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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour

    O K

    Minifig hunts are always a trial.
  2. Sorry. Just wanted to say hi.

  3. Brappy Hour


    You'll have to wear a retainer after this.... I stopped wearing mine and my teeth went back after 2 yrs of being in a different direction. So my assumption is that my teeth aren't fixable. I don't think they look that bad though.
  4. Brappy Hour


    Like a piston in your mouth?
  5. Oh goodness. Congrats on your accomplishment!
  6. We'll have to wait and see for Fire Lord. Maybe it's a bad picture angle.
  7. Not too excited about Hero Factory from these pics, but I'm always excited about new figures. Hero's: 2.0 eh? Couldn't think of a Toa Nuva-ish name LEGO? Tisk tisk. You'll loose points for that. I'm disappointed that Stringer and Bulk were shoved off to the sidelines. I liked them more than the other Heroes actually. I'm guessing we won't be seeing them next year even in the story. Stormers alright. He looks like a mini Kopaka. Evo and Nex look interesting. I think it's the first time black isn't around. But hey, purples back! After what, ten years? The Rookies? Goodness. They look awful. How could they make such cool helmets in 2010, and make such ugly ones in 2011? Furno's got goggles, Surge looks like he's wearing headgear from a Jackal Sniper, and Breez looks like a medieval dark knight. Villains: Like this year. The villains look much more fun to build. But also like this year, their names are uninspired. Jetbug. Lol. Reminds me of Stinkfly. Fire Lord isn't as cool as Von Nebula. Doesn't have that cool of a name either. (Even though Von Nebula is a silly name.) If you haven't noticed the theme for the baddies is fire. Just making sure. Why are they still using Thornax Launchers? That's my first impression. Opinion may change over time. Thanks for reading.
  8. I decided to purchase the dvd and see for myself if the successor for Bionicle could have a entertaining movie. Well the movie is episodic, obviously for the reason to make it for tv more than a home movie release. Even if it's not. The Hero Factory movie feels a heck of a lot longer than any Bionicle movie. Just like in The Legend Reborn, the animation was great. What I love the most of all is how close the characters in the movie represent the toys. When I was a kid and watched the first three Bionicle movies, I always imagined how they would have turned out if they had actually animated them like the sets. To my surprise I feel no need to do that with this movie. The voice acting was also surprised me to an extant. The Hero's voices were good choices, but the villains seemed generic and stereotypical. Thunder is strong and dumb, so give him an Russian accent! Yeah... The voice that surprised me and that I never expected was Meltdowns. His voice and actions portrayed him as a smart villain, whereas I thought he would be more on a Devastator intelligence level. My biggest interest was Mark Hamil as Von Nebula. It was an interesting choice, but why him? Whenever I heard him speak. All I could think of was the Joker from Batman The Animated Series. So a hit and miss on voice acting. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The story? Well it seemed to mostly involve Furno's adventures to impress Stormer, and everyone else making references to the Von Ness mission. Ooooooo. What happened on this mission? Well Von Ness ran away when the ###### hit the fan and a giant Bionicle MOC was blowing stuff up. So that makes him a rouge? That makes no sense. He would be more of a wimp than a rogue. The final battle was disappointing too. All that happens is that the villains run out of ammo, and Von Nebulla gets sucked into his black hole staff. That's all. Oh yeah, and Furno becomes the team leader of the rookies. My biggest complaint is Surge. He's just an annoying clone of Berix. Same look, same helmet, same annoying character and voice. So what does all this add up to? Well I enjoyed this movie. I liked how the characters developed, as well as the Hero HQ talk. Of course there was a lot of annoying things like Corroder's laugh, and how no one could hit the broad side of a barn. But hey, it's a kids movie advertising toys. So don't knit pick your brains out. Alright? Well that's my two cents. I hope you enjoyed this review, and thanks for reading.
  9. If I have a question, should I send via PM?
  10. Wellllllll. How are you doing? =D

  11. Brappy Hour

    Shooting Games

    No. Apparently it's the opinions of who likes the 2D or 3D versions of Metroid.
  12. Brappy Hour

    Shooting Games

    When you try to make a shooter game based on a 2D game. A lot of mechanics are created in a attempt to make it so you can do stuff that was possible in a 2D game, and most time people don't enjoy the result. Some games are best left in their original format.
  13. Brappy Hour

    Shooting Games

    How is Metroid a "real" shooting game above others? I was saying that it's better than real shooting games. -Canama Actually, It's not. Not at all.
  14. Brappy Hour

    Gamertag 2.0

    Anyway. Welcome to X-Box Live.
  15. Brappy Hour

    Gamertag 2.0

    So did my suggestion help?
  16. Brappy Hour


    Master Sisen 5isen Captain Sisen Lord Sisen Sorry I don't have more. I haven't learned that much about him from Bleach.
  17. Brappy Hour

    Series 3 Minifigs

    Looks like you're a expert item seeker.
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