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Posts posted by CHTrilogy

  1. I know; I actually don't look for these flaws, but... that hurt me. It did. And the saddest part is that people thought it was just a harmless jibe, and one even called me an idiot over it! They must've been trying hard to bring out the worst in me, and they succeeded across the board.

  2. I wasn't even going to mention this, but I feel that I have to. You know how bisexuals are reduced to rejection and loneliness? It's Moffat's fault. He said that bi people don't need representation on TV because they are "having too much fun" and don't have time for TV. Implying they fool around too much for it.


    Awesome attitude. JERK!

  3. I'VE RECENTLY DISCOVERED THERE'S A PARAPPA THE RAPPER ANIME. It has quite possibly the catchiest opening music to any show ever.


    There isn't much rapping though.


    I like to think it's stuff that happened before PaRappa actually became a rapper.


    And only a few episodes have subtitles. For everything else I have to guess what's going on.

  4. You want to know what their attitude towards my opinions is? One of them possibly helped to shed some light with: "I know someone on here who HATES Doctor Who so much that he still buys the boxsets. But refuses to watch them. That'll teach 'em!"

    Allow me to translate thusly: "Haters gonna hate. And then haters are going to buy the boxsets and keep complaining." Which itself becomes "We don't care if you hate it, you will buy whatever junk the BBC puts out there anyways."

    It seems to me that the show's fans could never respect the show's fans, which also means me due to my disagreements with them. I haven't enjoyed a single moment of Who since Dark Water and they accuse me of watching the whole thing out of prejudiced ire. I HATE THIS FANBASE, I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I -

    Sorry about that, but this whole thing just angers me to my core every time I even think about it.

  5. Oh, but that's only part of the reason why I gave up on this show. The other part being that everyone else made a fool out of me when I presented my opinions to them! I expected as much from them; they always want to be the correct one and everyone who voices their opinions are peasants and wrong...


    So I said screw it. I don't even understand this show anymore, and I've learned to hate the revival over the last two years. (Yes, RTD is a guilty party, too!)

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