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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. I'm tempted to try a new world on Hardcore mode, but - well, I scare easily... I got a nasty shock when I was jumped by cave spiders and creepers. I'm not sure I can take on these hostile mobs, they turn up when you least expect them. Another one of these shocks would give me a heart attack!

    To be frank you don't sound like you can handle a world on any difficulty other than peaceful. However I wouldn't do hardcore mode anyway since having to delete my world, after all the effort I put into building a cool base, would be gut wrenching.
    Yeah... I'm more the Creative type than Survival. That said I'd like to try Adventure mode when it arrives!
  2. I'm tempted to try a new world on Hardcore mode, but - well, I scare easily... I got a nasty shock when I was jumped by cave spiders and creepers. I'm not sure I can take on these hostile mobs, they turn up when you least expect them. Another one of these shocks would give me a heart attack!

  3. Sometimes it's easier to let Cleverbot do the talking.Cleverbot: I'm singing in the rain.Cleverbot (To myself): Is it raining where you are?Cleverbot (To myself): Just singing in the rain.Cleverbot (To myself): What a glorious feeling.Cleverbot (To myself): Just sining in the rain.Cleverbot (To myself): I'm happy again.Cleverbot (To myself): I'm laughing at clouds.Cleverbot (To myself): Little do you know I'm laughing at you too.Cleverbot (To myself): Perhaps. And likewise to you.Hm. Short attention span?!

  4. On the subject of British comedy, most of Monty Python, with the exception of Holy Grail, is pretty underrated and forgotten. Life of Brian would've gotten a little more recognition if they hadn't thrown in all that totally unneccisary dirty "humor" that killed it. Meaning of Life.... :dontgetit: uh.....no comment. Don't see it if you want to keep your eyes (and ears) from catching on fire. But all their TV episodes are priceless, and again, underrated beyond the Spanish Inquisition and the parrot sketch.

    And on that note, I'd put Meaning of Life down for a great underrated movie. Yeah, the other two had more of a "plot" (and Life of Brian is utterly fantastic), but Meaning of Life, to me, always seemed to most fundamentally Pythonesque of all the movies. The whole point of Flying Circus was just to be surrealist and absurd, and in that manner Meaning of Life feels like an episode of the TV show given the proper budget to just be as ridiculous as it can be (Which, to be fair, they sort of did with Something Completely Different, but that was just adaptions of sketches from the show so it doesn't really count). Plus, it has two of my favorite songs from the Pythons, and Gilliam's short at the beginning is a great addition.And really, if you don't like "dirty" or "adult" humor you really shouldn't be watching the Pythons. Dear god, I don't even want to imagine how utterly neutered they would be if they were anything even resembling wholesome.
    "Dirty" nothing - if you ask me, the humour in Meaning of Life is well over the top! The Carry On films at least used double ontondres... entendres... however you spell it. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/blush.png Now the Pythons - they didn't even try to be so implicit! Was a sex-ed lesson on the silver screen really necessary? If I'm honest, I liked 'em better when they didn't cuss :bored: - if ever there was such a time.That said, I AM fond of one of Eric's songs - "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life". It works so well, it turns out!That out of the way, I see the Carry On films as fairly underrated myself.
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