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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. Exactly, try to enjoy it whatever way you can. If it brings you no joy, you're not obligated to carry on.


    It used to. Until those who accused Moffat of sexism and everything walked into my life. I was naive enough to believe them and spread those evil rumours about. Then the Whovians I surrounded myself with accused me of enjoying watching the show in a state of prejudiced ire and indignation. Which is a strawman if I ever heard one! The worst part is that they were right... that was just for one episode though. I couldn't enjoy "Dark Water" because I knew that Missy would reveal herself as the Master at the end, but in hindsight, it was actually pretty good, in spite of how it upset quite a few people for other reasons. "Death in Heaven", though, blew the opportunity it had and effectively killed the show for me.


    I tried though, I really did. Moffat's not a bad person, but I'm afraid to say I couldn't grant him free passage for everything he's written based on what he's done for the Doctor Who community - which apparently boils down to bringing in a ton of people whose first (and possibly only) experience with the show is the Matt Smith run, causing a ridiculous divide among viewers, and generally bringing nothing but hostility and bad times for everyone involved. It's no fun facing that, but it's how I see it. (But hey - he got an OBE for it!)


    Thanks... that helps a bit. But there's still the fact that "Listen" is slated for a Hugo award, and I'm like the only one who's too incompetent to get it! From what I can gather, it's about facing the fear of things that aren't there... but knowing my luck, I'm probably wrong. Also, I have the nagging feeling that the barn scene may have carried unfortunate long-term implications.

    Sorry… why?



    Well... his older self is next door; one little alteration can have a massive impact.


    I'm so sorry, I felt that what I asked had to be asked... but - what even is that a box of????


    Not sure why my post was deleted along with yours, but I previously said that I think there are squirt guns in there, as the box seems to be advertizing.



    In that case, my error is greatly compounded. Curse my dirty mind, I don't know what I was inhaling to put that out! Especially here!

  4. Thanks... that helps a bit. But there's still the fact that "Listen" is slated for a Hugo award, and I'm like the only one who's too incompetent to get it! From what I can gather, it's about facing the fear of things that aren't there... but knowing my luck, I'm probably wrong. Also, I have the nagging feeling that the barn scene may have carried unfortunate long-term implications.

  5. I feel disgusting for being a Whovian again... I just don't understand this show anymore! Quite apart from the fact that I have 47 years of continuity to catch up on, I've shown on multiple occasions that I'm just not smart enough for it. In fact, I'm too stupid for it! And what is so strange is that I didn't have this problem before. I think those years reading Sinfest have caused my brain to degenerate and me to lose my comprehension of this show just like Frank Miller misplaced his understanding of Batman. I... even came up with an original character for the Whoniverse, but I don't even understand him as well as I should!


    ...I'm still gonna get the Lego sets though.

    • Upvote 2

    The Cybermen can't convert all species. They'd be powerless against things like the Daleks if they didn't have some kind of weapon on them. A blaster of sorts also helps against physical objects in your way.


    I actually think they won't give any explanation. They rarely have before with the Master.

    Good point, but I meant that if Missy could be converted (and according to Nightmare in Silver, Time Lords can be), there would be no reason to vaporize her. But of course Moffat could just ignore that and hand-wave it away. I hope not, but he could.



    Oh, he will, I'm sure of it! He said so himself; he's effectively exploiting one of the weaknesses of the early JNT era, potentially transplanting it into his own.

  7. Here's a shortlist of my favourites:

    • ashens
    • Caddicarus
    • Eddsworld
    • HelloGreedo
    • HowToBasic
    • JonTronShow
    • Larry Bundy Jr
    • Lazy Game Reviews
    • League of Super Critics
    • Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall
    • TheMysteriousMrEnter
    • PushingUpRoses
    • brutalmoose
    • PeanutButterGamer

    Splendid people - all of them.

    • Upvote 2
  8. It's funny, but.. in the short time I've known Tadashi I've fallen completely head-over-heels in love with him. He seemed like a nice guy. But since he's... you know, dead-ish... and fiction... that makes things a bit difficult. :(

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