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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Senjo

  1. Helluuu. I hope you didn't lose too much when things crashed?

  2. The emote in your profile pic is excellent.

    I hope you didn't lose too much in the recent data purge?

  3. XD to your Miguel-guitar-gif pic!

  4. Fruuuuuuuiityyyyyyyy... Oooooaatyyyyyyyyy... Dalek!

  5. Ooohh... smack from the giant sentient zombie brain!

    "For a brick, he flew pretty good!" -Sgt. Johnson

  6. But my personal Gravemind fave - "This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded.

    This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded." ;)

  7. No, no - it was fine. A great quote! I liked it. *Halo high-five* I've just been busy and haven't been replying.

  8. It's those random things characters finally say during a long game that makes it even more enjoyable. =P

    But Sgt. Johnson is the best evar. "Back when I joined the Corps we didn't have no fancy-schmancy tanks. We had sticks - TWO sticks, and a rock, for the whole platoon! And we had to SHARE the rock. So buck up soldier; you're one very lucky marine!"

  9. That is very awesome! You're making me want to spread my own overly generous love to the Flood and the Elites/Grunties in Halo... *evil grin* I'm sure you just saw by my blog entry, I have enjoyed today thus far. ^_^

  10. Happy Valentine's Day, Dalek! Find a way to enjoy yourself! ^^

  11. And a happy Valentine's day to you, too. :)

  12. Oh my gosh! You're Thrawn! I had no idea!

  13. Thank you for the birthday note =D

  14. :D Thank you for the thoughtful B-day topic!
  15. Darn, it saved the comment before I could adjust it. I meant that I am IN the future!

  16. I'm two hours ahead! I can see the future as it stands from your perspective.

  17. XD I think I can deal with that! As you prefer, then. I remain two hours ahead.

  18. No, no. YOU, dear sir, are two hours BEHIND me. ;)

  19. Yeah, sometimes I do post it in both profiles... it seems to help people not miss things. Easier to follow that way. ;)

  20. Nope... I don't get many comments. :\ But then people like you come by and make things interesting!

  21. Nope... not many. :\ But then people like you come by and make things interesting!

  22. With dresses like yours, that shouldn't be hard to do! XD

  23. nomnomnomnom... like spriiiiiiinklessss!

  24. Ta-daa! The survur's back to survuring so I has found yoo ^^

  25. Huzzah!! *tosses awesome-confetti around*

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