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Blog Entries posted by Senjo

  1. Senjo
    DC Bionicle Comic 7
    July 2002
    The Bohrok Saga, part 4 of 6
    'What Lurks Below'
    Writer, Farshtey
    Penciller, D'Anda
    Inker, Elliot
    Letterer, Lopez
    Colorist & Separator, Pantazis
    Here is the Brickshelf folder with every page in .jpg format
    .PNG Images with lovely little thumbnails!

    I apologize for the scratches and wear on the back cover. I don't know how they got there, but this is my only copy of Comic 7 so it's what I had to scan. *salutes*
  2. Senjo
    DC Bionicle Comic 6
    May 2002
    The Bohrok Saga, part 3 of 6
    'Into the Nest'
    Writer, Farshtey
    Penciller, D'Anda
    Inker, Elliot
    Letterer, Lopez
    Colorist & Separator, Pantazis
    And this is quite possibly my favorite Bionicle comic of them all. =D *I heart it*
    In this Brickshelf folder are the .jpeg format scans. They upload MUCH more quickly (thus easier on slower computers), and the quality (LOL... 'quality'!! That's a laugh) is pretty close to the other ones.
    - I'm uploading them as I type, so don't look within the next five minutes or only half will be there. Oh wait, the folder won't be public for a day or two. Well, enjoy them tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving!
    These are the .PNG scans in their thumbnail-glory ~

  3. Senjo
    This post is spoiler-free!

    So first off, I just found my newest Bionicle Magazine with the last comic from this year (and this era of Bionicle). It's sitting right here.


    *breaths deeply* OK. I'm ok. I just needed to release all the excitement. An era is finally over. New one starts in January.

    Now then, the whole point - LEGO, WHY do you use that sticky glue to attach the comic book to the inside of the magazine? can't you send it in a bag like you used to? The comic sticks so well to the mag, that I have to wrinkle and bend it to get it out. And then there's a oily stain when I pull the glue-stuff off the back of my comic book!


    STOPPIT please.
  4. Senjo
    Disney's Gummi Bears was absolutely my favorite kids' show ever. Probably still is!

    But it only came out in the US on DVD last year - and ONLY the first three seasons. (There are 6 seasons all together). BUT, the wonderful German student at the university today... well.

    *the german Gummi Bears theme song plays:
    *I squeal*
    *professor looks at me and smiles. German student looks at me and smiles, too, and we share a moment since we both know this old old old cartoon*
    Me: Is it available in Germany on DVD?
    Her: Of course!

    I am studying German and will continue until I'm (relatively or completely) fluent - so somebody please tell me: HOW DO I GET A HOLD OF THIS MAGICAL SHOW, ON DVD, FROM GERMANY?

    ... wheeee!!
  5. Senjo
    This is the Limited Collector's Edition of Bionicle Comic 1, with special cover art by Ashley Wood, as printed in July 2003. (That is the same time the Rahkshi were just being introduced to us; regular Bionicle Comic 13 [with the Rahkshi] was also released in July 2003.)
    Only the cover and introduction page are different for this comic. The 'real comic pages' inside are exactly the same as printed in the first Bionicle comic in June 2001. (I don't have anything that was released in Europe in December 2000.) The two 'middle advertisement' pages and the last four advertisement pages are the same as in Comic 13, so I'll scan those with Comic 13 later.
    Short version of what I just said: This is simply Bionicle Comic 1, but with a brand-new cover and brand-new intro page, and with the same advertisements as Comic 13.
    *re-dun-dance-eeee... yay!*


  6. Senjo
    A few days ago I introduced you to Mike, a staffer at a camp where I work. Go read the entry if you're curious. =p

    Mike and I ended up cutting towels in to washcloth-rags the other night, because the kitchen was totally out of them (and that's a Food Service Disaster!!) This process ended up making lots and lots of little fuzzies that landed all over our clothing. I brushed mine off, but Mike didn't, and he was covered in them.

    Weeeeelll a few minutes later I was back in the kitchen helping Kim put away more supper leftovers, when we overheard Mike, all alone in the Small Kitchen, saying out loud to no one in particular, "FuzzyWuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?..."

    Kim, who's been a real sport about her match-making gone awry, looked at me and said, "And to think he could have been yours!"
  7. Senjo
    Brian Drummond?

    Voice of Onewa and Blurr!


    And I'm gonna miss it. I'm not going to hear him talk candidly while he answers questions or signs his autograph whilst surrounded by interested peoples and adoring fans.

    *dramatically collapses onto the fainting couch*

    SUCH the disappointment!!
  8. Senjo
    Here we go with scans of comic #2! Everything I said in the last entry is the same - it's a very worn comic, but scanned 'em as well as I could. They're .png's so they'll take a minute or five to download.
    Update: Here's my brickshelf folder with all the pages in .jpg format. Sorry, no thumbnails today!)

    ... I have so many regrets about not asking my parents to take me to McD's when they had the McToran-in-happy meals promotion!!
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