are a dangerous enemy," etc.) count? What about generically mentioning individual types of persons - such as "If a Toa of Air could separate oxygen from the water, he could blah blah blah," but there is no Toa of Air character present?
  6. Well I had an idea but I can't quite... quite make it fit the requirements. Like it has to do with 6 but... argh. xD

  7. Is there a function in MS Office Word that counts letters in words? XP
  8. Same here. Or just coming up with something to write at all. Ohh the thrill of challenge!

  9. Oh hay you joined Story Fit, too!!

    Yay us!!

  10. Golly, why thank you! ^__^

  11. Senjo

    I'm loving this playlist so far! And may I mention that your Tufi + Charicheula has me near speechless, it's so awesome

  12. YOU'RE IMPORTANT TO ME, BIO RAPTOR!! Yes. It's much the same with art topics, story topics, etc. If the person is popular or well-followed, they'll get more replies/attention almost no matter what. They post good stuff, they get attention. They post bad stuff, they get attention. They post about their recent award or their toe fungus, they get attention. Those with less metaphorical press, even if they have good stuff to show, might not get that same attention for a while. Or ever. But that's like life, too, isn't it? Attention isn't equally or fairly distributed. I'm not fond of the system myself, but that's why those of us who notice can take the time to notice and promote the other guy. Besides, it's like a phase. A fad. Things'll come and go.
  13. Senjo

    Muffler Fail

    BRap: NO, NO, ANYTHING BUT THE MONEY!! It is a sad, solemn occasion. BCmon: A hassle sometimes, yes! I hate taking it in for repairs or purchasing replacement parts. I sure wish I could bike to school (but 30-something miles of highway in the snow might take me a bit longer.) Besides, mine's a Corolla - it'll last 'forever'. I bought it very used but taken care of. Of course someday I expect it to totally fall apart and then it will be off to the junkyard, but that day is not today! ;D Awesome hippie sig, BTW
  14. Senjo

    Muffler Fail

    I'm sure you're all familiar with the type. The one who goes by in his or her car - his or her old car which is making a ton of grating or obnoxious noise. Squeaky tire, dragging exhaust port or random shrapnel. The type that makes you say, "Get your ride fixed, you vexatious hippie!" Today I was that person. Hooray for costly replacements. This vexatious hippie's getting hers fixed.
  15. Mwahahaha hahahahahahahaaaa hahahahhaaaa!!
  16. Did you know the German word equivalent to baloney! is quatsch? It is. Quatsch can mean nonsense and other such synonymous things, but baloney is so much better, because I was doing some German practice-reading with my dad (who knows German), when the word quatsch came up. And somehow my dad and I started singing the Oscar Mayer song, but with quatsch instead of Oscar and Mayer. But it didn't fit, so I had to hum it... or... something. I'm not really sure what was said then, because I was laughing too hard. It was a massive failure at the time, but the Oscar Mayer song has never been so funny. It was a lot of quatsch. (But now I've discovered it fits, oh yes it dooooes) My bologna has a first name - it's O-S-C-A-R My bologna has a second name, it's M-A-Y-E-R I like to eat it every day and if you ask me why, I'll saaaay... ... 'cuuuuz Oscar Mayer has a way with Q-U-A-T-S-C-H!
  17. Senjo

    Life Of Lady K

    Ingenious! (I was gonna shout "oh maN ThAT'S SOO COOL" but I thought that reply was lacking refinement and interesting vocabulary)
  18. *has a good laugh* "You'll even win at IRONY!!"

  19. Senjo


    What is this lunacy? I have no idea how this happened.
  20. *squee* Golly, BioRaptor. You also show respect and interest; more than someone could ask for. And silliness is the icing on the cake! It makes things even more interesting. Where would we be without it? Thank you kindly. ^__^ I'm not sure how this has come about, but we're all gonna have a good time with it, aren't we? =P
  21. Ohhh good point! *editing* "You'll even win at IRONY! UNACCEPTABLLLLLEEEE ~" - Powerthirst 2
  22. Lol yes, I have a blog, silly! *laughs* Glad you've finally found it, though. (I usually sneak around. I'm on BZ often, but I don't say much. Unless it's in my Blog.)

  23. Thank you kindly! ^__^

  24. Senjo


    UH UH UH We recycle everything but paper. ... and now that you mention it, I have no flipping idea why. *goes to ponder this*
  25. Senjo


    LET'S DO IT Bring a snack or drink to share! We've got chairs and blankets here, but you can bring one of those, too, if you wish.
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