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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Senjo

  1. Janus - Cats DO have nine lives. HH - omigosh! I LOVE Christmas presents! Especially secret ones! ... sowannatellmewhatitis?
  2. Sir Dalyk - you silly boy Six - Poor old Brooks. One day, when we have long gray beards and two or three marbles rollin' around upstairs, they'll let us out, too. Institutionalized. Speed - Good thing my mom was there, then. She could see it fall on me then shout "CAREFUL!" like any good mother.
  3. What a horrid fate to suffer! I am sorry to hear of it. I am well, but my studies at the University take all my time and are poking holes in my sanity.

  4. I walked past the vending machine today and saw a bag of chips kinda hanging out on the edge of the rack. Oh my, I thought, it must have made someone mad earlier in the day. Stuck food. Grr. But it looked good, and now that I'd seen them I kind of wanted them, so I decided to shake the machine. My mom, who was with me, watched. Nothing happened. I shook it just a little again, not feeling quite up to shaking a huge, heavy metal thingy that dispenses snacks to people with pocket change. Still nothing. I rapped on the glass/plastic window. "That's not going to do anything, honey," said my mom. So I took hold of the vender on either side, held tight with both hands, and shook and shook and shook... ... and now I have a bag of Baked cheddar and sour cream chips! I, of course, giggled in delight, because this was certainly the highlight of my day. Shaking a vending machine to get a free snack. My mom smiled a bit but shook her head (like good mothers should) and commented with sarcasm, "You'll make a horrible mother some day." Teaching my kids to check for lost change or even - gasp - shaking a vending machine. I suppose I won't have to teach them anything. I'll just stand there and watch them do it, smiling but shaking my head. Hey, I turned out OK. Besides a few coercive quirks. --------- EDIT: HAY LOOK apparently I got my six-year spinny in July! I remember July. I was too busy working two jobs to get on the internet and notice. Well now I'm noticing. It's so pretty. I feel old. And my rank image is still in the Nuva Ages. It's Old Hat, but a small number of posts would make me seem... new. So does this make me look young or old?
  5. Hail, Sir Dalyk! How goes it?

  6. One of the best movies. You get the Win award.

  7. 55555 - Exactly. XD EmperorWhenua - Haha, good! I'm glad she did. My brother and I laughed at it together for a minute flat. Captain Minamitsu Murasa - The prerogative for a French joke. ; ) Toro - *bow* Strategic disagreement - Duly noted. ToM - Thank heavens!
  8. I should update my calendar. September already. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. ------------------------- A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van. However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, 'Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings..' 'I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh.' See if you have De Gaulle to share this with someone else. I shared it with you because I figured I had nothing Toulouse.
  9. Senjo

    Xbox Suggestions?

    Everything they said. Also, I get a big kick out of the Arcade games you can download and play from XBox live. My favorites include Braid, Castle Crashers, Outpost Kaloki X, Sonic the Hedgehog (oldschool one, from the Sega Genesis days), Catan, Heavy Weapon, and Portal. But there's at least a hundred zillion more. Ohh, and DDR is a blast if you want to try your hand at that. You've gotta buy dance pads, though!
  10. omigosh I learned something today. that's so cool!
  11. Hey Argetlam, are you the guy with the camera that has a pic of me jumping in front of everyone else during the Staff Set Review at Brickfair?

  12. Hey LevahkLah, do you have the camera that has the pic of me jumping in front ov everyone else at the Set Review at Brickfair?

  13. Hey DV, are you the one who took the pic during the Brickfair Set Review, the one where I jumped in front of everybody else?

  14. You the guy who has the camera with the picture of me jumping in front of the others during the Brickfair set review?

  15. Oh darn. I guess I'll keep asking around till I find that pic! ^^

  16. Hey CF, are you the one with the pic of me jumping in front of the camera during the staff photo shoot, before the set review? do you have it? I want that... and those pics, where can I find them?

  17. LOVE your personal picture! It's as funny as the Gaston pic, only Jafar's actually speaking. xd

  18. Senjo

    New Password Owneded

    LOL No. BZ just wouldn't let me do anything until I changed it. XP Although I'm soooo glad I got in the habit of changing my passwords about a year ago. Phew.
  19. Today is a monumental day! It is the first day since I changed my password that I have actually remembered to type the new one in the first time, correctly. And thus log in in one shot.
  20. I did take a lot of pictures at BrickFair, but I also took a few videos. And amongst all that boring footage are two jewels, priceless Kodak moments from two particular BZP staffers, forever immortalized in video. The first one is about 1/2 - 1 second long. Darth Vader is saying, "Just like last year!" But what you want to keep your eyes on Black Six on the far left. Then watch it again. And again. Double Arm Action HWA! And for your slightly longer viewing pleasure - well, you always knew Janus can fly. Oh yes you did.
  21. Senjo

    Brickfair 2009

    Why thank you, Arpy! Very nice of you to say so. I like my first name immensely. It's something I learned from my mother. Whenever we go out to museums, or to shop, or any sort of sight-seeing, she takes in everything and always points out the details. She also takes zillions of pictures. Hoo yeah! *highfive*
  22. Senjo

    Ludicrous Speed

    XD And I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for the Approvalz, man. ^^
  23. Senjo

    Sorry Andrew

    I totally just added you to the awesome-people-I-met-at-Brickfair '09 list! Dunno what happened that first time. * * ----------- Tonight I'm gonna try to get more pictures from Brickfair up on my flickr account. It's way more important that college homework, after all.
  24. Senjo

    Brickfair 2009

    And it'll be a great time! Dun' worry about this year. We'll look forward to 2010. ... LOL! Victimized by my own copy and paste. I guess I should take my name off the list. =P I had SO MUCH FUN. I really was awesome, Raptor. :3
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