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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. The original jingles for BBC Radio 1 were stolen from a pirate station name of Radio London!! They just changed the words! You only have to compare the two sets to see where I'm getting at. I think Radio London got their jingles off a station in Dallas, but I'm not sure where....

  2. Around the...darker corners of the internet, it is possible to obtain what is known a ROM of a game - basically, a copy of the game that, with a program known as an emulator, can be played on a PC. Convenient though this may be, it's straight-up illegal.
    A ROM is nothing more than a snapshot of the game's cartridge. Like you said, it's possible to get a ROM illegally off the internet, but you can get the ROM yourself straight from the cartridge with the proper hardware, which is legal.
    Same goes for BIOS, unless I'm mistaken. Of course it's not all as easy as it looks....
  3. (The title sequence for The Good Life plays, and Vyvyan tears it down)Vyvyan: NO! NO! NO! NO! WE ARE NOT WATCHING THE B---DY GOOD LIFE! B---DY! B---DY! B---DY!! I HATE IT! IT'S SO B---DY NICE! FELICITY "TREACLE" KENDALL, AND RICHARD "SUGAR-FLAVOURED-SNOT" BRIARS! WHAT DO THEY DO NOW! CHOCOLATE B---DY BUTTON ADS, THAT'S WHAT! THEY'RE NOTHING BUT A COUPLE OF REACTIONARY STEREOTYPES, CONFIRMING THE MYTH THAT EVERYONE IN BRITAIN IS A LOVABLE, MIDDLE-CLASS ECCENTRIC - AND I - HATE - THEM!!!!!!!Mike: (as he collapses on the couch, exhausted) That was a highly articulate outburst, Vyvyan. I only hope they're not watching.~ The Young Ones - "Sick"

  4. Alright, I might as well admit it. I am scared of Minecraft! Even on the Peaceful difficulty it terrifies me! I'm afraid of spiders' dens in abandoned mineshafts, I'm afraid of enemy mobs, I'm afraid of slimes, I'm afraid of being trapped under blocks and suffocating, I'm afraid of the Void, I'm afraid of lava and catching fire, I'm afraid of pistons (to an extent), I'm afraid of giant mushrooms... of course it's not so bad when I watch videos of it! Just....
    And yet, you forgot to mention the scariest thing of all...scaled.php?server=580&filename=scoming1440x900.png&res=landing-MT
    Oh yes, him too! I don't dare to use that Herobrine moderator and things.
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