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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. Cheer up, Brian.... you know what they say:some things in life are bad. They can really make you mad. Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble; give a whistle! and this'll help things turn out for the best. And... always look on the bright side of life...

  2. Oh bugger! It keeps starting over for me whenever I leave the game. :( Ah! Figures I should've been logged in first. Off we go again! ^_^

  3. I'll tell you what though, the closing ceremonies were good. Eric Idle sang "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", only my favourite Monty Python song! ^^ He also added in an extra verse - did you spot it?Hey - the new version is on the official soundtrack too! :biggrin:

  4. Oh! I just had a thought! What about the circular Matoran hieroglyphics? Won't those be on the signs and whatnot?
    I bet if you just changed the font in the game file, you could have those. If that's possible, of course.
    Yeah, that's the idea!
  5. Well, this should be okay to revive a bit, just because 1.3 came out! I'm going to start working on coding the Toa Armor without powers, and I'll work on the Matoran. Anyone want to help?
    Unfortunately, I can't code at all. but I could test it out when you have progress.
    Oh yes, that reminds me; I'd love to be a tester! That's if you're taking them, of course.
  6. Thanks for reminding me.Windows operating systems follow a simple cycle in terms of quality. Every other operating system is a disaster.-Windows 95 was terrible.-Windows 98 was good.-Windows ME was terrible.-Windows XP was good.-Windows Vista was terrible.-Windows 7 is good.-Windows 8 was apparently coded by interns.
    Some people say the same about the Star Trek films.
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