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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. No problem. Sorry I scared you away.
  2. I think it's limited edition. So $80. Normal would be $60.
  3. Recently, I discovered that I was running out of memory for content on my Xbox 360 hard drive. So I thought I might as well get a slim and upgrade, instead of getting another hard drive. If I was going to get any 360 slim, I wanted the Halo Reach one, but I didn't want to pay $600 on eBay for it. I went to all the big stores today looking for it. All the techies were like, "It's been sold out forever". So that was discouraging. The last store was Best Buy. I looked at the consoles and didn't see it. I was frustrated and wanted to leave, but my dad was with me, and asked an employee if they had any. It turns out that while sorting out the Kinexts 2 days before. They found a Halo Reach console hidden behind them, and put it on the front desk of the store for product showcase. I was blown away in excitement. I had found what I had been looking for. Thanks Dad. The bad news is.... I'm just about broke. Does anyone want to buy a Xbox 360 classic with 2 controllers? Or a copy of Halo Reach?
  4. Brappy Hour

    Need New Music

    Halo 3 ODST. Please trust me on this.
  5. I made one.... But I don't have a camera... or mike...

  6. It won't work on laptop! Maybe on new PC though? =o

  7. It's alright. You don't have to be on all the time.
  8. The back of my head makes a guest appearance.
  9. Yes. I got a shining Raikou today at Gamestop. I was dumb enough to not figure out that you had to pre-order Pokemon Black or White to get the shining dogs. Whatever. I was going to get the game eventually anyway. You need all three shining doggies to unlock a certain Pokemon in White & Black. So I guess it's worth a $5 payment. Maybe I can hold on to it just in case Nikira needs it.
  10. Brappy Hour

    Transformers Animated

    I thought it was entertaining. I liked it more than Energon, or Cybertron.
  11. Are you ready to go back to being a male yet? =P

  12. What do you mean by that good sir?
  13. You should ask Lady K, or Nikira, or Nukaya. Cause they're awesome.
  14. Brappy Hour


    Yeah...........Wait, what?
  15. Brappy Hour

    Dear Bzp

    They're just getting over their New Years Soda Pop.
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