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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. Sorry, I have to get this off my chest.. ahem.


    PONY.MOV is - as to quote Roger Ebert - sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash. It... just is. Partially because of the extreme graphic language, but mainly because it's so... tasteless... and just doesn't do the show justice. Though I submit that it's not the worst parody I've ever seen, but that makes it all the more shameful!

  2. One of my own. I sneezed at the time I was writing the post, so I put that sneeze in there.


    ziplip.gif Hello? ziplip.gifIs anybody... wacko.gif ah...Ahh... AHHH CHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ...there?Please continue...


    I don't know how I got away with something like that!

  3. http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1

    This gives you an error.

    nav_m.gif Board Message

    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

    The error returned was:

    Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.

    Hmph. *continues pressing buttons* The first one that is readable seems to be topic 193, right here :P
    The rules topic is not it. That's topic 29771. :P
    My theory is that the first 192 topics were ported over from BZCommunity and are thus lost, but we need Dimensioneer to confirm it.



    Good grief, how are those archived pages still viewable?! They're supposed to be permanently lost, aren't they?




    Oh, G - now what??!




    How does that even happen.


    Maybe reinstalling it might fix it...?




    It did - temporarily. But when I ran it a second time, the text glitched up AGAIN! I'm REALLY starting to hate this game now! > :(


    Do you have a resource pack installed? If not, well...minecraft is being mean. all I can say is report it as a bug and maybe it'll get fixed.



    Yeah, I did. Having removed it... the text is back to normal now! At least... temporarily.

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