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Status Updates posted by KKN_GN

  1. Hi ise601, it's nice to hear people commenting on my profile. Just one question: why do you think I am affiliated with the KKK? I can assure you that I am not, as I do not support racism in any way. Could you please clarify this for me? I would be happy to provide an explanation, and to fix whatever has been misread, as I do not want to be associated with this. Thank you!

  2. It's down at the bottom of the forum pages, Josie - Invision or BZP Classic.

  3. Hey, I finally figured out that if I switched skins I can actually use this stuff. >> Hooray me, who is never here. Eh heh.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes (despite the fact I'm rather late in thanking you)!

    STHX ... neither. Sorry. Guess again - it's not actually a reference to anything, other than the fact that I like the phrase.

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