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Status Updates posted by Disciple

  1. Nice personal photo, haha.

  2. I never knew you, but I thought you were pretty cool. Have an awesome life.

  3. Dude, I so agree with what you said in that What is going on? topic.

  4. Dude, the Joker looks really gross in the new Batman movie.

  5. Haha, thanks.

  6. Hmm, the link you gave me said that the video wasn't available. Might Google Video still be processing it?

  7. lol u got rikrol'd lolol

  8. Thanks, I enjoy my user name too. It's how you might say, balling to the extreme maximum, to the degree where it could be considered to be off the hook.

  9. i lyk deaf mute

  10. Haha, I rarely get comments on BZP either. Here's one for you though



  12. Hey, I've been meaning to tell you that I've seen a lot of your intelligent and interesting posts around BZP, and that you're cool. So, I've seen a lot of your intelligent and interesting posts around BZP, and you're cool.

  13. ww youre drawlings r serously the coolest thigs i has ever seen!!!!! kutgw 1000000/10!!!!!

  14. Happy late Beefday.

  15. Ah man, you never finished your awesome Dino Attack story.

    And what Kohran said.

  16. Aerin-sol?

    Hey, I'm reading The Hero and the Crown right now (if that's where you got it from).

  17. Dude, I've been meaning to tell you how awesome the improvements to the BIONICLE sets and names you make in your blog are.

    So yeah, they're awesome!

  18. Hey, just wanted to say that in the Comics-Better or Worse topic, I didn't mean to sound all, "HERETIC!! TRAITOR!!"

    Lol. I actually agree with some of the stuff you said.

  19. If it makes you feel any better... I read your posts. Lol.

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