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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. I say it wouldn't be financially sound, but... in my latest spending spree, I did it anyway!


    Hopefully it was the Blu-Ray so you avoid those pesky region code problems!



    It was, and I loved it!


    ...reading those IMDb reviews hurt. :(

  2. I was surprised to find that this film comes from one of Marvel's properties - and that it's VASTLY different from it! Another thing is that we were next to last to get it in theatres. It'll probably be summer by the time it gets its home release, and the US already has one! I'm tempted to buy a copy from there, but I don't think that'd be financially sound...


    I say it wouldn't be financially sound, but... in my latest spending spree, I did it anyway! This way I won't have lost interest in the whole thing by the time I get my copy. ...it won't get me in trouble, will it?

  3. Well - I think I'm becoming disconnected from it. Series 8 proved to me that Moffat has run out of ideas, amongst... other things. I pitched this to other Whovians - and they promptly ganged up on me. Only when I learned that it's only a band of people known as SJWs who resent him that I realised what I got myself into. They poisoned me with their petty, feeble quibbling, and I don't know what to think anymore.

    Also, one of them accused me of being a bad Whovian! He said I wouldn't even know what the name of the 100th episode of the classic series was! Apparently I professed the show to be my fanatical interest. But no... I know a lot more about Star Trek than I do Doctor Who.

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