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About Naed

  • Birthday 11/03/1991

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Aust nui!
  • Interests
    My interests include tv, internet, BIONICLE, food, money! XD I like singers like umm...Christine Anu!, Natalie Grant, Superchic[k] Evanescence, Xtina! Hoorah! I love art and japanese! ^_^ And of course I absolutely love Bzpower! :D<br /><br />Go Jessica Mauboy! I love ya girl!! <br /><br />Keep a look out for any updated art! ;)

Naed's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. Critique and stuff. And that's alright... likely you have more important things to do.

  2. Sorry, what did you mean by review? And Sorry, I probably won't be making any Bionicle related art any time soon, and I'm sorry to those two requests I've had which I haven't gotten around to doing yet >.

  3. Oh, and if you happen to do any more art, I'll likely review it. Since all your "current" topics are past revival date. :P

  4. Your art is rather nice.

  5. Thanks, mate! =D

  6. I love your art!

  7. Hey! Yeah good times =P How've you been?

  8. Hey Naed, 'sup? It's Norikahaga... Remember that one guy who you made the Krahka pic for? <.>

  9. Thanks a lot Philbert! It's really great to know people still appreciate my old Bionicle stuff! =D

    I don't know if I can advertise/put links to other sites here, but I'll give it a shot! My DA account is at deviantart.com/diin-kun I think.

  10. Woah.

    I just found all your art on Brickshelf. It's simply amazing.

  11. Thanks guys! Wow, I haven't been on here in yonks, eh! =P DA's taken over my life haha.

  12. Happy birthday, Dean. ^.^

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