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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. Oh no... I've read right through this topic, what most of us thought....I thought we all felt something... I know I felt it... through all of the best social experience of my life I was being immature about this fandom?! That more people despise it than embrace it?! I am so stupid! By now, I should have learned: one hater is worth 10,000 of a lover!I was a fool to believe being a Brony would make a difference. Nothing makes any difference! Once a loser, always a loser!I give up. I've had it with being a Brony! It's just not worth it! I'm going where no pony will ever frustrate me again!..

    Screw the haters and love what you love. If they don't like you for what you enjoy then it's their problem, you shouldn't have to succumb to their wishes simply because they don't enjoy the same things you do.Just take their hatred and scoff at it because we all know that hating somebody because of what they enjoy is just stupid and gets them nowhere. Their burning hatred should be the flame that fuels your passion for what you enjoy, nothing more.But if you really want to leave a fandom because of what other people think about you, then fine. Be my guest. :)
    "But if I'm a fan of My Little Pony, the people on the internet won't think I'm cool!"
    Now that's not true! I'm doing it for my own protection! It's one less thing to worry about anyway.
    Protection from what?
    From people trying to kill us, that's what!
  2. Oh no... I've read right through this topic, what most of us thought....I thought we all felt something... I know I felt it... through all of the best social experience of my life I was being immature about this fandom?! That more people despise it than embrace it?! I am so stupid! By now, I should have learned: one hater is worth 10,000 of a lover!I was a fool to believe being a Brony would make a difference. Nothing makes any difference! Once a loser, always a loser!I give up. I've had it with being a Brony! It's just not worth it! I'm going where no pony will ever frustrate me again!..

    Screw the haters and love what you love. If they don't like you for what you enjoy then it's their problem, you shouldn't have to succumb to their wishes simply because they don't enjoy the same things you do.Just take their hatred and scoff at it because we all know that hating somebody because of what they enjoy is just stupid and gets them nowhere. Their burning hatred should be the flame that fuels your passion for what you enjoy, nothing more.But if you really want to leave a fandom because of what other people think about you, then fine. Be my guest. :)
    "But if I'm a fan of My Little Pony, the people on the internet won't think I'm cool!"
    Now that's not true! I'm doing it for my own protection! It's one less thing to worry about anyway.
  3. Oh no... I've read right through this topic, what most of us thought....I thought we all felt something... I know I felt it... through all of the best social experience of my life I was being immature about this fandom?! That more people despise it than embrace it?! I am so stupid! By now, I should have learned: one hater is worth 10,000 of a lover!I was a fool to believe being a Brony would make a difference. Nothing makes any difference! Once a loser, always a loser!I give up. I've had it with being a Brony! It's just not worth it! I'm going where no pony will ever frustrate me again!..

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