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About Vorahk1Panrahk2

  • Birthday 05/05/1991

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    A farm.
  • Interests
    FIRST and foremost: Robotics, or anything FIRST related. If it weren't for the fact that I have zero math ability I would pursue an engineering career. But as it stands I'm pursing a career in Geology (which I do not consider second tier, as I enjoy it just as much).

    Movies - I love watching movies, thinking about movies, and writing about movies. Basically if you want to talk about movies, drop me a PM! I'd love your insights and I really don't have anyone else to talk to about movies! I don't have a particular favorite genre as I feel that each one has something to offer in terms of entertainment, nor would I say I have a favorite movie of all time. But if I had to chose a top five:

    - Raiders of the Lost Ark
    - Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
    - Once Upon a Time in the West
    - Lawrence of Arabia
    - Tangled

    Reading - Maybe I just have a thing for storytelling and getting told stories (because I'm not talented enough to write my own), but I also love reading. Again, no favorite genre/type/whatever, but I do have a few favorite authors, mainly Paulo Coelho and Tolkien. I, again, do not like picking favorites, but if I had to chose a top five it would probably consist of:

    - The Devil and Miss Prym (Paulo Coelho)
    - A Passage to India (EM Forster)
    - Bridge to Terabithia (Katherine Paterson)
    - Animal Farm (George Orwell)
    - The Giver (Lois Lowry)
    (not exactly all age level reading but WHATEVER.)

    Music - Mostly instrumental music, whether it's a film score or piano/violin music (often dubbed as 'new age'). I will also listen to classic rock and bluegrass/folk music. Favorite film composers are John Williams and Ennio Morricone, while my favorite piano soloist is Philip Wesley. And although he rarely does solo piano, I enjoy Brian Crain as well ('Song for Siena' is particularly lovely).

    Long Walks - Whether I'm Geocaching or contemplating life, I love walking and hiking. There's just something refreshing about a long walk, especially when you have no idea where you're going. I've often been told that the best way to learn a new area is to get yourself lost, and I find this to be true. So I always strive to get myself lost. Good for exercise and relaxation.

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