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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. Max: This doesn't look like the Lincoln tunnel, SamSam: Looks like a marginally vulnerable hostage situation, Max.Max: Ooooh! Does this mean we get to kick some puffy white mad scientist butt?Sam: Can't think of a reason not to.~ Sam & Max Hit the Road (yay! :happydance: Someone's gotta teach me the things around this series.)

  2. "Wow! van Gogh cut off his ear for the woman he loved"No he didn't!! He severed his ear in a stroke of madness when Gaugin told him he'd abandoned their collaboration and was about to leave Paris.And speaking of van Gogh... he never committed suicide after all. A kid shot him on accident!

  3. The Reader: Finally... Solitude. I can read books for all eternity...(the Reader's glasses fall off and are broken)The Reader: It's not fair!! IT'S NOT - Oh, well, my eyes aren't that bad.. I can still read the large print books...(the Reader's eyes fall out!)The Reader: IT'S NOT - Oh well, lucky I know Braille.(the Reader's hands fall off! He screams loudly, only for his tongue to fall out of his mouth! Then his head falls off his shoulders!)The Reader: Hmmm. Look at that weird mirror.Try and guess! :vampire:

  4. Pvt. Widdle: I didn't ask to come on this job, and I don't know why he picked me!Sgt. Maj. Macnutt: I chose you, Widdle, because if anything was to go wrong... I COULDN'T THINK OF ANYONE I'D RATHER IT GO WRONG TO!!!!~ Carry On Up the KhyberMore as they come to me!

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