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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Did you ever try talking to them? Maybe they're misunderstood?
  2. I'm always disappointed by the halftime show at the Super Bowl. It seems to be my own little tradition. Not that I try to be, it just leaves a somewhat sour taste in my mouth, and is the reason I dislike live concerts. I'm used to the listening to recordings. I remember when some band played. A guitarists hand slipped of the guitar for a few seconds, yet the guitar music was still playing....
  3. Apparently so. Link I had no Idea they would make another one so soon! The trailer looked cool, and the new sets look great animated. Can't wait to see it. Hopefully it'll be good.
  4. It's karma for your teasing silly.
  5. Brappy Hour


    I can't imagine how you came up with this stuff.
  6. Last night, I had a dream that I was at BrickFair again. I was having lots of fun, and I was getting to know all the people I met before better, it felt so real! but then....... We were stuck in a motel, defending ourselves against Necromorphs..... I was really nervous, and scared for everyone. Black Six was in charge. Everyone wanted to leave and try their best and get away, but I tried to urge them to stay.... Then I woke up.... Thank God. I guess that's my punishment for playing too much Dead Space 2. If you don't know what a Necromorph is, then consider yourself lucky. Sorry if I creeped you out. I just had to tell someone.
  7. You're not Resev anymore! =0

  8. Cool beans. Best of luck with that. =)

  9. Has it really been that long? Time sure does fly by. For me at least.
  10. I'm sorry about that. =(

  11. Well....

    Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?

  12. What happened to your podcast? =o

  13. Senjo - Skirmishers are like gnats. They jump around and are very annoying. It's a great pleasure to drop em. Sisen - Couldn't hurt! Noble 6 is a good figure. He's driving my Warthog right now.
  14. It's so hard to make the Skirmisher stand! :angry: This CQC came with a pistol, and I'm sure his hands are the same as the others.
  15. Yup, Found some cool Halo figures tonight, and my buddy Gekonator asked me to upload some pics. So I did! Skirmisher Spartan CQC Steel And some other figures I got a while ago. Grunt Spartan Hazop Olive
  16. Ah. Can't remember all the great things you do?
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