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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Vapours Trail Part One Professor Nathaniel Zib looked away from his work for a brief moment. He felt as though his main processor would explode. Even though Von Nebula and four of his henchbots had been captured, and a major threat had been lifted. There were still criminals to find, and crimes to stop. One of these criminals was a bad bot named Vapour, who was said to be one of Von Nebulas remaining henchbots. Being affiliated with Von Nebula, Hero Factory HQ had decided to post him near the top of their most wanted list. Any information or sightings of Vapour were to be reported directly to Zib and Quaddle. Any remnants of Von Nebula’s threat had to be dealt with quickly. Zibs holoscreen lit up with a similar light and sound that drew his attention quickly to an alert. “Well I’ll be” he said aloud. Quaddle glanced at him from his own station in curiosity. “ Vapour’s finally been spotted Quaddle. We need to send a Squad to capture him before we lose him.” Zib brought up the Hero grid to find the right squad for this mission. They would need to have experience with dealing with villains of this magnitude. His thoughts went directly to Alpha Team and the new Hero team lead by Furno. He brought up their team status’s hoping for good results. Furno’s team was currently on a mission, and Alpha Team had returned from a mission just over an hour ago. It seemed however that Dunkan Bulk had been recharged since then. “Quaddle?” Zib asked. “Do you think Bulk will be able to bring in Vapour by himself?” Quaddle gave a shrug in uncertainty, and waited for Zibs final decision. There was no choice. Vapour wouldn’t wait forever. “Fine. Bring Bulk here to be mission briefed. He’ll need to be refitted to deal with Vapours chemical weapons.” Quaddle quickly went to work readying the tech needed. “We need to hurry.” Zib said with a hint of desperation in his voice. “So this Von Nebula business can finally be put to rest.”
  2. Brappy Hour


    Even though it's almost the end of 2010, and the one thing that brought us together ended this year. Lets not think of the sadness that endings bring, but the beginnings that brought us to the things that we loved and enjoyed. Here's to a brand new year, and more joyous beginnings. Happy New Year!
  3. Every single Hero Factory villain has some black on em.
  4. Oh no. I would never get in your way Mr. EW.
  5. Not really. They're actually the sets for next year. So it's 2011.
  6. Fair enough. I hope you don't mind if I celebrate it for his birth though. Awful emote removed. -EW
  7. WARNING: This review has a good amount of nitpicking. Please don't take my opinion too seriously. Heroes: The Heroes were a mixed bag of hits and misses. How about positives first? I thought that the personal armor decals were a cool idea, and I like the new armor and how they connect to the new joints. I think what everyone is most excited about is the return of the color Purple. Which we haven't seen since 2001. The weapons seemed weird to me. Shields with spikes and tubes? Alright. Breez and Surge are the only two heroes with two hands. Another things that I'm wondering is why the heads and Hero Cores aren't see through anymore. It's kinda saddening to see them go. The headgear doesn't seem necessary, especially when you can't even recognize Breez as a Female anymore. My biggest problem is the random armor placement. This is probably the most random armor placement I've ever seen. My guess is that someone complained so much about how uniform the sets were, and how the Heroes in 2010 looked the same that designers thought. "You want diversity? You got it!", and slapped different armor all over the place. So the only Hero we have that looks close to subtle is Stormer. One more thing is that there's little poseability with the shield weapons. The biggest problem is Furno's right arm. You can't move it up. You have to twist it around to where you can't see the decal anymore. Who thought that was a good idea? Villains: Pretty silly names, but interesting ideas I suppose. They look fun and cool on the box, but sadly there's more to these sets then meets the eye. First of all these Villains aren't even close to being as cool as the 2010 Villains. All of them are a mixture of red, black, silver, and gunmetal gray. Not really any new or interesting weapons. Just claws and flames jutting out of armor. New armor and evil Hero cores I guess, are sprinkled all over. Plus for some reason the Thornax Launcher has been resurrected once again as the Magma Blaster. Nitroblast and Drilldozer have two arms that make just one arm. Not only is this unnecessary, but it limits the one arms movement. The new heads are double sided too, so I guess if you wanted to make different villains in other colors you could. Nitroblast, like Furo has a arm that is unposeable. Armor just covers it in a way that it barley moves. So yeah. The villains this winter kinda suck. Jet Bug's alright though. Fire Lord: Why does every head boss of any LEGO action figure series have to be black? Makuta, Lord Valdek, Von Nebula, and now Fire Lord. Just armor on the side of the legs, and big spot left on the front. No new weapons, and badly placed armor. Probably the worst Titan set ever. These new sets seem almost like a joke. I know LEGO can do better than this. I guess they were just testing out how the new joints and armor would work for kids and builders. I just wish they wouldn't have done it this way. It seems that these sets were made for MOCers more than kids or collectors. What with all the new parts and colors. I don't hate the new sets, I had fun building them like I always have building LEGO and are posing them as I'm writing this review. I'm just disappointed. They look good (most of them), but that doesn't mean they play or pose good. I hope that the summer sets will be a step up from this. Thanks for reading.
  8. As some of you may know my birthday was on the 23rd. So I decided to share a list of what I got then and what I got for Christmas. Hero Factory: Stormer 2.0 Furno 2.0 Nex 2.0 Evo 2.0 Breez 2.0 Surge 2.0 Jetbug Nitroblast Drilldozer Fire Lord Halo: Noble Six figure Noble Team Kit (From my gf TOL!) Ghost (From Gekonater!) Halo Mega Bloks: UNSC Pelican Covenant Locust vs Gauss Hog A TON of minifigs Technology/Games: Car GPS Darksiders New Desktop Computer (for the whole family) Clothes: Usual clothes parents would buy you Star Wars shirt (From Daxter!) Other: A bunch of gift cards/Money And Stocking Stuffers I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and will continue to enjoy the holidays. Until we have to resume our boring normal lives.
  9. May I ask why you do not celebrate it?
  10. What did you do for your Eagle Project?
  11. Glad you got some cool stuff!
  12. Thank you good sir!

