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Status Updates posted by Disciple

  1. "Oops, I thought one of those "E"s was an "O". Sorry."

    No biggie, sorry if I sounded kinda mean.

  2. I don't remember how I found your profile, probably just stumbled on it while reading the forums.

    What's up?

  3. "if you could watch a fight of a bionicle charecter and a soul calibur charecter who would they be"

    Lewa vs Yoshimitsu

  4. Saw your post in that comedies topic. Sort-of welcome to BZP, hope to see you around the forums.

  5. Welcome to BZPower, dude. Hope you enjoy your stay.

  6. Whoever hacked you deserves to get kicked in the teeth eight times.

  7. I have both Maxilos & Spinax and Hydraxon, and I would recommend the Hydraxon. He's a simple build, but he's got a lot of weapons and a color scheme that really make him stand out from other Titans.

    I think Maxilos looks cool, but he's a bit hard to play with. He's a little off balance because of his feet and the big shoulder armor.

    It really comes down to your

  8. Blink 182 and +44 fan... oh yeahhh... same here.

  9. In your sig, you have "algre," it's "alegre."

  10. Hey Pakiti! Where ya been? Big fan of your Flash work, particularly Bionicle Stick figures. That series was hilarious. I remember back in 2004 me and my best friend would crack up every time Mata-Nui at War reached the part with the "battle music."

    So whatever happened to the MoL spoof?

    Anyway, write back if you get the chance. Later.

  11. You never get on, fool. Lol, later Lee.

  12. Nice avatar, you've had that one for a long time.

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