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Black Six

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BioniLUG Members Year 22

About Black Six

Profile Information

  • Location
    Maryland, USA
  • Interests
    Lego and Bionicle, obviously.
    Authors: Tolkien, Douglas Adams, PKD, & Asimov
    Video Games: Bungie, Blizzard, Bioware, and Harmonix games, Plants vs Zombies
    Computers: Macs, specifically my PowerMac G5 and MacBook Pro
    TV/Movies: Farscape, Stargate, Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Burn Notice, Monty Python, The Matrix, Star Wars, Star Trek
    Music: Harry Chapin, Billy Joel, The Beatles, The Eagles, The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen, Trocadero, other classic rock, classical, soundtracks (Halo, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc)

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  1. hey black six, its good to se another american that likes doctor who!!! :D

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