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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. Here is a random fact, though how useless i do not know. Depends.


    One of the main plans for Adolf Hitler's plans for his victory of World War 2 was the destruction of Christianity. He was planning to attempt to wipe it off the planet  because it was too meek and peaceful for his vision for a German dominated Earth. Too 'weak' for the mighty 'Pure German' race. To befit his pure, invincible war-driven super race and nation, he was going to replace the religion of his people from Christianity to a fabricated  German-facist centered hybrid of Warrior Shintoism and Islam. He may have been raised a Catholic, but that certainly didn't leave any trace of pacifism into his adult life.


    If that sounds crazy, well, it is, because not only was he a psychopath, but Adolf Hitler also had syphilis, tinnitus and took cocaine, as well as many other diseases and drugs. [The] man was a walking biohazard, and his crazy, ill and melting brain made him make erratic and illogical decisions, such as, for example, never accepting the demands of his generals to make tactical withdraws and better plan military maneuvers. By the mid 1940's he was popping pills all the time and God knows what else. 


    Anyway, glad that didn't happen, yet. Merry Christmas everyone!


    Hitler was actually a pretty useless dictator while he was working too. Did you know he used to sleep in till noon, infuriating his subordinates?

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