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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. I remember seeing the 2003 version of The Cat in the Hat when I was little. I didn't get many of the jokes back then, but now I'm older... I have to say, it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life! Somehow it even hypnotised my sister into thinking the SLOW was in the book somewhere!!


    Jim Carrey's The Grinch was far better - and a lot more dignified!

  2. Did anyone else catch the little extra episode "The Five-ish Doctors" they aired during 'the after party'? It was a fun little romp and I can probably talk about it without throwing spoilers around everywhere :P


    I've seen a little bit, but haven't quite managed to catch it yet.

  3. The Avoncroft Museum have been holding a day dedicated to Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary today, and they had it all: joining their original Police Box, they got full-scale Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, much classic memorabilia - they even got John Leeson, the voice of K-9! I got his autograph! And another from Bob Baker (not only K-9's creator, but also a scriptwriter for Wallace & Gromit - speaking of a Grand Day Out!) On top of all that they also put on a little show narrated by the War Doctor, featuring 7, 9, 10 and 11. I must've spent at least £100 on several books, and a LIMITED EDITION of the Big Finish audio drama "The Light at the End", which features all the surviving Doctors and companions from the original series. It came with several discs and a booklet... this whole day has been a blast!

  4. snapback.png

    -Cannibal Holocaust

    Horrific imagery, most of which was NOT staged

    Oh God... oh God... that one nearly drove me insane... and I only watched a review! :crying:


    ^ Oh, man, Titanic: The Animated Musical... I remember watching that review and wondering how something so awful could have possibly even been filmed. Never heard of the other animated musical, though.

    Oh, gosh. I just watched Nostalgia Critic's review of the other musical. Why... just... why. :crying:

    And I honestly thought that octopus was going to haunt my nightmares! And the ending - what a cop-out! :cry:

  5. Am I allowed to mention this one? I subjected myself to the very rare and extraordinarily pornographic film Caligula. Though it was the "pre-release" version I watched which deleted most of the explicit scenes, it still needed a lot of work before it even began to represent what Gore Vidal had written. All a clash between three creative minds. And anyway I started to miss Peter O'Toole and John Gielgud near the end.

  6. Ah, I see.


    It also occurs to me that this year is the latest time point in Dimensions in Time. And so much has changed in Albert Square to make that special totally inaccurate! Both Pauline and Kathy are dead, for one thing. And the Queen Vic was rebuilt. But at least Sharon's there at the right time....

  7. The only bright side to all this is that no-one will read my negative jibe at Monty Python's later work. (I'm actually starting to like a lot of their work - at least, what I've seen so far - and since The Life of Brian is in the Criterion Collection, it's for good reason!)


    And while I think of it, nobody will see how I single-handedly ended a comedy with a misunderstanding... I didn't know that was just a joke!

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