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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Senjo

  1. Oh, I like all kinds of colors. I think my point was how you actually used red/orange/yellow hues, instead of just slapping red on there and saying, "It's flame!!"

    Dude, purple would ROCK. And by all means, make more! ^^

  2. Colors.

    Colors are pretty. I like the colors.

    Don't ask me why again, I just think so. XP

  3. Hooray for cheap TV!

    Oooh yes yes, I've seen the first two S-M movies! Very good movies, I... HEY! YOU'RE the person who made tha flame sword. ^^ 8D

  4. Apparently a great deal is wrong with me, as I am duly informed by more than just yourself! ;)

    No promises, but I'll keep my eyes open at the Video place. ^^

  5. *flaunts her Nothingness around*

    Branded for life, and I've only seen the first one! :o

  6. XD Don't be sorry, this has been rather fun! ^^

  7. *seals his head up with Duct tape* Don't do THAT you need those brains where they are! Uhhh... have we traded, maybe??

  8. HEY!! I typed in more exclamation points than that. Why did it kill them? :o

    DED !'s!

  9. The SWORD of YOJIMBO! Huuwaaaaa!

  10. Really? Uhh... uhh I dunno where from! I recognize your name... did you ever stop into the Bionicle Girls' Corner? Uhh... I've skulked lots of other topics... *scratches head*

  11. Dahling, you're LOVELY, but why do you have hair? XD

  12. So ToM, I've been hounding AIM whenever I can to say a simple 'congrats' to you, but apparently we live on different schedules. So HOORAY YANNICK! DOMINATE THAT NEWS!

  13. Y Hullo thar!

  14. Piiiiins! My library contest threads have piiiiins! Thank you for the topic piiiiins!


    Fixed 'em. :D

  16. Hey-Ho, thanks for your input in the Epics Contest History. I added the links and fixed 'Paradise Lost' (OMGosh it's so funny... it looked like 'Parodies Lost'. OOH! I © that!

  17. OH MAI GOSH I IZ GOOD! I seez you in de forumz! Hau is yoo? Oh noes, yoo is gone nau.

  18. *looks at his number of posts*

    1954. That was a good year. :D

  19. Wow. I have a chocolate chip muffin for a friend. :P

    - Jo

  20. *gaspez*

    *tries it out*


    *changes it back*

    Why thank you! :D

  21. *glances at personal statement*

    Blonde, yeah. So you must be a yellow muffin, then?

  22. We can.... switch skins?


    I had no clue.


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