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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Ohmaigosh THANKS! I would have been so lost and terribly confused if you hadn't clarified that.

  2. I dunno, Toa Lhikevikk, I haven't seen MT's blog! Funny thing if he did.
  3. Roses are red Violets are blue In Soviet Russia Poem writes you!
  4. Senjo

    #1 Gigan

    GIGANOZORD Looks like something from Power Rangers, to me.
  5. ROFL Janus! You know it, BioRaptor.
  6. If you build a man a fire, he's warm for a day. If you set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life.
  7. The TF movie. Jazz didn't die with style, so he shouldn't have bothered doing it at all! xD
  8. Senjo

    Optimus Prime

    ------------------------- ||__ | OPTIMUS PRIME| |"""|"'\__, |____ROCKS____|/|_|_|__= /(@)(@)'''''''''''''''''(@)(@) ---(@) Oh yes he does.
  9. He's not lying, folks. He really HAS been on that computer, like, all day. I think mom is growing concerned. HAI FRIAR I SEE A TYPO. I think you meant 'playING chauffeur' for your younger siblings. (But I wasn't among them; I have my own car. ) *hugs* Love you, bro! Nice first entry, I think this shall be a very amusing blog, indeed. ^__^
  10. I don't think you should worry too much about being picked apart. I mean, it *will* happen, there are wet blankets and those who generally didn't like the film - but also those of us who did. A review would be most useful!

  11. *laughs* Well thought out. I must concur. (Another note - when I saw pictures of the dark evening background, the 'space' backgrounds, I was worried the whole movie would be like that. I hated them. But when I saw island Mata Nui and other village scenery, I was thrilled. :) TLR is definitely a candidate for favorite-ness. :)

  12. Hmm. I have not yet acquired any of the sets, so I didn't know their animations were very set accurate. This is good news! And a good idea, I think.

  13. I'll have to agree. MoL was amaxing at the time, I was SO happy to have it and see it - though nowadays I cringe. :P And I loved the LoMN Toa-focus. Maybe that's why I like TLR so much - it didn't have much plot, but it was about the Glatorian (substitute Toa) and Mata Nui, not just Matoran/Agori. I do so love Toa.

  14. ... stacks up to TLR. Opinion?

  15. No way, you haven't done anything wrong! I'm just too swamped with homework too answer. I'm having a hard time deciding what to say, it's taking some thought; I can immediately rule out MoL and WoS, I wasn't overly fond of either of them... though WoS had its moments. But I liked LoMN. However, I haven't seen LoMN in a while. I'm not sure I quite remember how it sta

  16. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  17. Okay, just so we're clear, we should know the cardinal rules. (This is a preliminary list and is subject to change as new information and situations arise.) Cardinal sin No. 2: Messing up the laundry system. You do NOT putt a color in the whites, or a light in the darks or bolds, etc. Cardinal sin No. 1: Eating drippy food over a book. ... *carefully wipes her book off* ADDENDUM: Cardinal Sin No. 1b: Or over a computer.
  18. "IDK, my BFF Ackar?"

  19. Same here! (I shouldn't type this in public - a lot of my friends hated it XD) But it had good things going for it. And I luuuv Ackar. Cummings is WIN.

  20. Ohh, good times. I remember Senior year. But my favorite was the year after - I took the it off from school. Best yr ever. Hey, you seen TLR yet?

  21. BioRaptor! I'm doing OK. Kinda swamped and nutsy from college and homework, but after some advice from my dad I'm taking it a lot better. ^_^ And I have my health! How are you? :P

  22. Pretty things there now to be happy! I noticed them earlier, thought they were surely awesome. Glad to make the name connection!
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