  13. Tron was a fun experience for me.
  14. Oh you know. Went to BrickFair, and became a Trusted Trader. =P

  15. I had read the The Chronicles of Narnia series in middle school, but it seems I had forgotten a great deal of what I had read back then. The story to me moved pretty fast, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. The characters were alright, but not astounding. I think the remaining two main characters had a decent amount of character development, but a a lot of it seemed that it was about not being jealous of their older brother or sister. The cousin was annoying at first (I'm guessing he was supposed to be), and of course his character develops as well. Everyone else like Caspian and Aslan were cool but I can't really think of much to say about them. The overall theme of the movie was conquering your fears. Other than that it felt like an island hopping adventure. Each island presented a different challenge that brought the threat of death to our heroes. It felt a little like a video game. The effects were pretty darn good. Characters like minotaurs and other mythical creatures I felt blended in well. So the animation stood out for me. Also the settings and props were nice too. It reminded me of a Harry Potter setting. Like when they use a green screen background. Anyway. My final impression is that the movie was fun and enjoyable, but not very memorable. It feels like it was a story told before, but perhaps those stories were based off of stories like this one. I don't think I would I would have seen it if I weren't invited, but I'm glad I was. If you go to see this movie, I hope you enjoy it.
  16. Well that depends on what you'd like to hear about. ;P

  17. I've been wondering what I can write about. Like stuff I've found or things I've done. I feel like I'm a bland person. I can't come up with witty comments or funny random blogs. It seems all I can do is state my opinions on certain subjects or relay certain information. Maybe it's the aspergers, I don't know. Whatever. I'll share with you what news I've accumulated over time. At BrickFair I ordered some bricks to have my name printed on them. The machine broke and I was told they would send me the finished product in the mail. I waited weeks to months and eventually gave up on them ever coming. Well guess what? They came in November... So I guess they forgot until then, or it takes them 4 months to print on bricks. Just about finished my Dark Hunter Darkness model. Only missing 2 gray Gali hooks for the feet. Trading Topic is doing well. Thankfully every once and a while I'll get a new customer and they keep my topic alive. Almost to 50 pages. Think I might have a contest or something. Played Dead Space to take a brake from Halo Reach. It was great, and now I'm excited about the sequel. Also bought the Halo Reach dlc. Only have 2 dlc achievements right now. A little harder than the original ones. How far away do you have to be for the DMR kill?! Almost done with first semester of college! Only 2 more tests! Lots of other stuff to say, but I think I may have said enough already. I may write more reviews soon for fun. Only time will tell. Thanks for reading. Halo Mega Bloks is cool btw.
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