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Tortuga Turaga

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tortuga Turaga

  1. Happy (late) Birthday Tortuga! You're getting all grown up now (or so you'd like to think). I see you have a (somewhat) interesting birthday, too. Hope you enjoyed it. (Poor poor Arnie. If only he knew...)


    You should so buy Maxilos and Spinax (and tell me if you find it in a store). (Much) better than the other Titans.


    Good luck in your results! I'm sure you'll do fine (well, possibly...maybe...perhaps...who knows). I'm certain you'll do better in them than I will in my AS levels (come out thursday. Eep!). If you turn up to sixth form next year with less than 5 A*s, you DIE! (although I might just kill you anyway for the fun of it...)


    See you in September!

    Thanks. The trouble with Maxilos and Spinax is that they're £10 more expensive but I haven't completely made up my mind, it might be better to stick with Hydraxon and/or Halhi and buy Max & Spin when they're on offer. Good luck with the AS results.
  2. My first impressions from the image was that it looked like a large, beefed up launcher that was highly impractical, but I read on and found out that I was completely and utterly wrong. A truly superb launcher both technically and in appearance. The firing capabilities are astounding. An amazing Moc, 10/10!




  3. Sounds like you're having a good time for the moment. It's great when exams are over, isn't it? A shame you still have the real ones and more mocks to go. :P


    I hope you enjoyed your birthday and enjoy your trip Dorset, if that is indeed where you are going. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Toa Matoro set to steal.

    Thanks. The first comment I've had for my blog, Yay! Going green about my Matoro are we, hehehe. I shall keep it locked in a safe in a 30ft thick concrete bunker full of fancy security system :P :alert: :sly: ... or in my bedroom which is easier. Well as you said you've done your GCSEs and I'm envious of you because of that so I guess we're even. So your still around BZP quite allot, have you lost your interest in bionicle, if so why are you still on BZP so often? I hope your having a good long summer holiday (yes, I'm envious of you having your extra study leave too perhaps that explains my green writing).



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