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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Senjo


    I've been a busy girl. I had a full time + a part time job over Winter break (egads, but the money was good) and had time for almost nothing else (including Beast Wars beyond the point of my last entry, sorry guys). And now there's this awesome pile of mail and paperwork to be done. Spring semester starts on Monday. Guess I should start on this paperwork now, eh? Bills, ick. Although I like the looks of these W-2 forms. Tax return! Oh look, here's the new sticker to put on my car's liscence plate. Means I'm legal for another year, whoot. And a paycheck! Yay! And here's some junk from another college - no thank you, I like mine just fine and you don't have anything in my area of studies. *tosses it into the trash* I do so love throwing junk in the trash. And it's paper junk. I should buuurrn it. It doesn't actually decompose in a landfill, after all. Let's not wait. Burn it now.
  2. Senjo

    Beast Wars Aaauugh.

    @BioRaptor - *snicker,snort* Well, if you INSIST. @Alsru @Janus I appreciate your honest answers - thanks guise In all honesty, though, Janus - I liked 'Power Surge' better than the others. I'm not TRYING to go opposite of your statements, it just happened. I'm still trying this Beast Wars thing out. I actually really enjoyed 'Double Jeopardy' (ep 8). I'm on ep 10 now. Retaining a healthy dose of skepticism, Senjo
  3. Senjo

    Beast Wars Aaauugh.

    @TUF - I think the real question is, what isn't wrong with you? @Black Six - *casts a skeptical eye on him* *and at Kaymac*... *three-finger chinstroke* I guess I'll have to call the others in on this. Smeag, Janus, Alsru, Toromaga, Bionicle Raptor, my friends! Does Beast Wars truly get better after the 5th episode? Should I keep watching?
  4. Senjo

    Beast Wars Aaauugh.

    Better after those first 6, eh? Hmmm. HMMM. As it is, I'm already extremely fond of the Cybertron and Animated series. Armada and Energon, not as much.
  5. I had been avoiding Transformers: Beast Wars all my life, but recently I ended up promising some friends I would give BW a try. I promised what, 6 episodes, guys? So I got a copy of disc 1 and started watching. And I couldn't really stand it. In fact it was SO hard to watch I had to alternate it with Ben 10 Alien Force, which was also in the house. I sure enjoyed the Ben 10 (<3) but BW was just like aaauuuuuugh maaaaake iiiiiit stooooooop. My mom and my older brother helped me through it, but I think mom is going to hurt something if I ever play another BW episode within her hearing range again. I'll probably help her. My brother and I kept company by cringing and groaning simultaneously. But I DID finish watching all first 6 episodes. If there is an overused word to describe Ben 10, it's "Nooooo!" And if there is an overused word to describe Beast Wars *coughthePredaconinPowercough*, that word is "Yeeeeesss." Now I'm sealing up the Beast Wars disc and sending it back to the rental place, and then I will never need to watch it again! It will be beyond my grasp! What a great plan. Yeeeeesss.
  6. I just got a splinter... while using my laptop's touchpad. o.O Then I dug it out with my own fingernails. I FEEL SO MANLY No no, wait - you want to see the best owneded "I feel manly" quote? I have it right here! Toromaga: I have hardened paint on my hands. I FEEL SO MANLY KKN_GN: Hardened paint? Manly? You sure that doesn't mean kindergarten? In other news, I mailed Janus' Christmas present yesterday! I can't wait until he gets it!
  7. Senjo

    Oh good. I agree. They're overrated.

  8. :o You can deal with presentations? You are stronger and braver than I!
  9. Ohh, so like you got halfway, but Heck is yet to come. *wince*

  10. Oh my word, senior project. You HAVE bee to Heck and back. Congrats!!

  11. 3 more days of math class, and I will be done with math FOREVER!

    Well, the school type, anyway.

  12. Senjo

    You said you refuse to call Ackar a hunk because he's old. But wait, isn't everybody in Bionicle old? :P So... can none of them be called hunks?

  13. Senjo

    Small Town Win

    No, you see, that's why you go to other people's backyards who have all the space so that their family has to go complain to City Hall. It works perfectly! And then your friend would be the one making silly blog entries and we'd start this whole thing over again. xD Your Loving Dearest - yeah, not everybody can live in a small town (or a big city). Lucky for me mine's next door to bigger ones, and I've got my car. Got that right, BioRaptor! I know people, who know people (who bury the bodies in New Jersey.)
  14. Senjo

    Small Town Win

    Those in the city also don't get great big backyards backyards, with space and ski hills on them.
  15. Senjo

    Small Town Win

    How right Than is. Although we do have LOTS of bunnies around here, Emzee, and they certainly spend some time on the hill. BTW Dad did call the City to thank them.
  16. Senjo

    Small Town Win

    Folks, living in an almost-small town is GREAT, I tell ye! My family's house is at the bottom of the town's Ski hill - well actually, it's a Snowboard hill now - and there's a bunny hill right next to it. The bunny hill goes straight into our backyard (and into our blackberry bushes). But the bunny hill has never been used as long as we've been living here. Just last week we got word that the town was gonna open up the bunny hill for sledders - and this means that we would have people cutting through our yard or sledding all the way through our yard, into our trees or our blackberry bushes. (Not to mention they'll shred their inflatable tubes when they do so!) My parents were not at all happy. Dad marched right into the City Hall and informed the people there that they HAD to put up a fence or tires or something at the bottom of the hill right before our property, because frankly we don't wanna deal with the riffraff. And it worked for several reasons: 1. My dad gets things done. Always. 2. My brother and sister worked at the Ski lodge last winter and are returning this year (City is pleased with their work) 3. Lady who works in the City Hall is our next-door-neighbor. We get along great, and she knows what the hill looks like in relation to our back yard. 4. The man they sent over to survey the property was Dennis - who is the husband of a woman my mother knows very well! So my mom introduced Dennis to my dad and they got along famously. The fence was put up this morning and everybody couldn't be happier. Small town WIN.
  17. Smeeeeeeag. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving, Janus!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, Nikira!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, Argetlam!

  21. Happy Thanksgiving, BTW. :)

  22. Agreed. It's an awful situation - wanna see those movies, but ya either can't or hate 'em if ya do. Grr. *attempts to not get started*
  23. Not that I haven't ever considered a name change - 'cuz I have - but it would just be confusing. Besides, I like my SN.

  24. But I have no list of previous display names. Are you saying I should make one?

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