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Posts posted by CHTrilogy


    What is it about Disney specifically that draws your ire, though? I mean, I know that they're a huge mega-corporation, but so are most of the other entertainment companies that LEGO has had licenses with, like Sony and Time Warner.


    To my knowledge, none of those other companies have had ties with the illuminati. For all we know, Disney might even /be/ to illuminati, seeing how there isn't solid evidence of it in other companies.



    Really??!! Ah, well it is a highly secretive organisation. They wouldn't know if they were.


  2. My brother just came home. I told him about this topic, and he told me that Adolf Hitler only played white when he played checkers. Another fun fact: he only had one testicle.



    Something tells me that last fact is just an urban myth. I dunno.


    Speaking of Hitler though... did you know that Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was one of his favourite movies? Apparently he had a personal print of the film for his library and drew some of the earliest instances of fan art of it. Bet you wish you never knew that now!


    Speaking of Disney... have you noticed that the opening credits song in Robin Hood becomes the infamous "Hampster Dance" when sped up?

  3. Is there a possibility that the Bionicle movies will get some kind of Blu-ray release? How would you feel about it? I'd buy it; seeing the trilogy in particular would be doubly awesome in HD.

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  4. ...You're... against... new people... enjoying... a show...???????


    What? No, that's just stupid! But I will be against it if all they're going to do is complain when the next showrunner comes along! And, as you say, they will!

  5. Don't make me laugh! I suspect it was BBC America getting up to date with new episodes that had to do with that more so than the show itself. Furthermore, while this is not always the case, many of these new viewers just watch Moffat's series and nothing else beyond that, and go around complaining that the classic series is the worst because it's the most boringest one. Not the finest addition to the Whovian community. This fanbase is evidently not worth Moffat's respect either, seeing as he's lashed out at them in the past. So honestly, what has Steven Moffat really done for Doctor Who? Brought in a ton of kids whose first and only experience with Who is the Matt Smith era, caused a ridiculous divide among the fans, and generally brought nothing but hostility and bad times for everyone involved. I highly doubt anyone's going to call that anything but harmful!

  6. You know, I never really thought about it before... at the time, I was willing to give them a pass and see what they do with them. The Hau was like a grander version of the original, and the rest kind of... went off on their own tangent. But thinking about it now, yes, the Pakari does rub me the wrong way.

  7. Well it wasn't that bad, in fact I have some nostalgia for it. So let's say, I dunno.... well, just that DotD was disappointing. This guy sums my issues with it up better than I can. (I don't know if this link is allowed or not?)


    It also explains why I cannot accept the whole "12th Doctor, 14th Incarnation" thing. Capaldi is the 14th Doctor, and nothing can convince me otherwise! And such a waste too, because John Hurt would've been an awesome present-day Doctor. (Not to mention he survived not one but two Chestbursters!)


    And the sad thing about it is, there definitely was a real party in the air at the time, even I felt it (this was when I was in denial). Sure, it felt like a celebration... but not of the last 50 years.


    "An Adventure in Space and Time" was better, and so is "The Light at the End". Maybe.

  8. Heck Bent



    Disappointing. Gallifrey was completely underused- and trust Moffat to just handwave away how the Time Lords got out of the pocket universe, which is even worse since he said that we would be revisiting Capaldi's scene in DoTD in this episode



    New Sonic gets a thumbs-down from me. Looks like a lightsaber. Clara return gets a massive thumbs-down for me- it completely cut off the Doctor's emotional reaction to her death back in Face the Raven. Vanilla TARDIS gets a thumbs-up. As with the rest of this series, Ashildr's become better every time we see her, which I like- by now she's actually an interesting character, instead of the naive Viking she was in The Girl Who Died.





    Marvelous! I knew Moffat would screw it up! Now her death means nothing - just like all the others!



    There's been another thing playing on my mind... I can't be the only one who thinks Day of the Doctor was the most disappointing thing since The Phantom Menace?

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